"Master, why are you here?"

Langya jumped and came in front of Chen Fan.

Chen Fan patted Lang Ya's shoulder and said with a smile, "Come and see how you are doing."

Langya said: "It's barely enough."

Chen Fan looked Langya up and down, and said, "You are about to become a savage."

This place is cold, although Langya is not afraid of the cold, but in order to save energy, he still made thick clothes out of animal skins.

When Chen Fan said this, Langya felt a little embarrassed, and said, "It's fine if you can survive."

"Moreover, this harsh and brutal life has made me strong."

Chen Fan nodded and said, "Now you are really strong."

"Take me to see where you live."

Spike nodded.

As the leader of the pack of wolves, Chen Fan thought that Langya lived in a cave or in the wilderness. Unexpectedly, he lived in a sturdy igloo.

In other words, the Arctic wolf group is not all wolves.

In the arctic wolf group, there are also humans. These humans are all members of the arctic wolf group and subordinates of Langya.

This is a mixed force of humans and wolves.

This made Chen Fan amazed: "How did you manage to let them live in harmony?"

Langya said: "Of course it's because of my ability."

"I can complete complete wolf transformation now, and my strength is very strong."

Chen Fan nodded, and looked at Langya's combat power assessment again.


"I'm afraid, Langya's true strength is far more than that."

In the igloo, a subordinate brought hot stew for the two of them.

The extreme north is cold, and the food of the arctic wolves is mainly all kinds of meat.

Chen Fan watched Langya chomping down on the meat, feeling very refreshed.

Langya asked while eating: "Master is still a master after all, even in this God's Chosen place, he is still ranked first."

Chen Fan also ate the meat and said, "Yes, God's Chosen Land."

"Where God makes choices."

"Langya, have you ever contacted God?"

Spike raised his head in confusion: "God? Is there a god in this forbidden place? Is it the last boss?"

Chen Fan looked at Langya, saw his serious and bewildered expression, and shook his head helplessly.

It seems that there is no God who chooses Spike.

He was not contacted.

Chen Fan said: "Gods, of course there are, maybe you haven't come into contact with them yet."

"They are not the bosses in the forbidden area, but the manipulators behind the forbidden area."

Langya was startled, and the meat fell into the basin:
"This... Master, have you met the mastermind behind this game? Or the boss?"

"Master, did you make another shocking move?"

Chen Fan was speechless.

Planning... Boss...

Does Langya really regard this as a survival game?
He hasn't touched the truth of this forbidden place yet?


It seems that if the gods behind the scenes don't show up, and there is no service staff to contact Langya, he probably won't know the truth.

Even if there are less than 100 players left in this God's Chosen Land, most of these people still don't know the truth about this God's Chosen Land.

Perhaps only the top few players will be contacted.

Langya ranks relatively high, but not yet in the top five.

Chen Fan thought that Langya should have come into contact with the gods behind the scenes, but now it seems that he was overthinking.

Chen Fan thought about it, and decided to tell Langya what he knew.

He raised his finger to the sky and said:

"This land chosen by the gods, this forbidden game, is controlled by a group of gods."

"And those gods are powerful and immortal, and they can shatter the blue star with their hands."

Langya was stunned: "This is impossible, right? You can break Blue Star with your hand?"

Chen Fan said: "The scenes you saw in movies or novels holding the sun and the moon and picking up the stars in the past are indeed possible for some powerful gods."

"And the ultimate goal of this forbidden game is to create such a god for Blue Star."

After hearing Chen Fan's words, Langya was in deep shock.

"Master, you... are you still my master? Are you Chen Fan?"

Chen Fan was speechless, why did he still suspect him?
"You do not believe."

"This... how do you tell me to believe it?"

"How strong do you think you can be now? Can you break a mountain with one claw?"

Langya was startled and fell into deep thought.

Can it be done?Maybe.

Maybe a smaller earth bag mountain can really do it?
Haven't tried it yet.

Chen Fan said: "You are only rank 1 now, and you have already become so powerful."

"So, what about after your second or third turn?"

"Isn't it easy to break a mountain with one punch?"

"Then after turning four, after turning five, can you destroy a country with one punch?"

"After the seventh turn, can you smash a continent with one foot?"

Langya was completely shocked by Chen Fan's words:
"I... can I become that strong?"

Chen Fan said: "As I said before the game, in this forbidden game, players can reach up to seven rounds, and after seven rounds, there is the last level."

"After passing that level, you will be a god."

"Now do you think, can the gods have the ability to shatter the earth?"

Langya dared not answer.

"It's still...not real."

Chen Fan sighed, hesitated for a moment, and said, "During my second reincarnation mission, I went back to Blue Star once."

Langya was shocked, stood up excitedly, and said, "Master, have you returned to Blue Star?"

Chen Fan nodded.

"Then... has Blue Star changed? I mean, are those rewards real?"

Chen Fan nodded and said, "It's true, the current Blue Star is better than before, and Da Xia is also better than before."

Langya's question is probably a doubt in the hearts of all players.

Without going back to see it in person, I absolutely dare not be 100% sure.

Chen Fan continued: "I made a trip to the Western Continent, originally planning to cut down their continent with a single sword."

"But, their leader, threatens all nuclear launches."

"To stop all the nukes, I can't do it yet."

"But I believe that the gods will have this strength."

Langya was still in shock, he sat down slowly, and said, "Master, you said that you want to smash the Western Continent with one sword."

"Can it really be done?"

Chen Fan said: "Perhaps, our strength is far from reaching its peak."

"I turn two, you turn first."

"I've seen a rank five NPC... let's call it an NPC. With his strength, he can break the Western Continent with a single strike."

"This forbidden area is much stronger than we imagined."

"You have been in this icy and snowy area for so long, haven't you found any amazing creatures?"

Langya recalled: "Although I haven't encountered anything, my subordinates sometimes chat and talk about the taboo of Bingyan."

"They said that in this frozen world, there are also terrifying creatures with the ability to tear apart the heavens and the earth."

"I thought they were just legends."

Chen Fan said: "If you keep chatting with them and have the desire to actively explore, maybe you will trigger an incredible mission."

"Of course, what I want to tell you is not this."

"In the future, we will become very strong."

Langya said: "Master, are you planning to become a person like a behind-the-scenes god?"

Chen Fan said, "Don't you want to?"

Langya hesitated.

Saying you don't want to be false.

But is it really possible?

What Chen Fan said was too fantastic.

"If possible, of course I would."

"Then let me ask you again, what if the gods behind this scene only allow one person from Blue Star to become a god and become a parallel existence with them?"

Langya said: "In that case... I guess this person should be you, Master?"

"Now you are number one in the power list, number one in the level list, and number one in the combat power list."

Chen Fan said: "I have another bigger dream."


"Can't say yet, but I need your help."

"What do you need me to do?"

Chen Fan looked at Langya and said, "Join my power."


Langya also hesitated.

"Why, are you reluctant to leave this world of ice and snow?"

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