Start Naruto: Awakening Zanpakuto

Chapter 16 Chapter Ying from Zanpakuto

After leaving Hokage's office, Naraku went straight to the hillside outside Konoha Village.

For many years, Naraku has been practicing here, and this hillside has become a special training ground for Naraku.

"Three generations of this bad old man, if you don't become a jonin, let me do the hardest and most tiring work. Isn't that forcing me to work hard? I'm so annoying, I just want to lie down and sign in quietly." Naraku became more and more speechless as he thought about it.

But obviously, Naraku can only complain, after all, he has no ability to resist now, so he can only choose to accept it.

"Forget it, let's improve our strength as soon as possible. With strength, no one can tell me what to do."

Naraku, who wanted to understand, calmed down and sat cross-legged, and began to call for Zanpakuto from the bottom of his heart.

In the past eight years, from the day Naraku obtained Zanpakutō and Reiatsu, calling for Zanpakutou from the depths of his heart, hoping to get the resonance of Zanpakutō, has become a compulsory homework for Naraku every day.

However, for so many years, even though Naraku persisted in calling every day, Naihe Zanpakudao did not respond to it.

This made Naraku wonder for a while whether the system gave him a fake Zanpakuto to amuse himself.

The system's reply to this is: "Our product must be authentic! The reason why I can't get a response from Zanpakuto lies with the host itself. Please study hard and try to get the initial solution as soon as possible, okay! (*▽*)"

This kind of explanation is the same as not saying it. Naraku can only rely on his own groping, insisting on communicating with Zanpakudou every day.

For this reason, Naraku even thought it was because he was not sincere enough, so for a period of time, he began to call after bathing and burning incense every day, but nothing changed.

Later, he even placed the Zanpakuto on the incense table, kowtowing reverently and devoutly to the Zanpakuto, but Zanpakuto still didn't respond to him.

And the scene of him kowtowing happened to be seen by Hyuga Hyuzu passing by, which made Hyuga Hyuzu feel bad all over.

"I'm afraid my eldest son has some mental illness. Why did he start to kowtow to a knife... Could it be that I have been too strict with him recently, causing him to be too stressed and mentally disturbed... This is not okay, Naraku is the hope of my Hyuga clan, so he must not go crazy... No, I have to talk to him carefully to relieve his pressure..."

So, in the next few days, Hinata Hyuzu stopped training Naraku, and took care of him every day, taking care of him meticulously. At first, Naraku thought that Hinata Hyuzu had taken the wrong medicine, but later, Naraku, who knew the reason, instantly had black lines on his face.

My shameful scene was discovered by someone?How about keeping your mouth shut?Forget it, this is my old man, hold back!
Naraku, who calmed down, called out to the Zanpakutō. He thought that this time, he would return without success like before, but the next moment, he felt a rhythm coming from the Zanpakutō in his hand.

Naraku was overjoyed, this is?Zanpakuto responded to me?
Naraku, who was ecstatic in his heart, caught a rhythm, and followed this rhythm to strengthen the connection.

In the next moment, Naraku felt his consciousness being pulled into a dark space.

Naraku looked at the surrounding space, it was pitch black, and there was a ball-like thing floating in front of him.

"What's the situation? This is the body of my Zanpakuto? Then what should I call my Zanpakuto? Ball? Egg?"

Naraku looked at the ball in front of him curiously, but the ball didn't respond.

So, Naraku couldn't help stretching out his hand and poked the ball in front of him.

"Boom!" With Naluo's finger poking, the ball in front of him exploded instantly.

At the moment when the ball exploded, Naluo seemed to hear a loud noise that shook the sky and the earth, shaking his whole soul, but it seemed like he didn't hear anything, as if the loud noise was just his own auditory hallucination.

Naraku felt really dizzy, and couldn't help stretching out his hand to support his head to relieve the dizziness!
The exploded ball turned into a wave and spread in all directions, and the originally dark space was instantly illuminated and turned into colorful colors.

Naluo, who was really dizzy, thought it was over, but in the next moment, I saw colorful lights surging, and a piece of land appeared out of thin air under Naluo's feet, and the earth extended along Naluo's feet, getting bigger and bigger, with no end in sight.

"This is?? What's the situation?" Naluo was stunned for a while.

its not right?Other people's Zanpakutō is either in the form of a human or an animal. At worst, it is a body of consciousness. Why is my Zanpakuto a ball?And it explodes at the touch of a button?what?Inflated too much, fried?

And the scene just now, why does it look so like the opening of the world? ?

"What... Qiuqiu, are you still there?"

"You don't like me? Then... Eggy, are you there?"

"Don't ignore me? Then what's your name? Give me a response. You pulled me in and didn't tell me your name. What's the difference between you and smoke or fire..." Nai Luo yelled in the consciousness space.

"Host, stop shouting, Zanpakuto will not respond to you, because at that moment, he had already died."

The originally silent system suddenly made a sound!

"Uh...system, what do you mean by that? What do you mean by dying? If Zanpakuto's sword soul dies, doesn't that Zanpakuto is ruined?" Naraku asked the system with a look of horror.

You must know that a large part of Shinigami's strength depends on the Zanpakuto. If Naraku's Zanpakuto is damaged, it will have a great impact on his future growth.

"No, the host's Zanpakuto can be said to have died, but it can also be said not to have died!"

Hearing the unclear words of the system, Naraku was even more confused.

"Ahem, Brother System, can you explain clearly? I understand every word of yours, but I can't understand it together..."

"The meaning of its demise is that the original consciousness of Zanpakuto dissipated at the moment just now. As for why it didn't die, it is because the system combined the abilities that Zanpakuto should have with the host's soul at the moment of its demise. That is to say, from this moment on, the host yourself is the consciousness of Zanpakuto." The system patiently explained.

"I am the consciousness of Zanpakuto?"

"That's right, Shinigami originally wanted to obtain the power of Zanpakuto, and needed to communicate and synchronize with Zanpakuto. The higher the degree of fit between the two, the stronger the strength that can be exerted. But after the fusion of the host and Zanpakuto, the two are inseparable from each other. The power of Zanpakuto is the power of the host."

Naraku finally understood the meaning of the system's words, but another problem came up again.

"System, why did my Zanpakuto consciousness disappear?"

"Because the original one was too weak!"

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