Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 952: Become a Buddha

The three were deeply shocked by the scene before them.

It is an orderly giant city with an area of ​​tens of thousands of square kilometers, in which hundreds of millions of residents live.

All kinds of novel means of transportation shuttle through the land, sea and sky at lightning speed.

In the space outside the atmosphere, there is an interstellar mothership with a length of [-] meters, surrounded by hundreds of small and medium-sized warships.

The degree of civilization displayed on this planet far exceeds that of humans in the 21st century!
The voice of God sounded again.

"This is what it looked like a million years ago."

One million years ago, the inhabitants of this planet had already stepped into advanced civilization!

Ji Changsheng couldn't help feeling very puzzled, and asked immediately.

"Then why did they turn into stone?"

Instead of answering, God fast-forwards time.

I saw flames bursting into the sky suddenly in the giant city, followed by a cloud of explosion fire that spread to the whole world.

War broke out!
This kind of advanced civilization war is extremely terrifying.

All kinds of unprecedented weapons destroyed all the cities in an instant, erasing all traces of civilization!
Calculated in earth time, this war took less than ten days!
After the war, the planet was devastated and species became extinct on a large scale.

The once vibrant world has turned into a desert.

But the intelligent population was not completely extinct, and a small part hid deep underground and escaped unharmed.

These survivors came to the surface and tried to restore order.

Some of these wise men believed that a problem must be solved before civilization could be rebuilt, otherwise the same fate would follow in the future.

The question is how to avoid disputes.

Where did the strife come from?
Judging from their advanced technology, they already have the ability to develop alien resources, so the reason is not to compete for resources.

After discussions among wise men, a consistent conclusion was reached.

The reason is due to the troubles in my heart!
This trouble is not in the ordinary sense, but refers to all negative things, such as hatred, jealousy, greed, anger, madness, vanity, and so on.

Even though they have a very high level of technology, they have many defects in thinking like the backward humans on earth.

To solve these defects, it is necessary to trace the source, what caused it?
The conclusion they draw is a physical defect!
Genes need to continue, and in order to reproduce, more resources must be obtained.

With more resources, there will inevitably be competition between individuals in order to obtain the right to reproduce offspring, and there will inevitably be winners and losers in competition.

Winners occupy more resources and become stronger.

The losers have no resources, thus lose the power they should have, and become the weak who are oppressed.

Injustice was born.

Like a domino effect, as injustices grow, more problems arise.

The greed and vanity of the strong are infinitely magnified, the weak can only live in anger and hatred, and the contradictions between individuals intensify.

The strong plunder resources, oppress the weak, but are oppressed by the stronger, and the struggle will never end.

In this way, a highly developed civilization has become a primitive society where big fish eat small fish, and small fish eat shrimp!
When all kinds of contradictions accumulated to the critical point, the war to destroy the world finally broke out!

If these problems are not resolved, the reconstructed civilization will enter the next cycle.

How can we solve this problem?
The wise men finally thought of a way to solve it from the root cause!

They use biotechnology to modify themselves so that they are less dependent on resources, only need air to survive, and only need sunlight to generate energy.

At the same time, he also gained the ability to live forever!
In this way, there is no need to reproduce and no dependence on resources.

Even the barren and desolate land is enough for them to survive forever!
More importantly, if there is no need to reproduce, new members will not be produced to compete with them for resources.

A fixed population size allows each individual to obtain the same resources.

So as to achieve absolute fairness!

In addition, they are also aware of the importance of appearance.

Different looks give birth to aesthetic standards, which is also unfair.

Beautiful and strong individuals will always get more favors, while ugly and weak individuals will be discriminated against.

So they decided that all individuals would be shaped exactly the same!

In this way, even the aesthetic injustice disappears.

To achieve this point seems to have approached the ideal fairness.

But there is the last step, and the hardest one.

Since they are highly developed intelligent creatures, each individual has a different mind.

Different ideas will naturally lead to differences, and differences will eventually lead to contradictions.

Only when there is unity of thought, there will be no contradictions!
So the wise men racked their brains and finally thought of a way.

This method is to remove communication barriers!
Taking human history as an example, differences in ideas are often caused by communication barriers.

It's like everyone has the same idea, but due to the limited expressive ability of language, every detail of the idea cannot be perfectly presented. Even if the expression is very clear, some people will always misunderstand.

This leads to differences.

The Tower of Babel in the Western Bible is such a fable.

The solution of wise men is brain wave communication!

Everyone can see what the other is thinking. There is no secret or privacy between each other, and they all face each other frankly.

In this way, even communication becomes redundant, and the thinking will naturally tend to be unified.

Another advantage of doing so is to avoid suspicion.

As the saying goes, people's hearts are separated from their belly, and suspicion will lead to misunderstanding and mistrust. Many conflicts are caused by this reason.

When everyone can see directly what the other is thinking, there is no suspicion!
In this way, the unity of thought is achieved, and the suspicion is completely eliminated.

After unremitting efforts, these intelligent creatures finally realized the fairness they dreamed of.

Each individual obtains the same resources and is equal to each other.

Everyone has the same idea, and there is absolute trust in each other.

No more injustice and contradictions.

As a result, the once highly developed civilization eventually evolved into what it is today.

These stone creatures stay in a fixed place every day, basking in the sun, doing nothing, no worries in their hearts, and no disputes in the world.

Isn't this the highest state pursued by Buddhism, and the ideal world!

After listening to God's explanation, all three of them stayed on the spot, unable to say a word for a long time.

Although I always feel that something is not right, it makes sense.

It's just that such a Buddha is really unacceptable!

God smiled lightly and said in a contemptuous tone.

"Does your so-called great wisdom of Buddhism look more like a joke now?"

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