Hearing that Chen Fan said that he was not from Chen's Jianzhuang, the old man seemed to be in hesitation again.

Chen Fan said, "Old man, what happened in the village?"

The old man sighed and said, "I don't want to tell you about this, so as not to harm you."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and asked, "Why?"

The old man said: "Let's wait until the immortal from Chen's Sword Village comes."

Chen Fan frowned and said, "Do you think I'm not as good as someone from Chen's Sword Village?"

The old man said with flickering eyes: "This... the gods are not to blame. When monsters appeared here, there were other gods who came to help us eliminate the demons. However, they all failed in the end. They even gave their lives for nothing."

"Only when the immortals from Chen's Sword Village come, can the monster be completely eliminated."

"You... we are afraid that something will happen to you, Immortal."

Chen Fan frowned, but it was not easy to get angry.

The people here are still very simple, at least for the sake of his life.

After thinking for a while, he said: "Well, old man, I also know the people in Chen's Jianzhuang."

"Tell me the matter. If I think I can't solve it, then I will go to Chen's Sword Village and ask the immortals inside to help you."

"My speed is much faster than your trekking."


The old man hesitated for a while, sighed, and said, "Alright then, Immortal, follow me."

The old man led Chen Fan to a thatched cottage, knocked on the door, and a strong young woman with red eyes came out.

"Suizi, how is your man?"

The woman wiped her tears and shook her head.

The old man pointed to Chen Fan and said, "This is a fairy who came down from the mountain, called...called..."

Chen Fan: Mr. Jian.

"Oh, it's Mr. Jian."

"Let him show your man, maybe he can be cured."

The woman looked at Chen Fan's mask and was taken aback.

"This... the village chief, is this person reliable?"

Chen Fan: ...

However, the village chief also hesitated, looked at Chen Fan's mask, sighed, and said, "Let him try."

Chen Fan: ...

Alas, why did he choose this mask?
A little regret.

However, the women let Chen Fan and the village chief in.

The light in the room was dim, but Chen Fan still saw a man lying on the bed on the kang, covered with a quilt, his body huddled into a ball.

Not curled up on the side, but half lying on the kang, looking timid.

His eyes were also full of fear.

He looked up at Chen Fan, his body trembled uncontrollably, and he couldn't stop shrinking back.

With this appearance, Chen Fan seemed to be terrified.

This made Chen Fan a little confused.

Chen Fan asked the woman, "What's going on?"

The woman just cried, but it was the old man and the village chief who answered in his place:

"It's like this when I come back from hunting outside."

"It's not just him, there are already several people in the village who have become like this."

"He is quite a strong young man. He is also a good player in chasing wolves and leopards in the hunting team on weekdays, but for some reason, he has become this timid."

Chen Fan asked: "Hunter team, how many people are in a hunter team, have they all become like this?"

The old man said: "The team of hunters is not fixed, but recently, every time the team of hunters goes hunting in the mountains, one of them will come back like this."

'As a result, few people dare to enter the mountain now. '

Chen Fan asked: "You mean, there are many people in a team, but only one person will become like this?"

The old man nodded and said, "Yes."

Chen Fan asked: "The others, don't they know what happened?"

The old man said: "I have asked, but they don't know."

"Originally, people in a team were all hunting together."

"Originally everything was fine, but one person suddenly became extremely panicked."

"And then, when you come back, it will look like this."

"Oh, I don't know what evil I did."

"I heard that this kind of situation has happened not only in our village, but also in several surrounding villages."

The woman on the side cried and said: "I must have encountered a ghost and was frightened by a ghost, woo woo woo..."

Chen Fan frowned, looked at the frightened man in his eyes, pondered for a while, raised his hand and injected a pure heart spell into his body.

With a pure heart spell to stabilize his mind, the man's condition is obviously better, but there is still fear in his eyes.

Chen Fan approached him slowly, and he no longer dodged back in fear.

Chen Fan held his wrist, and a trace of probing aura entered his body.


Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and felt something strange in his body.

He pulled the man up from the bed, turned him around, and patted his back continuously with one hand.

He pressed the palms of several specific positions on the back of the man, mana surged in his body, and he shouted: "Come out!"

The man suddenly opened his mouth wide, and screamed out.

Suddenly, a translucent oval-shaped thing sprayed out from his mouth.

The thing suddenly opened a pair of scarlet eyes and made a piercing sound.

The village head, the old man and the women were all terrified, their eyes were terrified, and they couldn't stop stepping back.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows: he supported the man with one hand, and released a crimson flame with the other.

The flames formed a crimson cage, enclosing the oval creature in an instant.

The next moment, the crimson flame turned into a translucent green, and the oval life felt the crisis of life and death, and let out an extremely shrill scream.


This time, it wasn't the monster's cry, but the woman finally couldn't bear the fear, screamed out, and ran out rolling and crawling.

The old village chief also wanted to run, but his legs were too frightened to move because of excessive fear.

His eyes kept protruding, and he was about to die of fear.

Chen Fan frowned, punched the village chief with a spell of pure heart, and sent the village chief out of the house with gentle force.

The two were sent out, but the oval monster's scarlet eyes earned even bigger.

Below him, a mouth full of white fangs opened, suddenly biting towards Chen Fan.

However, it was inside the heart fire cage, and just as it touched a trace of flames, it screamed again in pain, the voice was unusually harsh.

Chen Fan sneered and said, "You feed on fear, but you don't know that my anger can also feed on fear."

"Sorry, you met a nemesis."

However, this oval-shaped monster seemed to be of low intelligence. It was burned by the flames and wept bitterly. After recovering, it desperately rushed into the inner fire cage, and then screamed miserably from being burned again.

Chen Fan frowned, raised his fingers, and silently recited the formula.

A seal was blurted out, and mana surged in his body, sealing this oval monster.

The monster finally calmed down, closed its scarlet eyes, and turned into a translucent ball.

And as time passed, the translucent ball gradually faded, as if it was changing towards full transparency.

Chen Fan took out a wooden box, put it away first, and put it back in the system package.

Chen Fan exhaled lightly, and injected a few formulas into the man's body, combing the breath in his body for him.

Finally, the man woke up slowly.

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