Gladiator (Elite)
Grade 95
Skills: , Rugged Force, Sword Wheel Slash, Sword Qi Slash, Healing Angel
Combat power evaluation: 800
Chen Fan fought with a sword fighter.Gladiator, kind of strong.

According to the current player's combat power, at least A-level abilities can handle it.

However, killing a sword fighter directly gives 5 points.

This is a great opportunity to earn points.

Chen Fan was late for an hour, so the chance of the first kill was naturally not left to him.He continued to farm monsters with his sword in the forbidden area, and within an hour, he got his points above 950.

In addition to 5 points for sword fighters, 1 point will also be given for killing battle ax warriors.

Today, it may be the time when player points explode.

Of course, it is limited to players who are strong enough.

In the morning, Chen Fan killed countless monsters, and finally met the first player in this forbidden area.

When the man saw Chen Fan, he was stunned, his legs trembled, he turned and ran.

"Am I that scary?"

Chen Fan touched his nose, but didn't intend to chase after him.

What is the situation of the players in this forbidden area, he still doesn't know.

I don't know how many big summer players are here.

Perhaps, we will be able to see it at the next event, so Chen Fan is not in a hurry.

At noon, Chen Fan did not take out the king's tent, but landed in a jungle, caught some fish from a small lake, and set up a fire.

Grilled fish to eat.

Black as always.

After taking a few bites casually, Chen Fan took out a pair of red high heels when he was resting.

There are more than 20 in the backpack, which can trigger two tasks.

There was no event today, so Chen Fan inspired this task.

【drop!You have triggered the mission: The wish of the ghost in red. 】

[Task guide: Please send to the space of resentful souls to find the soul refiner. 】

Chen Fan frowned, do you need to go to another space?

He pressed the teleport button, and he was teleported to a dim space with a swish.

The sky is clear, but the sun is weak, as if the sky is shrouded in hazy fog.

Chen Fan felt a little cold on the surface of his body.

It's not that the temperature is low, but that there is a gloomy force pervading the surroundings.

"Soul refiner, where is it?"

"How big is this space?"

Chen Fan lifted his sword into the sky, his spiritual consciousness spread out, and he found sparse white resentful souls floating on the ground.

Chen Fan landed next to a white resentful soul. The white resentful soul looked over and stretched out his hand towards Chen Fan, but was blocked by Chen Fan's masculine force and did not dare to approach.

Chen Fan looked at the white resentful soul curiously, feeling that she didn't seem to be attacking him.

Instead, it was as if he was asking for help from himself.

After hesitating for a moment, he took a deep breath and restrained his breath.

The white resentful soul slowly approached Chen Fan, reached in front of Chen Fan, and put down his hand.

"Help me, save me, save me..."

The voice of the resentful soul is similar to a whisper.Chen Fan listened to her repeating the syllable, as if she was not very smart.

After thinking for a moment, he asked, "How can I save you?"

"Come, come, come..."

The white resentful soul floated in one direction, and after a certain distance, looked back at Chen Fan:
"Come, come, come..."

The meaning was obvious, to ask Chen Fan to follow her.

Chen Fan stepped forward and followed.

The resentful soul floated slowly in front, while Chen Fan walked slowly behind.

This slow speed made Chen Fan a little impatient.

Who knows how long this soul will float?

He felt that the resentful soul was basically heading in one direction, so he secretly said: "I offended."

"Soul-binding curse."

A golden cable bound the resentful soul, Chen Fan carried her behind him, and took off with the sword.

The resentful soul was very helpless and struggled hard, but he couldn't break free no matter what.

Chen Fan flew at a low altitude in the direction that Wraith Soul was heading for, always paying attention to the situation on the ground.

After flying for a certain distance, he put down the resentful soul and found that the resentful soul was still heading in the original direction.

That means it's not there yet.

So Chen Fan tied up the resentful soul again, and continued to fly with the sword.

Wraith: ...

After doing this three times, when Chen Fan put down the resentful soul again, she finally drifted in the opposite direction.

Hmm, looks a little overdue.

Chen Fan let go of the resentful soul, and walked slowly with the resentful soul.

After walking for an hour, the resentful soul stopped beside a tree that was about to die.

The trunk is very thick, and there is a big tree hole in the middle. In the tree hole is a passage leading to the ground.

"No wonder I missed it in the sky. The entrance is quite secret."

He was about to enter the cave when his expression suddenly changed, revealing an expression of surprise.

Not far away, a white ghost slowly floated over, followed by a player.

The player was also surprised when he saw Chen Fan, and then turned from surprise to joy, with admiration in his eyes:

"Chen Fan, the glory of Great Xia, I never expected to meet you here."

The person here is a Daxia player, nicknamed Shunzi.

Chen Fan nodded with a smile, and said, "Have you collected ten red high-heeled shoes?"

Shunzi nodded and said, "How can I be so capable by myself?"

"I only collected two, and the rest were given by Master and Wife."

"Master and wife?"

Chen Fan was stunned for a moment, then checked Shunzi's information.

Double B-level ability, ice, tiger.

The ability to transform into a tiger comes from the master, Xu Fei.

"Your master is the king of soldiers?"

Shunzi nodded, and said, "Master is very strong now, with A-level abilities and white tiger blood."

"Although I have inherited the master's ability to transform into a tiger, it is only a B-level, ordinary tiger."

Chen Fan nodded and said, "Oh, I almost forgot that the crystal defense campaign in this forbidden area failed. You didn't get any rewards, and your strength didn't improve."

Shunzi showed resentment on his face, and said, "It's all that saint, who can't deal with King Axe, and the crystal was broken."

"According to Master, Ax appeared because the saint was strong enough. I didn't expect him to be a silver spear candle head."

"Moreover, it's so insidious."

Chen Fan laughed and said, "You don't really think that the Saints can't defeat King Axe, do you?"

Shunzi was taken aback, and asked, "What do you mean?"

Chen Fan said: "We also have King Axe over there, and I killed them. I also killed the saints."

"I know the strength of the two of them best."

"The holy light defense of the saints is so strong that even Axe cannot easily break it."

"His strength is still better than King Axe, how could he not beat him?"

Shunzi thought for a while, then said, "Then... why did he deliberately lose?"

Chen Fan shrugged and said, "The dead are gone, so I won't speculate maliciously. Since we met, how about we form a team to clear this mission this time?"

Shunzi said in surprise, "Fan Shen, are you willing to take me to complete the mission?"

Chen Fan said with a smile: "What are you talking about, let's work hard together, don't just eat what's ready and don't work."

Shunzi smiled embarrassedly, and formed a team with Chen Fan.

The two white resentful souls babbled "Come, come, come" inside the tree hole for a long time, probably their mouths were dry before Chen Fan and Shunzi walked towards them.

Two souls, two people, went down the tree hole together.

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