Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 912 Evolved Advanced Species

Everyone turned their heads to look at Ji Changsheng, and found that he did not show any signs of panic, but a hint of excitement.

Lin Shuangyue asked puzzledly.

"Mr. Ji, what is the true face of this underground palace?"

Ji Changsheng was about to answer when he saw the figurines in the main hall suddenly move!

Dozens of human figurines stretched their bodies and let out low roars, as if a giant who had been sleeping for thousands of years suddenly woke up.

Seeing this, everyone quickly took out their weapons and prepared to fight.

Lie saw it and exclaimed excitedly.

"It's finally time to fight, Boss, let me do it!"

Ji Changsheng shouted sharply.

"Back off, they are all mine!"

Lie froze for a moment, not daring to disobey his order, and obediently retreated to the side.

The others looked at him suspiciously.

Hong Beihai couldn't help asking.

"Mr. Ji, what are these monsters?"

While talking, I saw those human figurines slowly walking towards the crowd with their teeth and claws open.

After coming close, everyone was surprised to find out.

These stone figurines, like the stone benches, gradually melted on the surface, turning into an indescribably weird appearance, covered with wet mucus.

Lao Zhou's face changed slightly, and he said in a deep voice.

"These things, including the entire underground palace, are alive!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed suddenly.

A living underground palace!
Hong Beihai's face turned pale with fright and he trembled.

"Then what exactly is it?"

Lao Zhou remembered the mural about the tomb of King Xian in Yunnan, and the mural recorded the truth of this thing.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and said slowly.

"Tai Sui Wu Jing!"

King Xian buried himself in a living coffin in order to live forever.

That living coffin is a Tai Sui who has lived for an unknown number of years!

After absorbing the aura of heaven and earth, Tai Sui evolved into Wujing, and was finally fused by Ji Changsheng!
It's just that people didn't expect that the body of this underground palace sealed in the gate of hell is actually a Tai Sui!
When Lin Shuangyue heard the words, she suddenly realized.

"So it is!"

The fishy smell like egg white is actually Tai Sui's body odor!
Everything in this underground palace was created by Tai Sui!
After everyone knew the truth, they were all shocked beyond measure.

He can actually transform his body into a palace, and even every detail is shaped so lifelike.

This Tai Sui is no longer an ordinary creature, but a real demon!
While speaking, those figurines had already come to the front and suddenly attacked the crowd.

Ji Changsheng sneered and flew forward.

A huge palm force descended from the sky, surging like a river.

Under the overwhelming palm force, those figurines were instantly smashed to pieces and turned into a pool of yellow flesh!

A mass of thick liquid burst out from the meat paste, with a pungent stench.

There was a loud roar from all around.

After Tai Sui was hit hard, he finally got angry!

I saw drastic changes in all the surrounding scenery, pavilions, pavilions, and palace screens were melting rapidly, turning into yellow lumps of flesh.

Ji Changsheng couldn't help laughing.

"It's been a long time since a big meal was delivered to my door, please don't get in the way, it's mine!"

After speaking, the red light in his hand lit up.

The Suzaku sword turned into a flash of lightning and went straight to the gate.

Skill: Five Thunders Strike!

Skill: Red Flame Art is activated!

Thunder and flames wrapped around the sword body, thunder and lightning!

Although Tai Sui's body is huge, it cannot resist this destructive force.

A loud bang.

Accompanied by a burning smell, the gate was shattered by a sword!
"Everyone go out and wait for me!"

Others didn't dare to stay here, and ran out from the gate in a hurry.

With only Ji Changsheng left, he can finally let go of Tai Sui.

"Hey, since you have evolved to this level, you should be able to understand me, right?"

He knew that this Tai Sui was older and more advanced than the one in the tomb of King Xian in Yunnan!
The content on the mural, the male corpse in the coffin that looks exactly like him, was actually done by Tai Sui.

This ancient creature that lived for an unknown amount of time has evolved an extremely terrifying ability.


It saw the depths of Ji Changsheng's heart, extracted these elements from his memory, and transformed into this underground palace, as well as the male corpse and murals.

Ji Changsheng laughed.

"Although it's not foreseeing the future, nor is it a traveler of parallel worlds, but this truth did not disappoint me."

"Your ability is very interesting!"

Being able to see the depths of a person's heart is an ability that many people dream of!
A moment passed.

A deep voice finally came from all around.

"It is really difficult to read your brainwave signals. It took me 3000 years to learn it."

Ji Changsheng couldn't help being slightly surprised, it turned out to be like this.

The human body produces bioelectricity, and the electric wave signal is extremely weak, which can only be captured by advanced electronic equipment, such as an electrocardiogram.

The brain, like the heart, also emits electrical signals, but capturing them is much more difficult.

At present, the most advanced scientific instruments can't capture it accurately, but this Tai Sui can do it unexpectedly!

Then, Tai Sui said again.

"However, it is more difficult to analyze your brainwave signal than to capture it."

"The human brain should be the most complicated thing in the world. It took me 8000 years to learn your language, and another 5000 years to understand your civilization."

Ji Changsheng felt that it wasn't lying. The human brain is the most complicated organ. So far, human beings' understanding of the brain is not even as good as that of the moon!
What's more, the thoughts produced by the brain are more complicated things.

The splendid civilization of human beings is all derived from these complex brain wave signals. To analyze the meaning contained in these signals is as difficult as possible for other species.

It took this Tai Sui a long time of 8000 years to finally understand human civilization!

Ji Changsheng couldn't help laughing.

"You work very hard. For a primitive creature, you have achieved the ultimate."

Tai Sui's body is an extremely primitive creature. If it is a high-level mammal, 8000 years may be enough to become a fairy!
Hearing such comments, Tai Sui responded immediately.

"Do you still think I'm a primitive species?"

It can understand human civilization, penetrate people's hearts, and transform into complex palaces.

This Tai Sui is no longer what it used to be, it has completed physical sublimation and evolved into a more advanced species!
Ji Changsheng couldn't help but nodded.

"Compared to the one in the tomb of King Xian in Yunnan, you have indeed improved a lot, and you are worthy of praise."

The Wujing in Yunnan can transform into a human form and learn human language, but it seems that its brain is not very good.

The Wujing in front of me is not the case, it already has self-awareness!

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