Start Naruto: Awakening Zanpakuto

Chapter 80 System, I want to sign in (add more)

In the stands, white feathers fluttered down one after another, and the people of Konoha and the ninjas with low strength fell into a hypnotized state one after another!
Kakashi and Kai glanced at each other and immediately saw something was wrong!
And at the place where Hokage and Orochimaru were, Sandai had already noticed that something was wrong, he turned his head to look at Orochimaru, and Orochimaru also turned his head to stare at Sandai at this time!

At this time, Orochimaru's subordinates directly sent out a signal flare, and the smoke rose instantly from the top of the viewing platform!
"The battle begins!"

The people in Sha Yin started to act one after another!
When everyone in Konoha saw their attack, they also stepped forward to stop them!
However, Sand Hidden came prepared, no matter how quick Konoha's people reacted, they lost the opportunity after all!

The Otonin four appeared around Sandai and Orochimaru, forcing Konoha's ninja back!
Then the "Four Purple Flame Formation" was cast directly, and everyone in Konoha was isolated and unable to enter!


At the same time, Konoha's tall wall was breached by a huge three-headed giant snake, and the ninjas guarding the wall were slaughtered by the giant snake!

And in the arena, Temari and Kankuro want to take the out-of-control Gaara away!

"what's going on?"

Seeing the sudden chaos, Yakumo couldn't help being a little stunned!
She is good at illusion, so she won't just be immersed in other people's illusion!

"Mr. Naraku!"

Bai's strength is not bad, and she is not immersed in the illusion, she turned her head and called Naluo beside her!

"Bai, Yakumo, wake up Hinata and the others, and then evacuate here, remember to protect yourself!"

Hearing Naraku's order, Bai nodded!
Naraku turned around and walked towards Kakashi and Kai, with Shiro and Yakumo's protection here, Naraku didn't need to worry!
At this time, Kakashi and Kai had already fought against the group of pretending Anbu!
Naluo came to hit them, and kicked an enemy who was sneaking away with one kick!

"Kakashi, Sand Hidden's people have run away, we have to send people to chase after them!"

Kakashi repelled an enemy, and said to Naraku without looking back, "I can't get away from here!"

Naraku looked at Naruto and others who were lying on the ground, and said with a smile: "Just ask these little guys to go!"

Kakashi glanced at the fallen people and the only Sakura who was awake, summoned Parker, and gave them the pursuit task!
After receiving the task, Sakura began to dispel the illusion for everyone!

But at Shikamaru's place, after trying for a long time, there was no response!

Seeing this, Naraku went up and kicked Shikamaru's ass!

"Okay, don't pretend, go to rest after the task is completed!"

Seeing being exposed, Shikamaru muttered and got up reluctantly!
Afterwards, several people directly followed the trail pointed by Parker, and Zhi Nao, who was crouching in the corner, also followed in an instant!
Naraku just took a look at the place where Zhi Nao was hiding, and didn't care anymore. With Zhi Nao around, they will be more likely to succeed!
Seeing that the battle situation in the stands was chaotic, and on the other side of the roof, Sandai also fought against Orochimaru!

At this time, Orochimaru has already taken off the mask on his face, revealing his true face!

Naraku thought for a while, there are many Junin from Konoha here, the enemy can't stir up the storm, and now the fence is what you should worry about!

"Kakashi, Kai, I leave this place to you, I'll go support the people at the wall!"

Naraku greeted the two of them, and then quickly swept towards the wall!
At the wall, Konoha's ninjas are struggling to support here, but the guards here are too weak, and their attack on the three-headed giant snake can't even break the defense!

The Kunai with the explosive charm was thrown on it, as if a small firecracker had been set on him!

"Get out of the way!"

Naluo came here in an instant, and he directly called everyone to leave!

A group of ninjas besieging the giant snake saw that it was Naraku, and retreated one after another. They knew Naraku's strength!

"Roar - Scourge"

Naraku's Zanpakuto was out of its sheath, and it was directly casting Shijie!

To deal with such a huge creature, it is necessary to use the same huge weapon, which is convenient for chopping!
Only the upper body, the huge black-armored warrior, holding a 40-meter-long sword in his hand, appeared directly behind Naraku!

When everyone in Konoha saw the thing behind Naraku, they were almost scared to pee!

This is the first time that Naraku casts the scourge in front of everyone!
The last time I used it, it was in Genin's underground stronghold, but everyone who saw it that time died, so no one knew that Naraku still had this trick!
Regardless of the reactions of the people around him, Naraku walked directly in front of the three-headed giant snake in one instant!
The Zanpakuto in his hand slashed down vertically, and the three-headed giant snake, which caused Konoha Ninja a headache, was directly divided into two by Naraku!
Even though the three-headed giant snake had three heads, it wasn't just the middle head that Naraku split open!
The huge Zanpakuto ran down the middle of the head, and the whole snake body was divided into two!
The huge snake corpse fell to the ground, still struggling and twitching unwillingly!

Naraku waved another knife, beheading the other two heads!

Then he seemed to think of something, and waved the snake corpse into the system space!
"Well, such a big snake can't be wasted. If it's a barbecue, it can eat several meals!"

After finishing all this, Naraku came to Morino Ibiki who commanded the battlefield on the other side!
"I will leave the rest of the matter here to you, I will continue to go to the arena to clean up the enemies!"

Without the trouble of the three-headed giant snake, it is no longer a problem to rely solely on those sand hides. It is only a matter of time before they are cleaned up!

Seeing Naraku's disappearing figure, Morino Ibiki couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile: "They're also jounin, how can this kid be so strong!"

Naraku, who returned to the battlefield, saw two more figures in Si Ziyan's formation!

"Is that the first Hokage and the second Hokage?"

Looking at the figures of those two, Naraku murmured to himself. I have to say that the first generation and the second generation were definitely the pride of heaven in that era!

The first generation single-handedly conquered the entire ninja world, while the second generation was the one who created a sealed book by himself!
Although these two are just reincarnated from the dirty soil, and their strength is only a part of what they were in life, under the siege of the three of them, the third generation has already fallen into a disadvantage!
What's more, the three generations are already old, and their physical strength is not as good as before, how long can they last!

Naluo shook his head, the death of three generations is a matter of time!

"Forget it, since you made up your mind at the beginning, don't be soft-hearted!"

Naraku shook his head!

"System, I want to sign in!"

"Okay, my dear host, sign in begins!"

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