Pokemon: Team Rocket

Chapter 826 4 Slates

As the voice fell, figures rose up in the hall of the parliament. Each of them had light in their eyes. Just waving their hands, the power of the elements condensed in their hands.

Towering trees grow out of thin air, but the paper is scorching fire, the wind is blowing, and the thunder is howling. This parliamentary island is like a picture scroll of horror.

God, these are gods, and each one is a character chosen by the law in the world of ascension to the gods.

But it's so weird, these gods or something, they don't dare to rush to the fog around the parliament island, they are like cats with fried fur, they just stand there with their waists raised high, but they don't dare to approach Ye Tong at all What.

And soon, the fog broke, and Ye Tong came from the sky, confronting this group of people, looking at these old figures, he just snorted coldly, and dropped the head of the East and West Island King.

"This liquidation is ultimately up to me." Looking at the group of old people opposite, Ye Tong couldn't hide the anger in his eyes, "I have thought about killing you many times these days."

"Who the hell are you?" On the opposite side, the elders looked at Ye Tong in surprise, and the person in the front just looked at Ye Tong fixedly, as if trying to see something.

"I'm Ye Tong, and I'm also what you call Little Ye Wang."

Ye Tong replied with clear eyes, "I know what you are thinking, I am doing what I want to do, and I am also protecting everything I want to protect."

"You group of gods, you are aloof, claiming to be a great race, stronger than ordinary people but more selfish than ordinary people, it really makes me sick to the extreme."

Saying that, Ye Tong stopped speaking, raised his hand, and the domain that belonged to him was pressed down from the sky.

This field has extremely terrifying destructive power, and in just a moment, all the abnormalities grown by the elders with the power of laws were crushed.

Strip the elements, strip the law.

For a moment, the faces of these elders showed astonishment. They seemed to feel that they had become ordinary people again, and lost the means of survival and pride they used to rely on.

If it weren't for the remaining strength in their bodies, some of them almost knelt down directly to Ye Tong.

"It's useless to say more, you disgusting guys, I said, I will kill you all."

"In this world, gods like you should never exist."

The sound sounded like a death knell, and the next moment, Ye Tong took the lead and rushed to these elders. At the same time, the marks all over his body were shining, and divine beasts appeared one after another, fighting side by side with him.


Of course, the old spray was still at the forefront, and it raised its fist as big as a sandbag and swung it towards a person.

I'm going to punch the nursing home today!

"Fight him." At this moment, these elders also saw Ye Tong's determination. At the moment of life and death, they also straightened up, as if they really decided to fight Ye Tong to the death.

They are gods, they are not willing to die like this.

At this moment, the battle between the divine mansions has completely begun.

There are more than 100 divine mansions, even if they are deprived of the most important power of law, they are still quite powerful, but this kind of power is already vulnerable to a single blow in the hands of Ye Tong today.

In a complete state, he has enough qualifications to smash everything.

In the sky, tremors kept shaking, and from time to time, gods fell. Occasionally, the sword light of the shadow falling into the water lit up, and a giant sword appeared, on which Ye Tong's iron-blooded face was printed.

This is very unlike him. If it was the past, no matter how disgusting the enemy was, he would still want to hear the last words of these people. Even if it was a crazy person like Quecchis, he was shocked by the other party's crazy persistence. .

But he hated these high gods to the extreme.

God seems to have always been a topic that Ye Tong resisted. From the time he had not become a god, he had a natural aversion to the word god.

He didn't want to be a high-ranking god, and after seeing how unbearable these high-ranking people were, he strengthened his mind even more.

These gods, they shouldn't exist in this world.

This is the battle of killing the gods, and he has no hesitation or mercy.

"King Xiaoye, do you want to kill us all!" Perhaps there were too many fallen people. After Ye Tong was helpless, someone shouted, with a trembling voice, "We are gods, kill us all!" , will shake the foundation of this world.”

"You fart."

To this man's dying prayer, Ye Tong only replied coldly, "It has always been you bunch of gods who don't know what to say that shakes this world."

As he said that, Ye Tong punched out, smashing the elder into pieces.

And then, in the next second, suddenly, a huge icicle bombarded towards Ye Tong, as huge as a giant dragon.

bang bang bang.

The icicle hit Ye Tong's body unexpectedly, causing him damage. He backed up in the air, seeing the wound on his body, and was a little surprised.

In his field, why would anyone still be able to use the law.

"King Xiaoye, do you really think that we have no other means?" A cold and stern voice sounded, another bombardment came, and an elder came up to Ye Tong, holding a stone slab high in his hand.

The slate is ice blue, with small symbols on it.

"Ice attribute slate." Looking at the slate, Ye Tong seemed to react, narrowing his eyes slightly.

His domain comes from creation, and Arceus' slate also comes from creation.

Therefore, his domain cannot be deprived of the slate.

Just like in the world of ascension to the gods, creation is the general principle, and the laws of the higher level oppress the laws of the lower level, and the laws of the same level cannot achieve very good results, unless it is a field that is forcibly deprived by Kigard.

"I see."

Ye Tong made a sound, and his eyes became clear, "I forgot, you said you got some things, now it seems that these things are the so-called stone slabs."

"This is our confidence." The person holding the slate replied, and at the same time, another person walked out. He also had a slate in his hand, and the mark on it indicated that it was a ground-mounted slab.

"The two stone slabs are indeed a lot of confidence." Ye Tong said, nodded with a smile, but the next moment, he narrowed his eyes.

"But it's a pity that a stone slab like this..."

He raised his hand, and in his hand, the three stone slabs seemed to be much weaker. In his hand, they began to spin around.

"I have three dollars!"

Holding the slate in his hand, Ye Tong's voice sounded a little deafening, and the faces of the two elders who just stood up changed drastically.

The next moment, the stone slab bombarded him, and Ye Tong waved it casually. The terrifying force directly crushed several people. Then, he lowered his body and quickly rushed towards the two people with the slate.

Three pairs of two, and Ye Tong itself has the law of creation, which is very compatible with the slate. The two elders retreated steadily, and they kept retreating under the bombardment of Ye Tong.

"Where are the temple bastards!"

Seeing that Ye Tong could not be stopped, the person holding the slate made a voice, "There are still two slates there, as long as they participate, we will be four against three, and there are still plenty of opportunities!"

The voice did not fall, the next moment, the bombardment came, the man was blasted into ashes, Ye Tong fell, and grabbed the ice-type stone slab.

At this moment, the god's mansion present could not collapse, and some people broke through the air and fled straight out.

Let King Xiaoye get four stone slabs, they have no chance of winning anymore!

"Escape?" Looking at the elder who fled in all directions like a hornet's nest exploded, Ye Tong raised his eyes. At this moment, four colors of light flashed in his eyes.

Super, ice, fire, water.He is now equivalent to Arceus with four slates.

Just raising his hand, another person was crushed by the huge bombardment, Ye Tong rose into the air, and spoke in a cold voice.

"You old thieves, you can't escape."



The fight on Parliament Island was in full swing, and a small hole suddenly opened in the sky on one side.

"Is King Xiaoye really the creator of the world? Should we join the war..."

A cautious voice came, and the next moment, a huge head poked out, and saw Ye Tong who was chasing and killing the elders all over the sky, and the four stone slabs in his hand.

"Four stone slabs..."

Just a glance, the eyes of this huge head showed uncontrollable fear, and after a moment, it retracted its head.

"Run for your life, those old men in the council are trying to kill us!"

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