The artificial intelligence system replied sternly.

"Know, I was born for this."

Ji Changsheng nodded and asked again.

"Then what is the purpose of your birth?"

The artificial intelligence system did not answer the question directly, but said.

"Please go to the disc in front."

In the very center of the space, there is a disc with a diameter of three meters, which looks like a decorative pattern carved on the ground.

If it were someone else, he would definitely be suspicious. Could this be a trap to harm people?
Ji Changsheng strode forward without hesitation, he has full self-confidence, even the authorities can't do anything to him!
After coming to the center of the disc, I saw a ball of light under my feet.

From the ceiling above his head, a ray of light also shot down, enveloping his whole body.

"Please rest assured, this is information transmission technology, the master left a message, please accept it."

Ji Changsheng was curious and surprised at the same time.

It turns out that this light is used to transmit information, is it brain wave communication?

That's not just science fiction, it's something close to fantasy!
Isn't the Zhang family's technology too terrifying?
Just as he was thinking, the scene in front of him suddenly changed.

next second.

Ji Changsheng is no longer in the closed space, but has come to the vast and boundless space!
Looking up, it is a fascinating cosmic galaxy with dazzling light and shadow.

However, all this is just an illusion.

Ji Changsheng couldn't help feeling a little disappointed, and nodded slightly.

"It turned out to be holographic imaging technology."

Holographic imaging has appeared more than ten years ago, and it is far less mysterious than brain wave communication.

But even so, the technical level of this holographic imaging is far beyond the 21st century.

At this time, a human-simulating voice came from the starry sky, which sounded very familiar.

"Mr. Ji, hello."

It's my brother's voice!

Ji Changsheng immediately understood that this should be the voice of the head of the Zhang family at that time, and it was so similar to the younger brother.

Does every generation of Zhang Qiling have the same memory, appearance, and voice?

Just as he was thinking, the voice continued.

"I know you must have a lot of questions, please don't be impatient, then you will see the truth of the matter, and I will explain everything to you."

As he spoke, he saw the surrounding scenery changing rapidly.

Ji Changsheng was originally in space, and the blue homeland was below.

But as the scenery changed, it was as if he swooped down from space, passing through the atmosphere at cosmic speed, and saw the ocean and land.

The perspective quickly shifted from the sky to the ground.

This kind of scenery change makes people have an immersive sense of reality.

Ji Changsheng looked around, it was a desolate and unfamiliar continent, the volcano in the distance was erupting, the ocean was filled with a lot of algae, and he couldn't see any familiar animals and plants.

Obviously, this is the ancient times of the earth.

He couldn't help frowning slightly, this time span is too big, it seems to be an era earlier than the Cambrian.

Why not start with Pan Gu's epoch-making?
Just when he couldn't help complaining, a dazzling light suddenly lit up in the sky, even covering the sun!

This reminded Ji Changsheng of the scene when the nuclear bomb exploded, which was almost exactly the same as the light in front of him.

Immediately, he realized that it was not a nuclear bomb explosion, but a meteorite falling!

A huge meteorite exploded in the sky, its power is devastating!
A strong wind blew up on the ground, and a tsunami tens of meters high rolled up on the sea.


An earth-shattering bang.

A terrifying mushroom cloud soared into the sky!

That was the explosion when one of the larger fragments hit the ground after the meteorite disintegrated.

The power of this explosion is comparable to tens of thousands of nuclear bombs!

Then, the situation changed.

The progress of time has been accelerated a lot. As the smoke and dust from the explosion dissipated, a huge crater with a diameter of tens of kilometers was formed on the ground!
At the bottom of the crater, there lay a huge hot and red meteorite, with a diameter of about 800 meters, and the surface was covered with holes of different sizes.

The shape of the crater immediately reminded Ji Changsheng of a place.

The oasis where the snake marsh ghost town is located!

"it is as expected!"

Next, time fast forwarded tens of thousands of times, and the sea changed in a blink of an eye.

With the movement of the continental plate, the mountains around the crater sank to the bottom of the sea and turned into a vast ocean.

After an unknown number of years, the sea receded and the land resurfaced.

Where the crater was located, it became a large plain.

In the violent geological movement, the crater gradually sank to the ground and was covered by uplifted new mountains.

This is the origin of the Meteorite of Queen Mother of the West!

Ji Changsheng thought of the murals under the Zhang Family Fairy Palace again. The murals depicted a meteorite falling from the sky, which should be the one from the Queen Mother of the West.

But what does this meteorite have to do with Ultimate?
He was about to ask, but immediately thought of something.

He and Wu Xie speculated before that there should be more than one in the end, but many!

The meteorite from the Queen Mother of the West comes from the ultimate in the imaginary space, and the Guixu under the South China Sea, they are both ultimate!

Next, the scene shown to him by artificial intelligence confirmed this guess.

In the long time that has been fast forwarded by tens of thousands of times, the earth has experienced countless meteorite crashes.

Some of them broke down into fragments in the atmosphere, some directly vaporized, and some entered the depths of the earth after being hit, and merged with the earth.

At this time, the time progress suddenly slowed down.

Ji Changsheng came to a high mountain, standing on the top of the mountain, overlooking a large plain.

His superhuman eyesight quickly caught an unusual light in the distance, which was not natural light!
Artificial intelligence closes the perspective very intimately.

When he came to take a closer look, the result moved him.

I saw a huge square building, 500 meters high, like a trapezoidal pyramid, standing alone on the plain, and the top of the building emitted a burst of regular light.

This is clearly a man-made building, but he has never seen it before!
Under the pyramid, there are thousands of buildings of different sizes, the shape is very strange, it does not seem to be built by humans.

This is a city!
What's even more weird is that Ji Changsheng couldn't see any residents in the city, not even a single ghost.

A few seconds passed.

Time went from day to night, lights lit up in the city, and finally a resident appeared!

But the appearance of those residents was something Ji Changsheng never expected.

Some of the residents have the same appearance as human women, but they are much taller, with a height of more than three meters, and their appearance is extremely beautiful and enchanting.

Another part of the residents are also tall, but ugly and hideous, like evil spirits.

Ji Changsheng couldn't help blurting out.


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