
The head of an ugly frost giant flew up and fell to the ground as ice slag.

The brilliance flew around, and the frost giant burst out a huge number of items.

Chen Fan landed on the ground and picked up a dozen player location trackers.

"83, enough."

"Oh, another city building order? Not bad."

[Brother Fan, how is the explosive rate arrangement for this wave? 】

Chen Fan smiled slightly and said, "Very good."

[Brother Fan, I can probably guess what you are going to do. You are probably trying to subdue all the players, right? 】

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and said, "Did you guess it?"

"That's right. This is what the number one player should do. It's an upright conspiracy. It's not hard to guess."

[Brother Fan, your move is... high, impeccable. 】

Chen Fan said: "Okay, I'm going to start the next step."

He pulled out the player list, counted, and there were more than 60 players.

Players who can enter the God's Chosen Land have a high degree of adaptability to this game, but they will inevitably encounter obstacles that they cannot overcome, and they will die in Jiuquan.

Therefore, more than a dozen players died one after another.

However, the players who survived more or less already have some skills.

At present, the two with the lowest power and lowest combat power, one controls three villages, and the other has a combat power of 1280.

And most of the players' combat strength ranged from 5000 to [-].

Chen Fan screened among many players, and finally selected a player from the Extreme North Bear Kingdom, Runner.

From the very beginning of the Forbidden Land game, the runner was one of the luckiest players to draw an A-level ability.

In the primary election, his strength has always been very high.And when it came to God's Chosen Land, although the runner had fallen a bit, it was still in the top [-] at least.

He created the faction, the ice rink.

It's a pity that the site selection is not very good. The ice rink is located in a place surrounded by volcanoes, and the hot climate limits the development of the ice rink.

Chen Fan landed between the ice rinks and saw the runner.

He passed by this volcanic group once when he was drawing a map. At that time, he didn't know that the wheel was here.

Seeing Zhuanlun, Zhuanlun was very enthusiastic.

"Oh, friends of Daxia, God's Chosen Land No.1, welcome to come."

The tall runner gave Chen Fan a big bear hug.

Chen Fan accepted it with a smile, and then said, "I passed by this place before, but I didn't expect you to be here."

Zhuanlun said: "This place is very warm. You know, most of our polar bear country is in a cold place, and I come from a very cold place."

"I really want a warm life. I yearn for the warmth of spring and the blooming of flowers. I want to see green trees every day."

"So, I chose this land to live and build forces."

Chen Fan was stunned. He didn't expect that the runner chose this place for this reason.

He said straight to the point: "I came to you this time to invite you to join the Heavenly Court."

Zhuanlun pondered and said, "Is that the player alliance you created, Heavenly Court?"

"This word has a high status in your Great Xia. Is the nature of your alliance similar to the Blue Star Alliance?"

Chen Fan thought for a while and said, "It can be said that it is, but there are also differences."

"Because my Heavenly Court has absolute real power."

"This real power comes from my absolute strength."

Zhuan Lun frowned, and said, "Oh, Chen Fan, I know you are number one in every aspect, but if you force me to join, I would rather die than surrender."

Chen Fan smiled and said, "What's the matter with forcing? This is an invitation, a sincere invitation."

"You can also refuse."

"To show my sincerity, I will give you a gift first."

Chen Fan took out a map he had drawn, handed it to Zhuanlun, and said, "This is the map of God's Chosen Land that I spent several days drawing."

"Presumably, most players still don't know the structure of God's Chosen Land."

Runner took the map, glanced at it, and was shocked.

"Oh, God, I thought that the geography of this God's Chosen Land is the same as that of Blue Star, but I didn't expect it to be quite different."

Chen Fan said: "The specific size is still the same. This is a living space that relies on Blue Star."

Zhuanlun said: "My friend, this gift of yours is full of sincerity, which is enough to show your sincerity."

"Okay, I am willing to join the Heavenly Court."

The system beeped, and the runner became a member of the heaven.

Zhuanlun looked at the list of members and said, "Should I call you the leader now?"

Chen Fan smiled and said, "It's called Heavenly Emperor."

Wheel: ...

"Okay, Heavenly Emperor, do you want Heavenly Court to set up five seats like the Blue Star Alliance?"

"If it is to be established, can I fight for a place for the polar bear country?"

Chen Fan fell into deep thought, imagining this possibility.

He didn't think about how to set up the heavenly court.

"Runlun, I will consider your opinion, but I haven't decided how to manage the Heavenly Court. If there is an important position in the future, with the strength of the Extreme North Bear Kingdom, it will definitely occupy an important position."

Zhuanlun smiled happily, and said, "Oh, thank you, Daxia's friend, I hope that the polar bear country and Daxia country will always be friends."

Chen Fan smiled and said, "I hope so too."

"By the way, if there are players from your polar bear country around you, I hope you can invite them to join."

Runner nodded and said, "I will."

After finishing the wheel, Chen Fan Yujian left to choose his next target.

"Wati from the Divine Cow Kingdom..."

Chen Fan frowned.

In the place of primary selection, the strongest player in the God Ox Kingdom was Xiangshen, who had innately drawn A-level powers, was also very strong, and ranked not low.

However, after entering the Land of God's Choice, the Elephant God seems to have declined. Whether it is the power value or the personal combat power value, it is not high, and it has already ranked after the [-]th.

Now the strongest player in the God Bull Country is a female player named Wati.

On the power ranking list, she is even higher than the runner.Can enter the top ten.

The power established by Watti is called Jiro, and she calls herself the Kingdom of God, and she calls herself Datian.

In the mythology of the cow country, the big day is Shiva.

"This Wattie is very arrogant."

Chen Fan had a premonition that the journey to conquer this time would not be smooth.

When they arrived at Jiluo, the power established by Wati, Chen Fan looked at the cow dung-style palace built by Baishi below, and was very speechless.

Wati built his own palace very huge and gorgeous.

But it seems that the guards who guard the gate are not strong?

The God Bull Guard, whose combat strength was only evaluated at 500, seemed to be the only one in the shiny gold and silver armor that was passable.

Gorgeous is gorgeous, but real strength...

Beyond gold and jade...

Chen Fan shook his head helplessly, landed, and strolled towards the palace.

Sure enough, a divine cow guard stopped him, and the Long Spear King stepped forward and said: "Datian's palace, no one else is allowed to enter."

Chen Fan said with a smile: "I am the Lord of the Heavenly Court, and I will discuss important matters with your Heavenly Court."

Shen Niuwei tilted his head and looked at Chen Fan: "The Lord of the Heavenly Court? What kind of shit is the Heavenly Court?"

The smile on Chen Fan's face gradually disappeared.

However, Shenniuwei didn't seem to notice it yet. He stretched out a hand towards Chen Fan, twirled his fingers, and asked, " there?"

Chen Fan was taken aback for a moment, then he was speechless.

Is Watti's power, Jiro, so corrupt?

A gatekeeper asking for benefits?
Chen Fan became suspicious. With such a person, such a force pulled into the Heavenly Court, are you sure they won't bring down the people in the Heavenly Court?

He is a little hesitant now.

In any case, this Vaty still needs to meet.

This guard who asks for benefits...

Chen Fan rummaged through the package and found a gadget.

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