Start Naruto: Awakening Zanpakuto

Chapter 23 Jonin Examination

On the dueling arena, Naraku and Kai were swaying back and forth, while Kakashi stood aside and watched the scene with his writing wheel.

The third generation is upset, you Kakashi don't know how short your blue bar is or something?If you have opened Sharingan, you should hurry up and fight, or you will have to be helped out of the house again later. If someone who doesn't know this sees it, they will think you are so weak!
So the third generation said to the bottom: "Kakashi, don't watch the show, hurry up, or the time will come."

"This kid always likes to hide his clumsiness in front of me. You two go up together and try how strong he really is."

Hearing Sandai's order, Kakashi stepped forward and stood with Kai, and said to the two of them: "Sorry, I don't want to interrupt the battle between the two of you, but, as Sandai-sama said, this is the Jonin assessment, let us see, Naraku, you have the strength to bear the title of Jonin.

As for the competition between the two of you, Steel Fist and Soft Fist, let's wait for another day.Be careful Naraku, the next two of us will do our best! "

Looking at the two who were about to attack with all their strength, Nai Luo curled her lips in disdain. Seeing that there was still a third of Xiang remaining on one side, she thought to herself: "The hateful old man of the third generation is always trying to find out the depth of my strength. Che, since you want to know so much, I will let you see enough today!"

After obtaining high-level Reiatsu and reaching the strength of the Jōnin level, Naraku has not fought well with others. As for the previous root ninja team, the strength is average, and Naraku did not use all his strength at all.

And Kai and Kakashi in front of him are undoubtedly good opponents. Both of them are the top group of jonin. Only by fighting against them can Naraku know his own strength accurately.

Naraku held the sheath of the Zanpakuto back with his left hand, and slowly pulled out the handle with his right hand from behind. Finally, the long sword came out of the sheath, with awe-inspiring aura!
Adhering to the principle of "keep everything in one hand", in order not to let others know that she can summon weapons out of thin air, Naraku usually tries to carry the weapons on her back when she goes out, so that she can be intimidating at critical moments.

With the long knife in hand, Naraku's momentum changed.

If the previous Naraku was like the boxing techniques he used, giving people a sense of stability, then the current Naraku is showing his sharpness, and those with weaker minds may collapse directly when facing him!
"Then, the two seniors, I also plan to go all out, and please don't hold back the two seniors. I also want to know what my current strength is."

After the words fell, Naraku held the Zanpakuto and attacked the two of them.

Facing Naraku's offensive, Kakashi and Kai took out a kunai, and the other took out a nunchaku from nowhere.

Kakashi took the lead in parrying Naraku's long sword, Kai dodged and came to Naraku's side, waving the nunchaku in his hand and threw it at Naraku.

"Eight of Binding Dao - Rebuke"

Facing Kai's move, Naraku did not dodge it. He knew that with the tacit understanding that Kakashi and Kai had cooperated for many years, once he chose to retreat, he would face their endless attacks and fall into a disadvantage.

So he chose to use the No. [-] Bindao to form a shield on his left hand to block it, while his right hand continued to hold the long knife and slash with Kakashi.

"Bang Ka Ka"

Naraku, who was slashing with Kakashi, sensed something was wrong. Looking back, it was the shield on his left hand that started to shatter after being hit.

"Tsk, No. [-] Binding Dao is too low in level, and it's after giving up singing. It can only block one attack from a strong man like Kai!"

"The Nine of Binding Dao - Collapsing Wheel"

Before he had time to think carefully, Kai's attack came again. Naraku could only cast a crunch wheel at the critical moment, and saw a yellow rope extending from Naraku's fingertips, tightly binding Kai who approached unsuspectingly.

"What? What ninjutsu is this?"

Kai, who was suddenly tied up, looked extremely surprised, but he didn't hesitate much. In the next moment, he mustered all his strength and stretched his arms outward. He saw the veins on his forehead popping out, and he stretched the rope that bound him.


The rope that bound the Tao could not last for three seconds before being broken into sections by Kai, and the broken rope turned into spirit particles and dissipated in the air before it fell to the ground.

Looking at this scene, Naraku was so stunned, good guy, the low-level Taoism is completely useless to this brother.

Naraku slashed Kakashi with a backhand knife, and then with a Shunpo, opened the distance between the two of them.

Since you can't get cheap in melee combat, then I will fight long-range with you, and I will use long-range skills to consume you. You Kakashi is notoriously lacking in mana. I see you can use a few skills. When you run out of mana, I will fly Kai's kite. The mage will open the distance to face the warrior who has no ability to restore blood, and I will consume him to death!
"Broken Way 32 - Cherry Blossom Flash"

It was another broken path without singing, inspired by Naraku's hand, and a cherry blossom-colored shock wave spread towards Kakashi and Kai.

"Kay, danger, come behind me."

Kakashi said to Kai, while quickly forming seals with both hands: "Earth Dun-Earth Flow Wall"

An earthen wall rose up, protecting Kakashi and Kai behind, while Sakura Shine had a close contact with the earthen wall, chopping off fragments of the earthen wall.

Seeing the two hiding behind the earthen wall, Naluo secretly rejoiced: "Good opportunity!"

"Broken Way No. 54—Waste Flame!"

It was too late to chant the mantra, and another ghost path that gave up singing was formed in an instant. Although the effect of singing was abandoned, the power would be greatly reduced, but it can't be controlled so much now.

The No. [-] tunnel is already one of the several tunnels with the highest serial number that Naraku currently has. Its effect is to cast a flame that burns the target completely, which is somewhat similar to Itachi's Amaterasu.

If there is a chance in the future, Naraku really wants to try, whether Amaterasu's flame is stronger or his own waste flame is stronger.

A large disc-shaped flame formed in Naraku's hands, and Naraku threw his hands at Kakashi and the two. The flame became bigger and bigger in the air, and then crashed onto the dirt wall.

The two people behind the earthen wall were about to stand up, but they saw a big flame flying towards them, and quickly shrank back.

After the flame came into contact with the earth wall, it didn't explode as they had imagined, but spread out like a liquid, adhering to the earth wall, and then the earth wall melted quickly in their line of sight at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Kakashi, what kind of flame is this? Why is it so weird?" Kai asked Kakashi puzzled.

"I don't know, it's also the first time I've seen this kind of flame, but no matter what, don't be contaminated, it's not good, go back quickly"

Before Kakashi could finish his sentence, the earth wall in front of him began to collapse under the erosion of the flames, and the scattered rubble was scattered with the flames, and the two hurriedly pulled away to avoid it.

"Opportunity, senior Kai, you are careless!"

At this moment, Naraku's voice came from behind Kai!

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