Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 982 My Way Is Not Lonely

After the man finished speaking, he seemed a little tired. He sat down on the ground and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

The little brother asked quickly.

"Are you all right?"

The man waved his hand and smiled.

"My body is getting younger, but my heart is really getting old."

The toxins accumulated in his body have severely damaged his body functions. Even with a heaven-defying cultivation, he will not live for 100 years at most.

The little brother immediately looked at Ji Changsheng with pleading eyes.

Perhaps only Mr. Ji can save Grandpa in this world!
Of course Ji Changsheng understood what he meant, walked up to the man, and gently grabbed a hand.

Skill: The Rejuvenation Technique is activated!
Skill: Life and death together launch!

After a few seconds.

The man's expression couldn't help changing, he was both shocked and pleasantly surprised.

"What's going on? The poison gas in my body seems to be gone!"

After speaking, he stood up and waved his luck.

The palm wind roared, full of energy.

Not only the toxins are completely removed, but the body also becomes stronger!
Ji Changsheng smiled lightly and said.

"Old man, you are a good man, auspicious people have their own appearance."

The man naturally knew that this was not a sign of the sky, but Ji Changsheng's magical means.

After looking at Ji Changsheng, he said with emotion.

"Unexpectedly, your methods are more clever than I thought, it seems that my entrustment is promising!"

Ji Changsheng shook his head.

"It's not time to talk about life and death. There is still a long way to go. I hope you can realize your ideals with your own hands."

The man couldn't help being taken aback, then suddenly startled.

"Could it be... no way!"

At this time, he suddenly realized one thing.

Ji Changsheng not only removed the toxins in his body, but also cured the side effects caused by the fountain of youth!

The man was surprised and delighted that the antidote he had been looking for for many years was actually achieved so easily by Ji Changsheng!

"How did you do it? Can you teach me?"

If the side effects can be cured, then the reincarnation system can fulfill his ideal!

Ji Changsheng shook his head again.

"Sorry, this method cannot be learned by others."

The man couldn't help feeling a bit disappointed, but then he understood.

This is a skill that has been cultivated for thousands of years. Only those who have achieved Taoism and become immortals have such supernatural powers. How can others easily learn it.

"Well, it seems that I still have to embark on an unfinished road."

Ji Changsheng helped him improve his physique, prolong his life, and add hundreds of years, which was enough for him.

The little brother quickly made another suggestion.

"Or, let's go together."

After thinking for a while, the man smiled happily.

"But I'm still a traitor to the Zhang family."

The little brother couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard this.

In fact, the man has already agreed!
"I am the current head of the Zhang family, and now I declare in the name of the head that you are not guilty!"

The man immediately knelt on the ground and said respectfully.

"Zhang Qiming is willing to do the work of a dog and a horse!"

He has been pardoned by the patriarch and has officially returned to the Zhang family, so he can use his original name.

It turned out that the old man's real name was Zhang Qiming.

Ji Changsheng couldn't help laughing.

"Congratulations brother, congratulations old man."

After Zhang Qiming stood up, he said quickly.

"Although I am a few years older, I dare not rely on my old age in front of the patriarch and Mr. Ji."

"You guys can call me Qiming from now on."

Lin Shuangyue also stepped forward to congratulate, and reminded at the same time.

"Mr. Ji, it's almost time."

They came from the capital, spent two days on the road, and stayed at the top of the mountain for most of the day.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye, and the wedding in the palace of the capital was still waiting for them to go back to preside over the wedding in four days.

Ji Changsheng nodded and said.

"Brother Qiming, is there anything else important here? If not, let's go back to Beijing together."

Zhang Qiming glanced around, and there seemed to be some reluctance in his eyes.

After a while.

He just replied.

"Important things are in my heart, not important here."

"Everyone go outside and wait for me first, I have one more thing to do."

Ji Changsheng didn't ask too much, because he guessed what the other party was going to do, so he took his brother and Lin Shuangyue out of the cave.

The three came to the top of the mountain and waited for a few minutes.

I saw Zhang Qiming striding like flying, galloping out of the cave, and shouted loudly before he got to him.

"Let's go everyone!"

Before they had time to ask more questions, they immediately followed him and galloped down the mountain.

When they rushed all the way to the mountainside, they only heard a loud noise from the top of the mountain.


When I looked back, I saw a cloud of fire rising into the sky, rushing up to a height of [-] meters, turning the sky red.

The huge explosion shock wave rolled countless rubble and fell from a height of several hundred meters, like a rain of stones.

Fortunately, they were far away and were not affected.

Only then did the little brother realize that Zhang Qiming activated the system's self-destruct device and destroyed the reincarnation system!
He suddenly felt a little puzzled.

"This is your painstaking effort for thousands of years, why destroy it?"

Zhang Qiming laughed and replied.

"If you don't break, you can't stand, if you break, you can stand."

"Since this road doesn't work, let's go another way."

"All roads lead to Chang'an, let's start all over again!"

Ji Changsheng cured not only his physical illnesses and illnesses, but also the knots in his heart.

Zhang Qiming always thought that for thousands of years, he was walking alone.

In fact, there are many people in the world who have the same ambition as him.

This made him feel very relieved, and at the same time re-invigorated his confidence.

I am not alone!

As long as there are people like them in the world, the hope of mankind will still exist!
Seeing that the old man had such lofty ambitions, Ji Changsheng immediately made a decision.

"Brother, Qiming, Ah Yue, let's go to the North Pole together."

Of course, to go is also after the wedding.

The four of them went down the mountain together and came to the small town for a little rest.

Three days later, Ji Changsheng's palace had another permanent resident, Zhang Qiming.

When they got home, they saw the palace decorated with lights and festoons, with red lanterns hanging high above the door, and big happy characters pasted on the door.

After Zhang Qiming asked the reason, he hurriedly said.

"I didn't expect it to be the patriarch's big wedding day. I came in a hurry and didn't prepare a gift. This..."

Immediately, after touching his body for a long time, he finally found something.

"This is barely a congratulatory gift, please don't dislike it, patriarch."

The younger brother and Ji Changsheng couldn't help being surprised when they saw it.

The thing in Zhang Qiming's hand was actually a scroll of Warring States Silk Book!
There are six volumes of silk scripts in the Warring States period, five of which are in the hands of Ji Changsheng, and the other volume is in the hands of the people, and its whereabouts are unknown.

Liu Lisun is sending people to look for it everywhere, but they can't find anything.

Unexpectedly, this thing is actually in Zhang Qiming's hands!
The younger brother took the silk book and handed it to Ji Changsheng without even looking at it.

Zhang Qiming felt a little puzzled.

The little brother gave a rare smile, stretched out a hand, and said.

"This is for Mr. Ji, and what about mine?"

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