"Not good! There are too many souls collected in the monster cemetery these years! If this continues, Beria will become infinitely stronger!" Seven's face was pale, and even Sero might not be Peleudora's opponent now!
"What's going on! Why didn't that Belia stop him!" The first generation looked at Baidi in shock, and he even found a rock to sit down, as if he was admiring Belyudora!

Bai Di looked at the ever-strengthening Peleutora with great interest, he could feel a powerful energy condensing in his huge body, maybe the next move would allow him to use some of his real skills!

"Turn into cosmic dust! Beludora Hellfire!" Belia roared, the energy accumulated in his body reached its peak, and a huge blue fireball formed in front of his chest!
Inside the blue fireball, the souls of countless monsters surged and roared silently. The resentment of being defeated by the Ultra fighters reached a new peak at this time!

"Ah!" The blue fireball ejected a thick pillar of fire, the monster roared, and the sound wave swept the entire monster cemetery. Lei and others covered their ears in pain, and even the three Ultra fighters couldn't help but knelt down on the ground. land!
Bai Di looked serious, this Peleudora hellfire already had the ability to threaten him, he mobilized all the energy in his body, the red flame exploded, and the whole person was like a god of war on fire!
This time, he didn't choose to release the light skill, but with one step, he rushed towards the pillar of fire!

In an instant, Bai Di was submerged by the blue flames, but in the blue pillar of flames, a crimson flame was faintly seen going upstream, constantly approaching the source of the flames!
The Peleutora Hellfire with extremely high temperature and mental attack is useless to Bai Di!
"Ah!" Beria roared impotently, but it still couldn't change Bai Di's approaching quickly!
The red flame that Baidi turned into hit the blue fireball fiercely. In an instant, the blue flame scattered and splashed, and many of them directly infected Peleudora, and the monsters in it howled miserably!

And this is not the end, Baidi, burning with red flames, forcibly penetrated into Beleudora's body, swung his fists, and crazily cast cosmic punches, attacking everything he could see!
Starting from the chest, the red energy visible to the naked eye gradually spread throughout the chest, and finally upstream, spreading to the neck and head!
Belia looked at all this in horror, and suddenly he felt a huge force coming from under him, and he couldn't help screaming, flying out of Beludora's head, and smashed hard on the ground of the monster cemetery superior!

At this moment, a shocking pillar of fire appeared at the position where Beria was originally, and Bai Di was bathed in fire, like an undefeated God of War, stepping on the red clouds in the sky, appearing chicly!
Beludora, who had lost her master, let out a final wail, her huge body collapsed directly, and hundreds of monsters, living or dead, scattered and smashed into the monster cemetery!

"Why! How can you be so strong! Aren't you the me you used to be?" Beria asked weakly as he fell to the ground.

If he also had this power back then, why would he pursue the power of darkness, and why would he need to touch the core of plasma sparks, let alone end up in this situation now!
Bai Di fell to the ground slowly, looked indifferently at Beria who fell on the ground, and dissipated the super-sailor form: "I am what you used to be, but I have more efforts and a little more chance than you."

"And when you encounter difficulties, you don't want to work hard on your own, but seek something weak like dark power. You are really putting the cart before the horse."

Beria barely supported his body, and looked at Bai Di unwillingly: "Work hard? I used to work harder than anyone else, why did I still end up in such a mess!"

"Then just work harder, if you work as hard as I do, you won't lament because of your weakness!" Bai Di said righteously.

"Belia, follow me, follow me and you will gain power stronger than the power of darkness! I will teach you how to work hard!" Bai Di followed the temptation.

Belia looked down at his already weak palm, as if he had made up his mind, he raised his head and said, "I..."

"Amelim Cut!"

A green ray swept across the field, and a large number of monsters were directly detonated by this move, and by coincidence, Belia was among them!
It happened so suddenly that even Bai Di didn't have time to react, he could only watch Belia being killed in front of him!
"I'm not going to die!" Beria let out a final wail, and then exploded into a ball of flames!
"Zhuo!" Bai Di couldn't help but swear, he had been persuading Beria for so long, and even started to educate him, spent so much effort, and finally tried to persuade Beria, but was robbed of his head!
The first generation was overjoyed: "Is he back?"

Seven nodded worriedly. The current situation may not be something Sai Luo can handle. He would rather his son not come back at this time.

Bai Di looked up into the sky with ferocious eyes, and saw a golden light falling to the ground like a meteor, splashing a lot of dust, and then he slowly got up, revealing his red and blue body, he was Ultraman Zero!
"Congratulations to the host for killing Beria and getting reward [-]: ordinary skill treasure chest."

Congratulations Hammer!I was about to get a generous reward, but I was messed up by that Sai Luo!

Thinking of this, Bai Di looked at Sai Luo even more unkindly.

And Sai Luo didn't care about Bai Di at all, he took two quick steps and walked in front of Seven: "Father! Are you okay!"

Looking at his son who cared about him, Seven was a little embarrassed. Apart from the intense energy consumption, he didn't suffer any injuries at all. All the battles were taken over by the new Beria.

Looking at Sai Luo in front of him, he showed a kind smile like an old father, and couldn't help saying: "Sai Luo, you have grown up and become a real Ultra warrior."

Sai Luo touched his head in embarrassment, and suddenly remembered that he still had an ice ax in his hand, and hurriedly returned the ice ax to Seven, then he turned to look at Bai Di:
"Father, let's put aside the reminiscing about the old days, he is Beria, let me defeat him!"

Although Sai Luo is also very puzzled why Beria looks like a bright warrior in front of him, but at this moment he looks at him with fierce eyes, and the plasma spark core is next to him, so he must be Beria without a doubt!
"Sai Luo, wait a minute, he..." Seven was taken aback, and just wanted to stop him, but Sai Luo didn't listen, and rushed out directly!
"Belia! Listen carefully, I am Sai Luo, Ultraman Sai Luo! I am the one who defeated you!"

After years of hard training, Sai Luo has already developed an excellent fighting ability, and he is confident that he can completely destroy Beria in front of him!
"Tch, you're just a troubled boy who just escaped from the juvenile prison. I see that you haven't learned how to talk to the elders well, so I'll help them educate you!" Bai Di felt even more upset.

"The host has obtained a treasure chest of ordinary skills, do you choose to open it?"

Hearing the notification sound of the system, Bai Di felt even more congested, and he waved his hand irritably: "Open, open."

Then he didn't care about it, looked at Sai Luo who was coming straight towards him, and prepared to punch with strength!
"The host opened the ordinary skill treasure box, congratulations to the host for obtaining the super god-level skill: Freedom of Ultimate Intention (Entry: 0%)!"

The fist that Bai Di was about to throw froze, what the hell?Freedom of Ultimate Intention?


Bai Di hadn't finished digesting this information, Sai Luo had already approached, swung a punch, and hit Bai Di hard on the chest!

Bai Di, who was in the basic form, was sent flying in an instant, and the severe pain in his chest brought him back to his senses, but he was not annoyed at all, he did somersaults in succession to defuse the momentum, and landed gracefully.

The matter of disrupting his mission because of Sai Luo just disappeared immediately, and at this time he looked at Sai Luo with burning eyes, as if he was looking at his beloved baby.

Ou Huang!
Sai Luo was terrified by Bai Di's eyes, and immediately took advantage of the victory to pursue, throwing two darts from his head.At the same time, the body turned into a stream of light and appeared above Bai Di, and a whip kick hit Bai Di's head!
Bai Di walked away calmly, and asked the system quietly in his heart: "Why is the Freedom of Ultimate Intention shown as an entry level? How to improve proficiency?"

"Zizaijigong, as a super god-level exercise, is divided into four realms: entry, proficiency, proficiency, and perfection. Each realm can be improved through self-awareness, or absorb a large amount of homogeneous energy, or perfectly absorb each skill. The first attack, turned into his own use."

"The ultimate power of freedom, the supreme power inherited from the angel family, possesses the divine power of good fortune, and is a super power comparable to the divine power of destruction!"

"Ultimate Instinct in a perfect state can even compete with the real God of Destruction!"

Bai Di knew in his heart that the radiance emitted by the Zizai Ultimate Intention Kungfu might be like the energy of light. Even if it was his homogeneous energy, it seemed that he still had to grab the wool of the Kingdom of Light.

And now it's only a few seconds, but Bai Di and Sai Luo have already passed hundreds of moves!
Sai Luo deserves to be the strongest fighter in the Kingdom of Light. Bai Di has already entered the Super Tournament state, so he can barely equalize with Sai Luo, and he is even being faintly suppressed.

Bai Di sideways dodged Sai Luo's roundabout kick again, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth: "As a reward for the good luck you brought me, I will let you try this extreme intention skill!"

Unrestrained Ultimate Intention, activate!

PS. I know that after this chapter is published, I will definitely be scolded, because of the setting problem of Ultimate Instinct, there must be many people scolding me for writing indiscriminately.

But I want to say that this book is just a parallel world, not the traditional Dragon Ball world. The children are trying their best to fit the original book, but it is almost impossible to integrate the world views of two different systems.

So I can only make some changes according to my own ideas, so that these abilities can have new features in the parallel time and space of this book, which also facilitates the development of the children's subsequent plots.

If you are a standard original party, I am sorry to disappoint you, I hope you can understand, thank you readers!

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