Wrapped in flames, he entered the canyon.

On the winding road in the canyon, countless black wolves and werewolves stared at Chen Fan, baring their teeth.

Ax fighters and wandering swordsmen drew their weapons.

Chen Fan was not intimidated by their murderous aura at all, and walked slowly towards them step by step.


A wolf howl seemed to be a signal for them to attack, and countless monsters rushed towards Chen Fan.

The strongest werewolf suddenly froze, and then howled miserably, his whole body covered in green flames.

Another ax fighter fell to his knees with pain on his face, and within a few seconds, green flames burst out of his head.

Boom boom boom!
The green flame seemed to be contagious, and it burned on the bodies of many monsters one after another.

The rest of the monsters also seemed to have fear in their hearts, and they stopped one by one, looking at their companions in horror.

Black wolves and werewolves were reduced to ashes in the green flames.

Ax fighters and wandering swordsmen burned their flesh and blood in the green flames, leaving only black bones.

too frightening.

And those green flames, after burning up the enemies, turned into crimson, floating towards Chen Fan's body one by one, returning to his body.

Every piece of flame absorption provides Chen Fan with a piece of physical strength, so that his energy will never be exhausted.

He just walked step by step in the canyon.

Walked to the center, paused for a while, and then continued to move ahead.

In the first step, the body moved two meters away as if teleporting.

In the second step, Chen Fan appeared five meters away.

The third step, ten meters away.

Part four, step five...

No. 1 stared at the strange situation in the monitoring room, unable to believe it.

"Is this... the power of space?"

"No, there is still a difference."

"How did he do it?"


"My king, how many secrets do you have?"

In the Langya 007 live broadcast room, Daxian stared at Chen Fan who seemed to be strolling in the garden, his eyes widened, and he didn't know how to explain it.

It was too unrealistic for the monsters to turn into green burning men in front of Chen Fan.

Could it be that Chen Fan has really become an inviolable and inviolable god?
Even the audience in the live broadcast room had different opinions.

Some people continued to brag about Chen Fan, praising Chen Fan's strength.

But some people said that Chen Fan with this appearance was really a bit weird.

With every step he landed gently, a monster turned into a ball of fire.

This is completely different from Chen Fan's heroic gesture of drawing his sword freely and cutting the sky with one strike.

Especially when Chen Fan took the steps of that god.

The audience was shocked:
"This, should it still be a mortal god?"

"He's so calm, I'm kind of scared."

"Should he still be human?"

"Ancient magical powers shrink the ground into an inch, have you heard of it?"

"Fan Shen, you should draw your sword, it looks a bit scary."


Daxian opened and closed his mouth, thought for a while, and then explained:
"Brothers, this should be Chen Fan's newly acquired ability after evolving to an S-level ability."

"When I evolved to A-level before, I got the ability of frost."

"This time... I don't know what to call it."

"Strange Fire? This name...is not suitable for our mortal god."

"Our mortal gods are aboveboard."

"In my opinion, let's call it Wuminghuo first?"

"Let others, nameless fire."

"Hey, it feels quite appropriate."

"We can see the previous battle of the gods. Such a large flame was released on the lake, and a fire area with a diameter of two kilometers was formed around him."

"S-level ability, the scope has been expanded a lot."

"You want to see the scene of Zhan Shan? Okay, let's play it back."

It would be great if some audience made this request, because Chen Fan's current state is indeed a bit weird, and it is easy to damage his image.

Daxian started to replay the videos of Chen Fan passing the previous levels.

At this time, Chen Fan also reached the end of the canyon.

"Heartfire, it's quite useful."

The rule system has already reminded him that after passing the sixth level, he can pass the seventh level.

Before Chen Fan came to the seventh pass, he saw the familiar mountain.

"It seems that it may really be circulating."

Chen Fan took a deep breath, drew his sword, and climbed the mountain on foot.

The monsters on the mountain were relatively scattered, Chen Fan kept swaying his sword energy, and passed the level in 10 minutes.

Then, the eighth pass, the ninth pass.

After the ninth level, he got a reminder that the tenth level is in the sky.

It is still a group of flying Yakshas.

After passing the tenth level, he was teleported to the canyon again.

It is cyclical.

"Alright, how long can you kill?"

"Anyway, there are physical rewards."

Chen Fan started the journey of spawning monsters.

In the forbidden area, players are also working hard to improve their levels and points.

At [-]:[-] p.m., the announcement of the game with the opening of the event came on time:

[Game announcement: 20 experience bosses have come to the forbidden area. Killing the boss will give you a lot of experience and resource rewards. 】

[Game Announcement: 20 Experienced Bosses Come to the Forbidden Area...]

【Game Announcement:...】

Chen Fan listened to the sound of the game announcement and pondered.

"If you experience the boss, I don't need to fight, right?"

Chen Fan has reached the full level.

【Your Majesty, it's time for you to return to the forbidden area. 】

No. 1 contacted Chen Fan and said.

"I don't need to experience the boss, can I not participate?"

"I still want to continue to spawn monsters here."

After all, physical fitness can be increased here.

【But, but... I'm running out of reward reserves here. 】

Chen Fan: ...

[You swiped too fast, far beyond my expectations. 】

Chen Fan smiled embarrassedly.

Did I squeeze number 1 dry?

"Then... I'll just go out."

At this moment, Chen Fan was standing in front of that mountain.

He shook his fist and walked slowly to the foot of the mountain.

Take a deep breath and punch out.

The mountain has collapsed...

The corners of Chen Fan's eyes twitched, and he withdrew his fist.

For this punch, he didn't use his spiritual power, he didn't use his energy, it was just pure physical strength.

Lie down a mountain.

That's kind of scary.

"Cultivating immortals is the upper way, practicing qi is the middle way, and refining the body is the lower way..."

Chen Fan muttered to himself, remembering what Xuanyuan said to him.

But now he feels that if the pure body training reaches a certain level of achievement, the combat power is also terrifying.

Moreover, he felt that his body seemed to have undergone some changes, as if he had escaped from some shackles.

He looked inside himself and found that his bones were as white as jade and extremely hard.

Flesh is also in a special state.

The heart beats slowly but favorably.

Xuanyuan once explained to him that body training is not weak, but it is too difficult, and no one has been able to succeed since ancient times.

However, the reward of this forbidden area is to directly increase people's physical fitness.

This kind of reward seems ordinary, but when he thinks about it carefully and examines his current state, Chen Fan knows that this kind of reward is absolutely extraordinary.

After long-term accumulation, Chen Fan is about to complete his transformation.

No. 1 is also generous. It is estimated that he emptied his inventory and gave Chen Fan all the rewards.

This made Chen Fan feel more grateful.

The teleportation array started under his feet, and Chen Fan was teleported back to the forbidden area.

What came into view was a sword-wielding warrior with a height of three meters.

It is the experience boss.

Chen Fan frowned.

Good guy, did No. 1 teleport himself here on purpose?

Do yourself a favor when you come up?
Chen Fan chuckled, without drawing his sword, twisted his fists, and walked forward slowly.

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