Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 97 Even Fatty Can't Stand It Anymore

Jack said sincerely.

"Mr. Park, since they are willing to cooperate, then tell them the plan."

Park Duangen hesitated and didn't answer directly.

But in my heart, I kept cursing.

This idiot believed the nonsense of these people so easily!
It's fine if you don't have a good brain, but you still want to drag me into the water!
The only bargaining chip I can rely on to survive, how can I say it so simply!

He suppressed the panic in his heart and said pretendingly.

"Cooperation is fine, but only I can use my method, and it's useless to tell you."

"It's better than..."

Before he finished speaking, a red light flashed.

Park Duangen only felt a light wrist, and his entire right hand lost consciousness.

Looking down, I couldn't help being scared out of my wits.

The right hand has already flown more than ten meters away, leaving only a bare wrist with green smoke!
The scary thing is that he can't feel the pain!
Ji Changsheng said lightly.

"Even without you, I can go in."

"If you don't say anything, it's your head!"

Park Duangen looked at the red hot dagger in his hand, and couldn't bear the fear in his heart anymore.

"I said, I said!"

"Actually, I have been studying the civilization of the ancient Dongsha country all my life, and I have done a lot of research."

"I've found a way to enter Dongxia King's Tomb!"

As he spoke, he took out a map from his pocket with his trembling left hand.

"This is the result of my decades of research, the topographic map of the Heavenly Palace!"

Ji Changsheng took it over and looked at it, and couldn't help frowning.

He has read the original book and knows the internal structure of Tiangong.

The map in my hand is actually real!
Except for the bronze gate, all the layout and structure of Tiangong are clear!
He asked in a cold voice.

"Tell me, where did you get this thing!"

Park Duangen answered quickly.

"It's the result of my research, didn't I say it?"

Ji Changsheng sneered.

"Even my Chinese archaeologists can't find the whereabouts of this Tiangong, how can you research it?"

"Clearly lying!"

Pu Duangen swallowed his saliva, but still forced his mouth hard.

"I am a professor of history at Pusan ​​National University. The Dongha Kingdom belongs to us in history. It is a research topic in our country and there are many documents."

"Including Genting Tiangong is also our country's cultural heritage!"

"It's normal that you can't figure it out. The real history is in our country!"

clap clap clap!
Three big slaps, crisp and loud.

Pu Duangen's cheeks were swollen and tall, and he opened his mouth to spit out three teeth.

Ji Changsheng frowned slightly.

"I don't want to hear your nonsense, wrong word, a tooth!"

"You count how many teeth you have left, and then you can talk after you think about it."

Park Duangen managed to stand still, and his mind was in chaos.

"What I said is true. This is the consensus of the academic circles in our country. If you don't believe it, you can go..."

clap clap clap!
Another three teeth fell to the ground.

But this time it was Fatty who made the move, and even his big bastard couldn't stand it anymore.

"Draft grandma! What kind of bullshit are you talking about?"

"You guys have eaten too much kimchi, you have maggots growing in your brain!"

"You can say that your son looks like Lao Tzu, how can there be any reason why Lao Tzu looks like a son?!"

The innocence of the Virgin Mary also showed contempt and gave the fat man a thumbs up.

"Fatty beat you well! If your son is disobedient, you should beat him hard!"

Jack shrugged with an expression on his face.

"I told you a long time ago that you are not qualified to talk about history in front of others. A nation with thick skins like yours is probably unique."

Ji Changsheng's tone also became cold.

"Remember, I didn't kill you because of the origin of this map, but because you ran the train with your mouth full!"

After speaking, the red light in his hand lit up.

Park Duangen immediately fell to his knees, his butt sticking out high.

"I said, I said!"

"In fact, this is a major plan of our country to brainwash young people through various entertainment cultures and distort history."

"In just a few generations, no one will be able to tell the real history!"

The Suzaku sword stopped in the air.

Ji Changsheng said with a half-smile.

"For the sake of these words, I will give you another chance. Where did this map come from?"

Pu Duangen's [-] answer.

"Ten years ago, I bought it from a Chinese in Shanhaiguan, and it cost 200 million yuan!"

Ji Changsheng's eyes moved.

"who's that person?"

Pu Duangen shook his head violently.

"I don't know. He contacted me on his own initiative. He is a very mysterious person."

Ji Changsheng's heart skipped a beat.

Knowing everything about the inside of Tiangong, he took the initiative to contact Bangzi to reveal the secret, and deliberately hid the bronze door.

Who has such motivation and ability?
After much deliberation, the finger finally pointed to a group of people.

Wang family!
In order to survive, Park Duangen continued to explain.

"After I got this map, I deliberately chose the research topic of Dongxia Kingdom, and then I was hired by Mr. Jude Kao."

"But we couldn't find the specific location of Tiangong, so we prepared for many years, and this time..."

Ji Changsheng waved his hand.


Park Duangen raised his head cautiously and said flatteringly.

"Your Excellency, I'm just a swindling historian, and I haven't produced any research results at all."

"I just want to make a fortune with this map, I have no other intentions."

"Can you spare my dog's life?"

The fat man stepped forward and persuaded.

"Mr. Ji, it's useless to keep this kind of person. Killing him will dirty your hands. Let me do it!"

After speaking, he drew out his shiny dagger.

After Ji Changsheng thought about it, he smiled.

"Killing him will also dirty your hands, so it's better to leave him alone."

"He's more useful alive than dead."

After finishing speaking, he put away the Suzaku sword and waved his right hand lightly.

Skill: Red Flame Art is activated!

The Red Flame Art can absorb the moisture in the air, and a heat wave hit.

In an instant.

The rainwater on Jack and Park Duangen was sucked dry, and they finally saved their lives from death.

If it was a little later, both of them would be frozen into ice sculptures.

Jack immediately bowed and nodded.

"Thank you for not killing me."

Pu Duangen kowtowed again and again.

"Thank you for your generosity, thank you!"

Ji Changsheng laughed.

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't forgive you, I just left you a dog's life temporarily."

Pu Duangen was taken aback for a moment, then said.

"I will definitely follow the example of dogs and horses, so let me be the pioneer!"

Ji Changsheng waved his hand, revealing a naughty smile
"I don't need you to do this, you have more important things to do."

"This is also the only reason for you to live, don't let me down!"

Pu Duangen was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Ji Changsheng suspiciously.

He is just a fake archaeologist, besides this map, what value can he use?
At this time, he suddenly trembled.

Because he saw something terrifying in Ji Changsheng's eyes!

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