Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 978 The Identity of the Old Man

In my little brother's memory, this place was originally a place where immortals lived.

Unexpectedly, it became what it is today.

What caused the depletion of the fountain of youth?
With these questions in mind, everyone followed the man to the entrance of the cave.

Although half of the cave collapsed, it was still more than ten meters high and seven or eight meters wide.

Looking inside, the cave was dark, and a rotten smell wafted out in the wind.

With a thought in his mind, Ji Changsheng conjured up several large flashlights and distributed them to everyone.

The man was not surprised when he saw this.

Turn on the flashlight, and under the leadership of the man, everyone walked into the cave together.

After walking in for hundreds of meters, the cave became much wider.

People came to a flat land, about a thousand square meters, surrounded by several small holes.

In my younger brother's memory, this place was originally a place for teenagers to practice martial arts, but now it is full of rocks and overgrown with weeds.

The small holes around lead to several stone rooms, which are the residences of the boy, Ah Chun, and the old man, as well as a warehouse for storing things.

The man looked at the little brother and said.

"Let's go, let's go and see the place where we lived back then."

After speaking, he walked towards one of the small holes.

The three of them followed closely, got into the entrance of the cave, and walked several tens of meters to a circular cave.

The cave is about [-] square meters. Although it is dilapidated, you can still see what it looked like back then.

A huge stone bed covered with dust, several stone benches, and a stone table.

Against the wall, stood several dilapidated wooden cabinets.

The little brother thinks about others when he sees things, as if he is Zhang Qiling back then, returning to his home.

After thinking about it, he walked to the wooden cabinet, brushed off the dust, and opened the cabinet door.

I saw that the things in the cabinet had already rotted into a pile of ashes, and I could only vaguely see that they were some ancient books and clothes.

The little brother was a little disappointed, looking for something in the ashes.

Too bad he didn't find anything in the end.

At this time, the man pointed to a wall and said.

"What you're looking for is here."

Everyone looked at the place he pointed, and saw a painting hanging on the wall.

The younger brother took a closer look, and his eyes lit up.

"It's here!"

The head of the Zhang family handed down six ancient paintings, five of which were in the hands of Ji Changsheng, and the last one remained unaccounted for.

I didn't expect this painting to be here!

The little brother carefully took off the scroll, spread it flat on the stone table, and gently brushed off the dust.

The ancient paintings finally showed their true colors.

When everyone stepped forward to look at it, they couldn't help being stunned.

After thousands of years of baptism, the ancient paintings have long faded away, and all the details are unrecognizable, leaving only some vague outlines.

These outlines are like children's scribbles, nothing can be seen at all.

Even the most powerful appraiser in the world cannot recognize the original appearance of this painting.

The little brother couldn't help screaming that it's a pity that the Zhang family has searched for thousands of years of ancient paintings, but in the end it was all in vain.

Seeing this, Ji Changsheng comforted him.

"The moon waxes and wanes, and there is nothing perfect in this world. This is God's will."

The little brother nodded, indicating that he was fine.

In fact, after going through so many incidents, the little brother has already become more open-minded, and he doesn't care so much about the results.

He carefully put away the remnants of the scroll. Although it was decayed, it was an ancient relic after all, so let's keep it as a souvenir.

The man saw it, didn't say anything, just turned around and walked out.

"Go elsewhere."

The crowd followed him to two other caves, where Ah Chun and the old man lived.

It is almost the same as the boy's cave, except for some simple furniture, there is nothing unusual about it.

Due to the erosion of the years, the cave has long lost its appearance.

Tens of thousands of ancient books were all reduced to ashes.

After a round, almost nothing was found.

The little brother finally couldn't bear it and asked.

"What about the fountain of youth?"

In fact, the most important thing in this cave is the Fountain of Youth!

Everything that happened back then was directly related to the Fountain of Youth.

After a little hesitation, the man asked a strange question.

"are you ready?"

Ji Changsheng and his party came here from thousands of miles just to find the secret of the Fountain of Youth, and they obviously came prepared.

This question seems redundant.

The three nodded together, feeling that the man's words seemed to mean something else, but they didn't know what the real meaning was.

The man nodded.

"Okay, then come with me."

With strong curiosity, everyone got into one of the holes.

After walking a few hundred meters along the entrance of the cave, a light appeared ahead.

It doesn't look like moonlight, but hazy fluorescent light.

But no one lives here, where does the light come from?
When everyone passed through the cave and came to the light source, the scene in front of them was jaw-dropping.

The little brother couldn't help but stand on the spot, this was completely different from the scene he remembered!

"what is this?!"

Ji Changsheng's expression moved slightly, but he wasn't overly surprised. He seemed to have expected this to happen.

I saw that this is a cave with an area of ​​more than 3000 square meters.

It's more of a basement than a cave.

Because this cave is a standard circular shape, it was obviously excavated by hand.

The surrounding walls are very flat, coated with a layer of luminous material, emitting a faint fluorescent light, illuminating the entire cave.

There is a circular pool in the middle of the cave, about ten meters in diameter, I don't know how deep it is.

There are many boxy tables around the pool, covered with dust, it looks like a laboratory console!

Around these tables, there are dozens of square pillars, glowing with metallic luster.

The little brother walked up and brushed off the dust on the table with his hand, revealing a neat row of buttons and a display screen.


It's actually a console!

Ji Changsheng said with such an expression on his face.

"If my guess is correct, this should be a secret laboratory of the Zhang family, used to study prehistoric civilization."

"Master, am I right?"

The man nodded, not surprised at all.


Ji Changsheng doesn't believe that there really is a fountain of youth in fairy tales in the world, even if there is, it is artificially created.

Combined with the Zhang family's advanced technological strength, it is easy to guess this result.

What made him curious was, if this was Zhang's laboratory, who were the old man and Ah Chun?
The man seemed to have guessed the question in his heart, before Ji Changsheng could ask, he smiled softly.

"At this time, I don't need to hide it anymore."

"I was kicked out of the house by Zhang's family and deprived of my surname, so I don't have a name."

After he finished speaking, he added another sentence.

"I'm a traitor in their eyes."

The little brother couldn't help being startled, he never thought that the real identity of the old man was actually a traitor of the Zhang family!

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