Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 909 The Identity of the Ancient Corpse

In ancient and modern Chinese and foreign legends, demon kings like to collect gold, silver and jewelry, and the places where they live are extremely luxurious.

The unbelievable luxury of this underground palace, coupled with being sealed in the gate of hell, has to make people think of those legends.

Looking at this scene, Zhang Yingchuan was also puzzled.

"This is the underground palace, the resting place of the dead."

"But why seal the dead?"

Lie Man waved his big hand indifferently.

"God won't tell you, what's the point of guessing, just go in and see if it doesn't matter."

After finishing speaking, he strode towards the underground palace.

Ji Changsheng smiled lightly, as expected of his little brother, with the same personality as him.

The two came to the main entrance of the underground palace together, and saw a stone bastard at the entrance, with a three-meter-high stone tablet on his back.

The oracle bone inscriptions are engraved on the stone tablet, which is completely incomprehensible.

The two ignored the stele and pushed open the gate of the main hall.

I saw dozens of terracotta figures in the main hall, all around the same direction, prostrating and kneeling on the ground.

In the center of the figurines, there is a stone platform.

On the stone platform was an empty throne.

There are more than a dozen thick pillars around, and dragons are coiled on the pillars.

Behind the throne on the stone platform, there is also a huge jade screen, covering half of the main hall.

Looking forward, there are mountains and rivers on the screen, beautiful scenery.

"It turned out to be formed naturally, what a spectacle!"

Zhang Yingchuan exclaimed from behind.

Seeing that there was no danger inside, other people also rushed in.

Taking a closer look, the scenery on this screen is not artificially depicted, but formed naturally. Such a realistic and huge strange stone, it is difficult to find another one in the whole world.

Ji Changsheng was more interested in the back of the screen.

Although this screen is rare, it doesn't have any profound meaning, it's just a collectible.

The apse, which is blocked by the jade screen, is the most important place.

Generally, the passage leading to the main tomb is in the apse.

Everyone turned around the screen and came to the apse.

The first thing that catches the eye is a coffin platform, which is used to park the coffin.

The existence of this thing means that the tomb passage must be here!

This group of people are all fighting experts, and finding a tomb passage is a piece of cake.

Soon the location of the tomb passage was determined.

Lie raised his divine power and punched the ground.

The floor instantly shattered, revealing a passage opening.

Everyone raised their flashlights, and led by Ji Changsheng, they entered the tunnel one by one.

This tunnel is not long, and it ends after walking more than 100 meters.

At the end of the tomb passage, as expected, is a main tomb.

The main tomb is about 200 square meters. Under the walls on all sides, there are some funerary objects scattered, all of which are bottles and cans. Compared with the luxurious underground palace, these funerary objects look very shabby.

Fortunately, Fatty and Wang Kaixuan are not here, otherwise I will complain again.

In the very center of the tomb, there is a large coffin.

The inner and outer coffins are about five meters long and two meters high. They are carved from white marble, and there is probably an inner coffin inside.

Judging from the shape of the coffin, it is from the Yin and Shang Dynasties, and there is a small opening in the upper left corner, which is the skylight for the soul to ascend to heaven.

Under Ji Changsheng's signal, Lie stepped forward, grabbed the coffin lid, and lifted it violently.

The coffin lid weighing several tons flew far away at the sound, and hit the ground to make a big hole.

Everyone stepped forward and saw that there was indeed an inner coffin inside.

The inner coffin was larger than ordinary coffins, and it was made of unknown wood, exuding a faint fragrance.

For these people, opening the coffin is as simple as eating.

With the joint efforts of everyone, the lid of the coffin was opened.

Lying in the coffin was a gorgeously dressed male corpse, with a burly figure and extremely well-preserved, with clear palm prints on his palms.

It's just that the face of the male corpse is covered with a golden mask, so the real face cannot be seen.

After Lin Shuangyue glanced at it, she couldn't help showing a shocked expression, and said in a low voice.

"Mr. Ji, this corpse looks familiar, it seems to be..."

She was a little afraid to say the latter words.

When Ji Changsheng saw the male corpse for the first time, he also felt very familiar, but he couldn't remember where he saw it for a while.

Lin Shuangyue's surprised tone reminded him.

"Could it be..."

Even he wasn't sure if it was true or not.

At this time, Lie exclaimed.

"Boss, this corpse looks very similar to yours. The figure and shape, as well as those hands, are exactly the same!"

As he said, the male corpse in the coffin was almost printed in the same mold as Ji Changsheng in terms of body shape!

Others also looked at Ji Changsheng with shocked expressions, saying that this is too coincidental!
Ji Changsheng suppressed the doubts in his heart, and reached out to remove the golden mask from the male corpse's face.

Everyone looked at the face of the male corpse in unison.

next second.

The surroundings were as quiet as death.

Everyone can hear their own heartbeat.

Looking at the peaceful male corpse, everyone's heart couldn't help shaking violently!
It's really exactly the same as Ji Changsheng!
Except that his expression is not as arrogant as Ji Changsheng, and he lacks the aura of some peerless powerhouses, there is no other difference.

What exactly is going on? ?
Why is there a male corpse that looks exactly like Ji Chang in the Hentian ancient tomb more than 3000 years ago? !
Everyone didn't dare to speak, but just looked at Ji Changsheng blankly.

Ji Changsheng himself was in a daze, completely unaware of what was going on.

Moments later.

Lie, who was still the most nervous, was the first to break the silence.

"Boss, could this be your brother or something?"

Ji Changsheng did not speak. In his previous life, he was the only child.

But after coming to this world, he inherited the body of King Lu Shang.

To be precise, this male corpse looks exactly like King Lu Shang!
However, there is no record in the history books that King Lu Shang has twin brothers.

On second thought, maybe it was just an omission in the history books.

This incomparably luxurious underground palace is also in line with the identity of King Lu Shang's brother.

Maybe it really was his brother or something.

After thinking for a moment, Ji Changsheng waved his hand.

"looking around."

The only way to know the identity of this male corpse is to find relevant evidence.

Everyone quickly began to search in the tomb, including the inside of the coffin.

There are quite a lot of things in this tomb, and after a carpet search, they quickly found something.

Zhang Yingchuan found a box from under the male corpse.

The oracle bone inscriptions are engraved on the box, and no one can understand what it means.

After opening the box, there are some daily necessities of the owner of the tomb, including jade pendants, combs for combing hair, hairpins and the like.

The jade pendant attracted Ji Changsheng's attention. He picked it up and looked at it.

Five ancient seal characters are clearly engraved on the jade pendant!

Sword Fairy Fairy Lives Long!
There is actually another Ji Changsheng in this world? !

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