Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 989 I Want To Know Too

For decades, scientific expedition teams from various countries have climbed this iceberg many times.

But among these authoritative scientists, none of them have ever known the true face hidden by the iceberg.

A huge treasure house of prehistoric civilization is right under their feet, but no one knows it.

After Ji Changsheng took a look, he had already seen the clues of the trick.

But he didn't say anything, but asked.

"How to get rid of the blindfold?"

The little brother smiled.

"This method is actually very simple, but most people can't think of it."

The barrier-breaking method in the victory-weariness technique!

With the tears of a 30-year-old cow, soak the willow leaves for nine days and nine nights, and then dry them in the sun.

Willow leaves have the ability to break the magic barrier.

Roll up the leaves, and through the hole in the middle, you can see things that ordinary people can't see!

After speaking, the little brother took out four willow leaves from his backpack and handed them to everyone.

Ji Changsheng tried it curiously, and it was exactly as the little brother said.

The iceberg turned into a black mountain!

The mountains are a black, bubbly formation of stone.

The surface of this stone is covered with pores, like pores on the skin.

Ji Changsheng immediately took out the Haotian Ruler and measured it.

The measured data results show that this is a special kind of volcanic rock, which was formed [-] million years ago!

The result was within his expectations.

But another result of the measurement surprised him a bit.

This black mountain range is actually a whole!
The part exposed above ground, plus the part underground.

The total length is more than 120 kilometers, the width is about 10 kilometers, and the thickness is more than 6000 meters.

Almost equivalent to the area of ​​a small county, it is actually a whole piece of volcanic rock!

This is by no means a natural formation, but the result of artificial transformation.

It is impossible to do it with human power, even the Zhang family may not be able to do it.

It can only be the work of prehistoric civilization!
Then, what the little brother said confirmed Ji Changsheng's speculation.

"This mountain range is actually a whole, and the Zhang family's ancient tomb was built in the mountain's belly."

"To be precise, the ancient tomb of the Zhang family is just the entrance to the prehistoric city."

The ancient tomb of the Zhang family with an area of ​​more than 1000 square kilometers is only the entrance to the underground city!

This shows how magnificent this prehistoric city is!

Ji Changsheng understood immediately.

Prehistoric civilization built this huge volcanic rock to hide the underground city.

This mountain is actually the gate to the underground city!

Immediately, the little brother led everyone to the top of the mountain.

He took out a compass, carefully identified the direction, and came to the highest point on the top of the mountain.

The little brother bent down, and after groping the ground for a while, he stretched out his hand and pressed hard.

A small hole was slowly cracked in the ground, and in the hole was the organ that opened the entrance of the ancient tomb.

The little brother reached in and twisted the mechanism, explaining at the same time.

"Only the special method inherited by the patriarch can open the mechanism. Even if someone finds out, no one can open it."

It is for this reason that no one except Zhang Qiling in the past has been able to find the ancient tomb of the Zhang family for thousands of years.

As the mechanism was turned on, there was a muffled rumbling sound from under your feet.

A hidden door slowly opened on the ground, only one meter square.

Gusts of cold wind blowing up from the inside indicated that there was a huge space below.

The little brother turned on the flashlight and was the first to enter the secret door, followed by the others.

Below the secret door is a long tunnel, narrow and dark.

The tunnel extended to the ground, and after walking for half an hour, the slope became flat.

This shows that they have come to the deepest part of the tunnel, several thousand meters above the ground.

Walk forward for about 10 minutes along the flat tunnel.

The tunnel was clear and bright, and a stone door appeared in front of it.

The stone gate is about ten meters high and three meters wide.

The little brother looked at the inscription on the stone gate and fell silent.

Seeing this, Zhang Qiming immediately understood.

"Patriarch, are there any restrictions on entry?"

The little brother nodded, pointed at the inscription and said.

"According to the rules of the Zhang family, except for the patriarch and his successor, when entering Shimen, everyone else needs to take Wangyou Pill to wash away this memory."

"Otherwise...the mechanism in the ancient tomb will be triggered, and no one will be able to come out alive."

Zhang Qiming and Lin Shuangyue suddenly looked embarrassed. If this is the case, then didn't they come in vain?
Ji Changsheng laughed.

"Brother, do you think the Wangyou Pill is useful to me?"

He didn't brag, no poison in the world would work against him.

The little brother also laughed.

"That's why I didn't prepare the Wangyou Pill. It's just that I'm not sure about the mechanisms inside, so I hesitate."

Ji Changsheng said immediately.

"It's okay, just open the door."

The little brother nodded, stretched out his hand and pressed on the door a few times, probably it was the password to open the door or something.

Afterwards, Shimen made a dull sound.

With a burst of dust shaking down, the stone door slowly opened to both sides.

Behind the stone gate is a wide stone road.

The four of them entered the stone gate one after another and walked forward for a while.

At the end of the stone road, they came to a huge underground cave.

This cave is located in the center of the mountainside of Heishan, where the ancient tomb of the Zhang family is located!

Looking up, the inner space of the cave is as high as a kilometer, and the area is larger than ten football fields.

In fact, this cave is only a small part of the Zhang family's ancient tomb.

Around the cave, there are many stone gates leading to all directions.

The little brother then introduced.

"There are a total of 64 such caves in the Zhang family's ancient tomb, arranged according to the orientation of the 64 hexagrams, forming an underground labyrinth."

"Only by cracking this maze and finding the real exit can we enter the dungeon."

Ji Changsheng asked immediately.

"Then has anyone gone in?"

The little brother shook his head helplessly and said.

"Except for the first patriarch, no one has entered the dungeon."

After he finished speaking, he added another sentence.

"At least not in my memory."

Although the memory he inherited has awakened, there are still incomplete parts.

In other words, this memory has already been deleted and is an incomplete version.

Ji Changsheng smiled indifferently.

"Then let's make an exception today. Do you know how to solve the maze?"

After thinking for a while, the little brother replied.

"I don't know the specific method, but I know the clues are in the main tomb."

The main tomb of the Zhang family's ancient tomb is the huge square coffin that Wang Zanghai had seen back then.

According to my younger brother's memory, the ancestors of the Zhang family were buried in that coffin.

The first patriarch of the Zhang family!

And in Wang Zanghai's memory, this thousands-year-old corpse does not seem to be human!

Ji Changsheng couldn't help laughing.

"It seems that the biggest secret of the Zhang family is in that coffin."

"Brother, do you have any objections?"

After all, they were going to dig the Zhang family's ancestral grave, and they still wanted to ask the younger brother for his opinion.

The little brother smiled lightly, as if he didn't care at all.

"Actually, I also want to know the secrets of my ancestors, let's go, I will lead the way."

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