Not long ago, the little brother passed the test and opened the huge bronze door.

Behind the door is a straight and wide tomb passage leading directly to the main tomb.

Seeing the open bronze door, Xiao Wu was so excited that he couldn't speak for a long time.

Shirley Yang patted her on the shoulder and said softly.

"Do you know where this tomb passage leads to?"

Only then did Xiao Wu come to his senses, without even thinking about it, he blurted out an answer.

"This tomb path leads to the direction of the giant bronze tree. As long as you walk to the end, you can enter the bronze tree!"

The proverb left by the ancestors said: the way to go home is in the bronze tree!

The Dan people have worked hard for thousands of years, and finally they can go home!
Fatty looked at it and couldn't help being suspicious.

"Haven't you never been here, so sure?"

Xiao Wu said with a face of shame.

"Sorry, I lied a little bit to get you here."

"But I really don't have any malicious intentions. I just want to complete my mission. Please believe me."

The fat man tilted his head and thought for a while, then slapped his thigh and said.

"Anyway, you tricked me into coming here. Believe it or not, it doesn't matter. I guess you, a little girl, can't play tricks."

"Brother will help you to the end, let's go, take you home!"

With Fatty's suspicious and cautious character, being able to say such a thing shows that he already believes in Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu nodded gratefully, with tears in his eyes.

"Thank you, thank you everyone!"

Immediately, everyone entered the tomb passage together and headed towards the end.

The tomb passage is more than ten kilometers long, almost crossing half of the Undead City.

Looking at such a huge tomb passage, everyone couldn't help feeling, how did the ancients build it?
After listening to their discussion, the little brother said lightly.

"What is this? There are bigger things than this."

When the fat man heard this, he couldn't help being stunned.

"There are bigger ones? Are you mistaken?"

"That's not going to dig through the earth!"

The little brother smiled and didn't answer.

Since the awakening of the Holy Blood, his memory has recovered more and more, and he has learned many secrets of the Zhang family.

And one of the biggest secrets is in the North Pole!
The ancient tomb in the North Pole is no different than the Guixu ancient tomb.

But strictly speaking, the Arctic is not an ancient tomb, but a prehistoric relic!
A prehistoric city lost for [-] million years!

"If you have the chance to see it with your own eyes, you will believe me."

"This is at best a poor imitation of the Zhang family. It cannot surpass the traces left by prehistoric civilization. What is buried in the North Pole is the secret that truly shocked the world!"

The little brother didn't say these words, but murmured in his heart.

Because he is not sure how many people can go to the North Pole with him.

That is not only a lost city, but also a place more terrifying than hell!
"Perhaps...only Mr. Ji can accompany me there."

The ten-kilometer tomb passage came to an end in only ten minutes.

I saw a gorgeous palace blocking the way, and this seemed to be the end.

When Xiao Wu saw it, he couldn't help being taken aback.

"Why is there a palace here? It wasn't mentioned in the proverbs of the ancestors."

After looking at it, the little brother said.

"Because your ancestors never came here."

In other words, none of the people who have been here have been able to get out alive!

This is the most secret place of Guixu ancient tomb!
After speaking, the little brother led everyone to the gate of the palace.

Fatty and Wang Kaixuan's eyes were dazzled, and they couldn't help wiping their saliva.

"Such a luxurious palace, the treasures inside... no, how many precious cultural relics are there!"

"I think there will be more than any ancient tomb!"

The huge scale of the Undead City makes it hard to believe that this is a mausoleum.

With such a large mausoleum, the funerary objects inside can be imagined, it is an astronomical figure!
Hu Bayi was more sober and said immediately.

"I hate the kingdom of heaven to build this ancient tomb. It has already exhausted its national power. Don't have too much hope."

Wang Kaixuan laughed.

"As the saying goes, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. In such a big mausoleum, there must be several baskets of treasures."

Shirley Yang ignored the two fat men, stepped forward to look at the closed door, and said immediately.

"It is indeed the architectural style of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, and there is a sign of the Linggong Palace next to it, but this...what's the matter with the crow?"

In the Christian Bible mythology, God punished mankind by launching a great flood. Noah received God's instructions in advance and led the animals to escape in an ark.

After the flood subsided, Noah sent crows to scout the situation, but none of them came back alive. Therefore, crows became a symbol of death in Western culture.

Later, Noah sent several doves to find land, and the doves brought back olive branches, indicating that life would flourish again, so doves and olive branches became symbols of hope.

Shirley Yang is from the United States and was a devout Christian in the past. In her eyes, crows represent ominous things, and no one would regard ominous things as totems.

The little brother knew what she was thinking and said immediately.

"This is an ancient tomb of the Shang Dynasty more than 3000 years ago. At that time, the ancients worshiped nature, and any animal could be a totem."

Although in China, the crow is also an ominous thing, but it was born a long time later, and it did not exist in the Yin and Shang Dynasties.

Only then did Shirley Yang understand, but then she said with a puzzled expression.

"It's a shame that Tian is a descendant of Hou Yi. Anyone can use crows as totems, but they don't."

In the myth of Hou Yi shooting the sun, the ten suns in the sky are three-legged golden crows, that is, three-legged crows.

Hou Yi shot down nine suns and left one.

It stands to reason that the Houyi clan and the crow are enemies, so how could they regard the crow as a totem?
After hearing her analysis, everyone nodded in agreement.

Wu Xie also said that this totem is a bit strange and shouldn't appear here.

The little brother snorted coldly and said calmly.

"Have you forgotten the corpse in the Spiritual Tower?"

On the twelfth floor of the pagoda, there is a male mummy, it is Houyi!

As the ancestor of the Hentian clan, he is also a great hero in the age of mythology.

However, Hou Yi did not rest in peace, did not receive the funeral treatment he deserved, and his body was placed in the psychic pagoda for thousands of years.

This obviously has a big problem!
After he reminded everyone, they remembered this.

Wang Kaixuan frowned and said.

"Treating the remains of the ancestors like this, and treating the crow as a totem, is it possible that Hou Yi's descendants have become twenty-five sons?"

Xiao Wu said hastily.

"No, that's not the case, there must be other reasons!"

The little brother couldn't bear to tell her the truth, so he just said it lightly.

"This is the totem of the Great Wizard of Hate Heaven. He is not Hate Tian, ​​but a foreigner."

After recovering the memories passed down from generation to generation in the Zhang family, only he knew the truth about the construction of the Guixu ancient tomb.

There is a shocking secret hidden in that truth!

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