In the evening, Chen Fan found Xuanyuan.

In this Xianhe village, Xuanyuan has his own house, which one is the tallest.

However, even if it is the tallest, it is not so high.

The houses here are all built of stones and trees with thatched roofs.

Old and backward village.

Chen Fan thought about the neat main hall and attic of the Flowing Water Sword Sect, and couldn't help sighing.

The influence value of the Flowing Sword Sect can reach 200, and it's not just because of its strong personnel.

Xuanyuan invited Chen Fan into his room, and said, "I didn't expect you to develop so fast, and your current influence value is already over 200."

Chen Fan said: "It's not that I'm fast, but that you're going in the wrong direction."

"You shouldn't put most of your energy on this village."

"You should go out and see the wider world outside."

Chen Fan has read Xuanyuan's current information, and the influence value is only 18 points, which means that he is probably serving the village all day.

Xuanyuan smiled and said, "I'm here waiting for you to come back."

Chen Fan was startled, and then said, "Sorry, it's a bit late."

Xuanyuan asked, "Did the resurrection succeed?"

Chen Fan nodded and said, "Successful, unity has been revived."


Xuanyuan recalled it for a while, and said, "It seems that he was sacrificed during the national gate defense battle? It's good to be resurrected."

"Now, I will return the aura of God to you."

The operation is not complicated, Xuanyuan, you temporarily become Chen Fan's subordinate, and after returning the aura to Chen Fan, it's fine to leave.

Because his power value was only 18 points, although he became Chen Fan's real power for a short time, he still couldn't surpass Dongfang.

Chen Fan said, "Do you want to follow me to my place?"

Xuanyuan shook his head and said: "I'm not in a hurry to develop power, because I'm about to condense my own gods and break through to the stage of refining qi to transform into gods." '

"Is that so..."

Chen Fan felt Xuanyuan's current state carefully, and it was indeed a bit unusual.

He remembered that Xuanyuan had told her that if one breaks through to the stage of becoming a god through Qi training, one can live for thousands of years.

This made Chen Fan a little envious.

He recalled the kung fu book he saw in Zangshu Pavilion, and said to Xuanyuan: "I got a book of cultivating immortals by chance, and I don't know if I can practice it. I want you to help me refer to it."

"When you succeed in transforming into a god, you can come to me."

Xuanyuan nodded, but hesitated again: "How can I find you then?"

Chen Fan said: "The place where I am is called Shushan Mountain, which stretches for thousands of miles. I don't know if it is the Shushan Mountain on Blue Star."

"My faction is named Fanjianmen, and the name of my predecessor is Liushuijianpai."

"When you arrive at Mount Shu, just inquire about the names of these two forces."

Xuanyuan nodded.

"Then I'll go back first."

Seeing Chen Fan standing up, Xuanyuan asked, "Don't you want to stay longer? The villagers here are still very enthusiastic."

Chen Fan shook his head and said, "I have no time to waste."

Xuanyuan had no choice but to send Chen Fan out of the house.

Chen Fan took off with his sword and flew at a low altitude.

On the map, the direction and distance between him and his forces are marked, and he only needs to follow the marks to hurry.

The sun had already set, and Chen Fan was flying, looking at the lights below.

Very little.

Compared with the nighttime neon lights of Blue Star, which are as bright as daytime, this place is much worse.

This place is not like the primary election, there are creatures in the sky.

Although there was no game announcement to remind players to beware of the weirdness after nightfall, but at night, Chen Fan could still feel that some creatures or things with good intentions were dangerous.

Not only weird, but also some powerful nocturnal creatures, even ghosts, demons and other terrifying existences.

Chen Fan's journey was not too peaceful. A falcon with glowing eyes attacked Chen Fan and was cut off by Chen Fan with a sword.

Flying Yasha spread his wings to eat Chen Fan, but was cut in half by Chen Fan.

These existences are a huge threat to ordinary villager NPCs, but to Chen Fan, they are a piece of cake.

Suddenly, in the night sky, a soaring light came from the ground. Chen Fan felt the threat, and Yu Jian avoided it.

It made him frown.

The attack came from the ground, and I don't know what happened.

This energy is really not weak, if Chen Fan accidentally touches it, he may be in danger of being injured.

He pondered for a moment, concealed his breath, and slowly landed.

Ahead, it can be said to be brightly lit.

Although it is not as luxurious as Blue Star's city, it is much stronger than the little lights in ordinary villages.

After Chen Fan approached, he grabbed the information of the entire building complex:
Bright Hall (level 1 power)
Personnel: 80
Influence value: 302
Chen Fan raised his eyebrows. This force has a higher power value than his Fan Jianmen.

On the one hand, this place is located on a plain, and the building complex of the Guangming Society occupies a large area, and the houses are well repaired.

The two, after all, their number is quite a lot, there are 80 people.

Compared with the combat power, it will definitely not be too low.

Just why would I be attacked by them?
Could it be because he was flying too low?

Chen Fan intends to go in and find an explanation.

He walked to the door where the brazier was burning, and a soldier in leather armor stopped Chen Fan with a weapon in his hand.

Chen Fan looked at the weapon in his hand with a cold light.

Preliminary judgment, like iron.

This made Chen Fan frowned.

Does this Guangming Society have the ability to refine iron?

He looked up at the gatekeeper who stopped him, and frowned.

Is this... the face of a Westerner?
This surprised Chen Fan a little.

This location should be in the area between Shushan and Xianhezhuang.

Whether it is Shushan or Xianhezhuang, those NPCs are all faces of oriental people.

How did you get here, and there are Westerners named Guangmingtang?
The Westerner stopped Chen Fan with a knife and asked, "What are you going to do? Not everyone can enter the Guangming Hall."

He spoke Chinese, but his mouth was wrong. Presumably, the powerful Forbidden Land Rule System automatically translated it for Chen Fan.

Chen Fan said, "Why did you attack me just now?"

The Westerner was taken aback, thinking that a ray of light really flew out of his yard just now, so he said, "Did you fly too low?"

Chen Fan:? ? ?
Is this really the reason?
Did I violate your airspace or what?
Chen Fan looked at the tall courtyard wall, took a deep breath, and said, "I want to find your boss and ask for an explanation."

However, the gatekeeper said impatiently: "Where are you so busy, aren't you injured?"

"Get out now."

Chen Fan didn't speak, but just smiled at the soldier.

A green flame suddenly rose from the gatekeeper's body.

"Ah—! Help!"

The gatekeeper immediately lay down and rolled on the ground, trying to extinguish the flames on his body.

However, the flame emanated from his body, even if he rolled it a hundred times, it still couldn't be extinguished.

"Help! Holy Light protects you!"

The gatekeeper screamed and displayed his skills. A familiar light bloomed on his body, making Chen Fan frowned.

The familiar power of the Holy Light made Chen Fan sound like a saint.

However, just relying on the power of the holy light in this warrior's body, he couldn't extinguish the flames on his body at all.

This guy's combat power evaluation is only 250, a weak batch.


The door opened, and several warriors with swords walked out of it.

They all have western faces, and some have blond hair.

"Save by the Holy Light!"

These few people used their skills together to rescue the warrior covered in fire.

However, it didn't work at all.

Most of this fire came from the fear in his heart. As long as the flames burned his body, as long as he didn't extinguish it, he might not be able to erase this fear no matter what.

Unless Chen Fan is willing to help.

"Glorious Heart City!"

Behind the door, an old man with a white beard in a white toga came out and waved his staff at the warrior:

"Dar, don't be afraid, don't panic, the flame will go out naturally."

His words, like the guidance of the God of Light, immediately calmed down the warrior, and the green flames on his body gradually disappeared.

Chen Fan raised his brows, he could see the source of his anger, this old man with white beard is not easy.

Chen Fan grabbed his information.

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