The two tigers fell into memory, and said: "This time when we entered the mountain, we didn't dare to go deep at all. We only dared to hunt some hares, pheasants, roe deer and so on outside."

"Then I was chasing a rabbit and it suddenly turned into a huge red-eyed monster."


Erhu looked at his companion at the side and said, "You turned into a ghost Yasha with green flames all over your body, and stabbed that red-eyed monster to death."

His companion was very speechless: "Why did I become a ghost Yasha?"

Chen Fan said, "It's just a phantom of fear you saw, what happened later."

"Afterwards, Ghost Yaksha ran towards me and wanted to eat me."

Companion: "...You are still not well. At that time, you have already screamed like a ghost. The whole person screamed like crazy. It was me and Dunzi who restrained you, otherwise you may not know where to go."

Chen Fan asked again: "Then do you feel a pain in the head?"

Erhu rubbed his head and said, "It seems to be there, it hurts a bit."

Chen Fan stepped forward and checked Erhu's head. Like Huzi and the others, there was no wound.

It seems that there is nothing to be asked by asking them.

Chen Fan thought for a while and said, "Go back first, I'll go to the mountain to have a look."

The old village chief wanted to dissuade him, but Chen Fan flew up with his sword and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The place Erhu mentioned was in the south of the Kikusa River, and there really wasn't any miasma there.

Chen Fan entered it and found that the vegetation here is relatively dense.

Landing on the ground, Chen Fan grabbed the great sword for practicing Qi, and became alert in his heart.

From the moment he entered this place, he felt something strange.

It seems to be stared at by something.

His spiritual consciousness spread out, and he didn't find anything unusual.

Just by accident, a team of hunting people was found.

Chen Fan pondered for a while, and flew towards the group of people.

However, after seeing the group of people, he did not show up, but observed secretly.

This team is other hunting teams that exist around.

In the hands of the two of them, there were also two gray-haired rabbits, which should be their harvest today.

Chen Fan slowly watched them move forward.

A team of four, be careful.One of them said:
"Brother Gui, why don't you go back today first."

The man in the lead shook his head and said, "Just two skinny rabbits, how can they be enough for everyone to eat? Let's go around more."

"However, we've been staying here for a long time. What if that ghost comes out again? There are already 6 ghosts in the village that look like that."

Agui, the leader, said: "Don't worry, we are on the periphery. If the situation is not good, let's just run away."

"Hush, there are footprints here, it's very fresh, everyone pay attention."

They seemed to have discovered the trace of their prey, and they became more cautious in their actions.

At this moment, Chen Fan tensed up.

Just after these hunters became more cautious, the surrounding air seemed to become a little cooler.

Chen Fan sensed the change in the air.

"That monster..."

Chen Fan scanned the surroundings with his spiritual sense, but still found nothing abnormal.

But the feeling that made him feel dangerous was still there, and it was getting stronger and stronger.

"You can't see it with your eyes, you can't see it with your spiritual sense..."

Chen Fan frowned.

The hunting party is still on the move.Chen Fan knew that there was a silly roe deer in the direction they were heading.

He followed the hunting party in the dark, keeping his eyes on their movements.

Several people hunting, with bows and arrows in their hands, surrounded him.

The silly roe deer seemed to have spotted them and looked back.

Then continue to graze leisurely.

Agui, who is the leader, has already drawn his bow and arrow, and is about to shoot.

However, the stupid roe deer turned his head inadvertently, which made Agui suddenly startled, and then his face became terrified.

In his eyes, the silly roe deer suddenly became ten times bigger, covered in steel needles, and his eyes were like lamps!
It opened its bloody mouth wide and roared towards itself.

"Help... help!" Agui turned his head and ran away in fright.

"Spirit-breaking and soul-slashing style!"

Chen Fan made a sudden attack. He drew his sword and slashed forward. His target was the silly roe deer grazing leisurely!
The silly roe deer jumped up suddenly, dodged the sword, and ran towards the mountain.

However, Chen Fan was faster, and with a dodge, he was in front of the silly roe deer, and chopped off with his sword.


The silly roe deer's head flew up.

However, Chen Fan's face became more and more solemn, and his mental strength reached the limit. He reached out and pulled out the Qi training sword from the void, and his whole body was wrapped in light green flames.

A shrill scream suddenly rang in Chen Fan's ears.

The flames around him fluctuated suddenly, apparently under an inexplicable attack.


Chen Fan stared, turned around and slashed out with a sword.

The Great Sword of Practicing Qi already has the ability to slay souls.Chen Fan's blow really hit something that he couldn't see.

It's just that the sword didn't kill him, and the monster let out a shrill scream, as if it was gradually moving away.

Chen Fan didn't catch up, or rather, couldn't catch up.

This monster can only be caught by Chen Fan's spiritual sense when he is attacking, which is really troublesome.

He could only follow the sound to judge a general direction, then stretched out his five fingers, and a large piece of light green heart fire spewed out from his hand.

The heart fire instantly covered the front, hurting the monster again, and the monster's screams never stopped.

Chen Fan followed the general direction of the sound and chased forward. Every time he moved forward, he would spew heart fire and hurt the enemy.

It's just that this monster is really resistant to fire.Although Chen Fan had been burned many times, the monster's screams were still full of energy.

Another burst of flames caused the monster to let out a shrill scream. There seemed to be movement around, and the monster jumped forward and entered the miasma.

After chasing and escaping, Chen Fan has already chased him a long way, and he is about to enter the inner range of Guicao River.

However, Chen Fan naturally would not let go of the opportunity and chased after him.

The heart fire in his hand never stopped, and it kept erupting forward. The huge flames made the monster have nowhere to escape, and could only be burned to continue screaming.

He didn't know how long it had been burning, but Chen Fan stopped suddenly and looked around vigilantly.

"I...couldn't be fooled by that guy?"

Chen Fan suddenly woke up, feeling a dangerous aura around him.

Heavy footsteps came from the surrounding area, Chen Fan grabbed the great Qi training sword, stuck it on the ground, and looked around.

In front of him, a tall figure appeared, and a stone giant covered with long grass came to Chen Fan through the miasma and mist:

Giant Stone Goblin (Lord Class)

Level: 1 to level 90

Skills: Sweep with great force, concussion, petrify skin, impact stone rain

Combat power evaluation: 8000
Position: none
Power affiliation: Nightmare

Chen Fan moved his ears, and footsteps came from the left and right.

A three-meter-tall brown treant appeared, with a pair of eyes emitting scarlet light:
Ghostwood (lord level)

Level: 1 to level 80

Skills: Coil, Soul Drain, Giant Tree Spike, Ghost Call.

Combat power evaluation: 7500
Position: none
Affiliation of Strength: Nightmare Girl

On the other side, a beast-shaped skeleton appeared, with green will-o'-the-wisps in its eyes, extremely eerie:

Ghost Tiger (Lord Class)

Level: 1 to level 90

Skills: Lightning Strike, Ghost Claw, Breath of Shadow, Steel Armor
Combat power evaluation: 9000
Position: none
Power affiliation: Nightmare

Chen Fan frowned. These three monsters are very strong.

Moreover, their power affiliation, are they all Nightmare Girls?

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