Ji Changsheng, little brother, old Zhou.

The three of them looked at the suspended temple, feeling a little excited.

In this temple, there are sleeping gods who fell [-] million years ago!

As long as they meet God, all the questions in their hearts may be answered!

After thinking about it, the three quickened their pace.

After walking for another 10 minutes, I finally came to the gate of the temple.

The three of them took a closer look and couldn't help being stunned.

Looking up from below, the gate is above their heads.

But when he got closer, he found that this was not the case at all.

The gate is directly in front of them, and the position seems to have changed!
The little brother immediately looked down, and his expression changed slightly.

"Mr. Ji, the space here is distorted."

Ji Changsheng looked down and saw that the secret passage that was supposed to be directly below them ran to the east at some point, and deviated hundreds of meters from its original position!

Observed from the outside, the diameter of the giant bronze tree is only more than 200 meters, but the inner space looks far more than that!

Ji Changsheng and Lao Zhou were not too surprised. After all, the one who sleeps in the temple is an omnipotent god.

No matter what happens here, it shouldn't be a surprise.

The three turned their gazes to the door again.

The door is ten meters high and more than three meters wide, and it is made of bronze.

There are strange patterns carved on the door, not like any dynasty.

In fact, this is Hentian's unique writing.

After the little brother stepped forward to take a look, he couldn't help showing a surprised look.

"I remember that there was no inscription on the door back then. What's going on?"

Zhang Qiling once served as the planner and consultant of the Guixu ancient tomb, and he knows the structure of the ancient tomb like the back of his hand.

In memory, there should be nothing on this door.

Who carved this inscription?
After thinking for a while, Lao Zhou said.

"Maybe it was engraved by the great wizard and the king after you left."

"It doesn't matter who carved it, the key is the content."

After taking a closer look, the little brother immediately translated the inscription into a modern language.

The content is very simple: Those who enter this door cannot turn back, if they take a wrong step, they will be lost forever!

It looks like a warning, but also a reminder.

Ji Changsheng smiled and said.

"You two, are you ready?"

He has come to this point, no matter what warnings, nothing can stop him!
The younger brother and the old Zhou nodded, and they did the same.

Ji Changsheng took a deep breath, walked to the door, and pushed gently with his hand.

The seemingly heavy door opened in response.

creak, creak.

As the door opened, a burst of fragrance wafted head-on.

The little brother couldn't help being taken aback.

"This smell...so familiar."

Think about it carefully, this taste is peach blossom on the top of the mountain!

That year the peach blossoms were in full bloom, and the old man left the mountain, leaving only the boy and Ah Chun.

From then on, the boy never saw the old man again, and the fragrance of peach blossom became his last memory.

Unexpectedly, after many years, this inherited memory will be awakened by the peach blossom again!
A bold idea popped up in my mind.

Did grandpa come here?

Looking at the inscription on the door, a picture even appeared in my mind.

With a hammer in one hand and a chisel in the other, the old man carved this inscription on the door.

The little brother shook his head quickly, driving away this weird thought.

Ji Changsheng noticed his abnormality and asked quickly.

"Is there anything wrong?"

After thinking for a while, the little brother shook his head and said.

"It's nothing, I'm just distracted."

Ji Changsheng didn't say much, and walked straight into the door.

After the three of them entered the temple, the first thing they saw was a faint golden soft light.

Behind the golden light is a huge space, much larger than it looks from the outside, at least as big as ten football fields!
Space warped!

The huge space is empty, without the magnificence as imagined, not even a single pillar.

Old Zhou couldn't help asking.

"Did it look like this when you built it?"

The little brother shook his head gravely.

"Do not."

He clearly remembered that in the temple built by the Zhang family back then, there were 36 stone pillars supporting it, and there was also a huge stone platform.

There is a white marble sarcophagus on the stone platform, and the bones of the gods are buried in the sarcophagus.

But the space in front of me is empty!
Lao Zhou frowned and asked.

"Mr. Ji, is it a hallucination?"

After Ji Changsheng glanced around, a curious look appeared on his face.


This is not an illusion, but a real scene!
To be precise, they were not in the original temple, but came to a closed independent space through a gate of time and space!
There is no doubt that this space was created by God!

Little brother and old Zhou couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

The unknown inscription on the door, and this mysterious independent space.

It all says one thing.

God has awakened!

Ji Changsheng stepped forward and said loudly.

"When guests come to visit, the master should not hide his head and show his tail, come out!"

His voice is like Huang Zhong Dalu, resounding through the entire space, as long as the god is not deaf, he can hear it.

A moment passed.

But nothing happened.

Ji Changsheng couldn't help frowning, and just about to complain, he suddenly thought of something.

God existed [-] million years ago, maybe it can't understand modern Mandarin.

If there is a language barrier, how did the Zhang family interpret the divine bones?
After thinking about it carefully, the little brother suddenly realized.

"I understand, the characters written by the Hentian Clan are actually prehistoric characters!"

It turns out that the Hentian clan had only language at first, but no characters, and used the oracle bone inscriptions of the Xia Dynasty.

It wasn't until Zhang Qiling came to the Kingdom of Hentian that when he interpreted the sacred bone with the great wizard, he found that the information left in the sacred bone was very similar to the text of the prehistoric relics in the North Pole.

Hentian's dynamic characters are created on the basis of prehistoric characters!

Thinking of this, the younger brother immediately repeated Ji Changsheng's words aloud in hate language.

After the three of them waited for a while, there was a response this time!
But what is shocking is that the voice of God directly entered the minds of the three of them!
"who are you?"

Ji Changsheng was the most surprised, this is clearly his skill - Taixu space!

Can directly carry out spiritual communication, a superpower similar to telepathy.

On second thought, the other party is an omnipotent god.

It is reasonable to have this ability.

Immediately, he responded in his mind.

"I am Ji Changsheng, and I am what you call a divine envoy."

The other party fell silent immediately, as if thinking.

After more than ten seconds, he said.

"What is a divine messenger?"

As soon as these words came out, the three of them were stunned.

Divine revelation is interpreted from the divine bones, the instructions given by the gods.

But God doesn’t seem to know anything about it!
How is this going?

Could it be that he has slept for thousands of years, and his mind has become fuzzy?
Ji Changsheng was about to explain, but before he could speak, the other party continued.

"No need to answer, it doesn't matter who you are."

"Come on, get out of here."

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