The burial place of God!

After working for a long time, this huge ancient tomb turned out to be a god tomb!
No wonder the specifications of this mausoleum are so high, and only gods are qualified to enjoy such a mausoleum.

Is this the truth hidden in the Guixu of the South China Sea?
The artificial intelligence's answer made Ji Changsheng feel a little unbelievable, and then fell into thinking.

An ethereal concept.

In religious theology, polytheism and monotheism have different interpretations of God.

Monotheism represented by Christianity believes that God is the creator of the laws of all things and the supreme being in the universe.

God is omniscient and omnipotent, and the only God.

In fact, in early theology, God was just an abstract concept, without a specific image or personification.

God represents the law of the operation of all things, which is similar to a philosophical concept. In fact, philosophy and theology are also intertwined and have many things in common.

If explained by Taoist theory, God is the Tao that heaven and earth naturally follow.

The avenue is invisible, and God is also invisible.

But later, in order to spread the teachings and attract the congregation, the preachers personified God and said that human beings were created by God in his own image.

At the same time, Christianity has also integrated many folk beliefs and primitive religions, based on the personal God, and further created images of heaven and hell, devil Satan, and many angels, gradually forming an illusory mythical world.

These so-called demon angels are actually symbols with symbolic meanings, and they are a mature theological system.

But the problem is that before the modern industrial revolution, the education level of the people at the bottom of the world was extremely low, and they were generally illiterate. Only the clergy and nobles could learn cultural knowledge.

When preaching, preaching theology and philosophy to a group of illiterates is tantamount to playing the piano with a cow, with little effect.

So not only Christianity, but also other religions have adopted the same method. In order to allow the people to better understand the teachings, theology is popularized and story-based.

That's why there are gods and Buddhas in the sky, demons everywhere, and a mythical world full of grotesques.

In polytheism, gods are not unitary, nor are they the creators of the supreme law, but more like advanced species who have comprehended the supreme law.

For example, the Buddhists enlightened themselves and became a Buddha, entering the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss.

Buddha actually refers to a spiritual realm, not the sublimation of the body.

Other polytheisms have similar claims.

But among many religions, Taoism is perhaps the most special one.

Other religions practice the afterlife. If you accumulate virtue and redeem your sins in this life, you will be able to join a good family in the next life, or you will be able to ascend to heaven and the world of ultimate bliss after death.

Only Taoism does not practice the afterlife, but only the present life.

Cultivate the body and soul, break through life and death, and become immortal.

From the perspective of modern science, similar to biological evolution, it belongs to materialist religion.

To sum up, in polytheism and monotheism, gods are completely different beings.

One represents the supreme law of the universe.

The other is an advanced species that has comprehended the Supreme Law.

According to these two different theories, conclusions can be drawn from this.

The fallen god buried in Guixu should be the latter!
Thinking of this, Ji Changsheng couldn't help asking.

"Who is this god?"

After a moment of silence, the artificial intelligence gave an answer.

"It is the creator of the master, and the existence that all things look up to."

"But I can't name it."

Ji Changsheng couldn't help frowning.

"Isn't your task to convey important information to me? Why can't you tell me this most important clue?"

The artificial intelligence replied immediately.

"Because this is a restriction set by the master, I can't name it, I can only give a hint."

Ji Changsheng immediately had an urge to use the charm technique, and asked this guy to speak the answer directly.

But the charm technique is only effective on living things, artificial intelligence is just a machine, and it is ineffective against it.

"Okay, so what's the hint?"

The artificial intelligence said quickly.

"Please read this message before I can give you the final hint."

Ji Changsheng had no choice but to continue reading patiently.

However, the content of this holographic image is attractive enough, and it is not boring.

Perhaps the most important clues are hidden in these images.

The hologram is paused while the two are talking.

After the conversation ended, the video returned to normal and continued to play.

I saw thousands of races living in this super city.

If you look closely, some of these races are very familiar, and they are very similar to the monsters and ghosts in mythology.

For example, a fox demon with a fox head and a human body.

Xing Tian has no head, eyes and mouth on the chest and abdomen.

It has two pairs of wings, but has a snake-like body. It is the singing snake in Shan Hai Jing.

Ji Changsheng couldn't help thinking, could it be that the monsters in the Book of Mountains and Seas were real things? !
At this time, the angle of view zoomed in on the city center.

A giant tower soaring into the sky, as high as more than 1000 meters, covers an area as large as ten football fields!
Following the change of perspective, Ji Changsheng floated into the interior of the giant tower like a ghost.

On the first floor of the Tongtian Giant Tower, thousands of humanoid monsters are busy.

They wear uniform costumes and a pointed hat on their heads, but the hats are of different colors to distinguish their identities, and they should belong to the same organization.

"This is the court, the most important and authoritative place in this city."

Artificial intelligence acts as an interpreter.

"Thousands of different races live in this city, and there are often conflicts and many problems. The court is the place to solve the problems."

This tribunal has great powers, combining all the functions of the public security organs, and even has the ability to start and stop wars!

What endows the referee with these capabilities is the strong support behind it.

Ji Changsheng asked involuntarily.

"Who is behind the referee?"

The artificial intelligence's answer was somewhat beyond his expectations, but it was reasonable.

"It is the creator of the master."

The god who died in the ancient tomb of Guixu!
It's very reasonable to think about it, only with the power as powerful as a god can you surpass all races and become a referee!
Then, the perspective quickly floated upwards from the first floor, drifting through dozens of floors all the way.

The dozens of floors below are all places like reception rooms and offices.

There are hundreds of thousands of staff here to receive visiting guests and handle various document procedures.

The bosses who really have the power to make rulings live on the upper floors of the giant tower!

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