Naruto: After Naruto Knows the Plot

Chapter 93 Iruka and Mizuki

"Mr. Iruka? Teacher, don't scare people like this, but you came very late. I learned the ninjutsu recorded above. Would you like to check it for me, Mr. Iruka?"

Naruto raised his head and looked back at Iruka, and raised his hand to directly show the technique of multiple shadow clones.

"Wait! Naruto, what are you going to do? Do you know that the whole village is causing panic because of you? Why are you stealing the sealed book?"

Iruka raised his hand and patted Naruto's head. He needed to ask clearly what happened to Naruto.
"Huh? Didn't you say that as long as I steal this, I can graduate after I get here? By the way, I really learned it, but such a big scroll only records one ninjutsu, it's really pitiful"

Pointing at the scroll with disgust on his face, Naruto pretended not to see Iruka's shocked eyes, and continued to talk about how he swaggered into the place where the scroll was sealed, and then he had to carry such a scroll that was actually useless to run here in order to graduate.

The surrounding Anbu was completely speechless, and even the third generation of Hokage in the Hokage Building felt that their hair continued to shrink.

"Who told you that you can graduate by stealing this? The school has never had a special graduation method."

Iruka didn't want to worry about the authenticity of the sealed book, he just wanted to know if he could bring Naruto back safely later.

His mission is to come here, protect Naruto, and bring Naruto back to the village
Another most important thing is to make Naruto feel loved
Although he would have protected Naruto well, but now that this matter is regarded as a task, Iruka only feels very bad mood, as if his own mind is carved and then displayed, which has lost the original reality.

"I told Naruto!"

Mizuki caught up at this moment, seeing Naruto and Iruka's 'confrontation', his eyes narrowed with a smile.

The sealed book has been stolen, and his plan really succeeded!

Iruka turned his head to look at Mizuki on the tree, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he took out the Kunai from the ninja bag with his fingers, preparing for the next possible battle.

Naruto didn't know the meaning of the sealed book, but as a teacher, Mizuki used this method to deceive Naruto, then there must be something wrong with him.

"Mr. Mizuki, I have already brought the book of seals, but Mr. Iruka said that there is no such thing in the school. Why is this happening? I have completed the task, why don't you let me graduate?"

Naruto looked at Mizuki and let out a questioning roar, which was completely in a state of anger after being deceived.

"It's because Iruka doesn't want you to graduate, but I can let you graduate, as long as you give me the sealed book!"

Mizuki stood on the tree, looking at the sealed book on the ground with a smile on his face.

Throwing it on the ground so casually, as long as he takes it in his hand and leaves the range of Konoha, he can become a strong man after learning these taboo ninjutsu.
"Naruto, don't listen to him, he just wants to get the sealed book, he wants to betray the village, and he wants you to take the blame for him!"

Iruka finally understood now that Mizuki's plan was so vicious.

Naruto has worked hard enough. If the sealed book is lost, even if Naruto returns to the village in the future, he will definitely be charged with causing damage to the village.

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