The final site selection was determined to be thirty miles away from the south of the Kikusa River.

As long as the building order is used, a majestic city of mortals will rise from the ground.

This is a direct gift from the system without manual reconstruction.

Of course, this city does not occupy a large area, with a radius of less than ten miles and a city wall of only two or three feet.

If the city needs to be expanded, then Chen Fan needs to develop the city and mobilize the residents in the city to expand.

The city suddenly appeared, and there were already built residential houses inside, which were piled up with square stones.

There are also commercial streets waiting for prosperity, workshops for weaving, handling grain, and making tools.

There is also a city lord's mansion that is not too big.

In the City Lord's Mansion, there are already some basic officials, and there are some sparse guards on the city wall.

As for the residents in the city, Chen Fan checked and found that there were only a thousand people.

The city is indeed too small.

It is the smallest first-level city.

This smallest level 100 city has an influence value of [-].

Chen Fan thought about it, and named the city Fan City.

"How to increase the influence value of Fancheng?"

"The main thing should be people and land."

"Expand the city, encourage fertility, and develop agriculture."

"Also, you can't help but be big and strong."

"It is also necessary to recruit soldiers, develop the smelting industry, and the manufacturing industry, and recruit talents."

"I still have some props in my hand."

Chen Fan took out five junior recruiting orders.

Although it is difficult to recruit any powerful talents, there are more ordinary talents, which is also very good for the development of the city.

【drop!You have recruited talent: Yan Shuo]

【drop!You have recruited talent: Wang Lei]

【drop!You have recruited talent: Ji Yu]

【drop! ...]

Chen Fan recruited five in one go, all of whom were ordinary talents.

However, they also have their own strengths.

Serious is good at managing residents; Wang Lei knows kung fu and has superficial experience in leading soldiers, so he can lead the soldiers in the city; Ji Yu is an accountant and is good at managing property.

There is also Zhou Tong who can forge iron and copper, and Liu An who is proficient in farming and mulberry affairs.

These five are talents for developing the city.

The team of the City Lord's Mansion is much thicker.

Chen Fan appointed them one by one, and then took out another token.

Guard the sword order.

This is a token that can train guard sword soldiers.

He needs someone reliable to hold the token.

In Fan City, most of them are ordinary people now, and it is basically impossible to find someone who is capable of holding the guard sword order.

Even Wang Lei, who can command the troops, and the commanding officer given by the system in Fan City, are not capable enough.

Chen Fan thought about it, and planned to go to Fan Jianmen to find a cultivator.

He flew back to Fanjianmen and brought Jia Qing, a swordsman he had recruited, over.

Today's Jia Qing, under the training of the Wei and Jin Dynasties, has a combat power evaluation of more than one thousand, and is a standard Shushan swordsman.

Compared to the ordinary residents in Fan City whose combat power rating was only 5, Jia Qing was like a god.

Even Chen Lei, who had just been recruited, had a personal assessment of combat strength of just over 200, and he was not in the same dimension as Jia Qing.

Chen Lei's main role is to lead the troops.

Chen Fan brought Jia Qing to Fan City and asked him to train the guard swordsmen.

First of all, it is necessary to train Chen Lei.

The combat power of the guard swordsman is relatively low. A standard guard swordsman has a combat power of only 200.

But this is also several times higher than those ordinary soldiers presented by the Fancheng system.

Moreover, the combat strength is not high, and it is relatively easy to train them.

Jia Qing directly set up a new army battalion to recruit residents of the city to become guard swordsmen.

Although it was easy for Jia Qing, it was more troublesome for Chen Fan, the city lord.

There are so many small things.

For example, what is the food and military salary for the guarding swordsmen, how much rice and grain will be consumed for training, and how many swordsmen will be recruited in the first batch so that the normal life of the residents will not be affected, and where is the location of the Xin army camp?The swordsman suffered casualties, what kind of compensation should be given, etc...

If he hadn't recruited Wang Lei and Ji Yu, just restraining these people and these money and food accounts would have driven Chen Fan crazy.

Where is the city lord so easy to be?

This isn't a game where you build a rich city with just one tap on your phone.

On this day, the few talents he recruited and the Jia Qing he brought over continued to report various tasks to Chen Fan, making Chen Fan one head and three big ones.

This is more tiring than when he was the Emperor of Heaven for several hours during his reincarnation mission.

The emperor of heaven has a high position and authority, and he is in charge of the general direction, but a city lord has so many things to be responsible for.

As night fell, everyone in the city fell asleep, only Jia Qing was practicing.

After becoming the commander of the Guarding Sword Order, Jia Qing's combat power evaluation has also been raised to 2000, but he still does not relax and keeps practicing.

This made Chen Fan nod secretly, this talent was well recruited.

After dealing with the formula for a day, Chen Fan flew into the air, overlooking his own Fan City.

There is a sense of pride.

Although it is a small city, it can be regarded as well-organized, right?

Up to now, the influence value of the city has increased to 150.

It's ok.

The main reason is that I have the order to recruit talents and the order to guard the sword.

And when the guard swordsmen are trained and the effects of various government orders are revealed, the influence value of the city will increase rapidly.

This is not something that can be achieved in a day or two.

Now that Fancheng is on the right track, it's time for Chen Fan to deal with Dongfang's affairs.

"Just leave at night."

Chen Fan came to Jia Qing, and Jia Qing, who was practicing, opened his eyes.

"I have seen the doormaster."

In private, Jia Qing still regarded himself as a disciple of Fan Jianmen.

"Get up."

"The job of guarding Fancheng is entrusted to you. Don't relax the training of guarding swordsmen."


"There are many beasts in the wilderness, and there are many monsters in Guicaochuan. They will inevitably come to harass Fancheng."

"If you encounter it, don't stay behind, kill if you can, and surrender if you can."


"If you encounter a monster you can't defeat, remember to ask Fan Jianmen for help."


After thinking for a while, Chen Fan gave Jia Qing another token and said:

"Fan Jianmen is a bit far away from here after all, and it may be too late to rescue."

"The one that's close to here is still the Ghost Grass River."

"I subdued a poisonous flood dragon in Ghost Grass River. If you don't have time to go to Fanjianmen for help, you can go to Ghost Grass River with this token to ask for help."

Jia Qing took the token, was silent for a while, and said yes.

Chen Fan patted Jia Qing on the shoulder and said, "I will hand over my first city to you, don't let me down."

Jia Qing nodded vigorously, with a sense of mission, his loyalty immediately rose to 90%.

Very good and can be cultivated.

After inspecting his own city in the air, Chen Fan left at night.

On the top of the mountain, Chen Fan took out three player location trackers and used them one after another.

The locations of Langya, Qingcheng, and Qingzhu were all located by the locator.

"The distance between the wolf's teeth is quite far."

"Well, Qingzhu has no officials, so let's go find her first."

He checked Qing Zhu's information and was a little surprised.

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