Evil parasites, indescribable coral-like fossils, monstrous skeletons.

If these things are still alive, they may be no different from demons and ghosts in the eyes of people.

Perhaps this is the monster in the eyes of the ancients.

After seeing the three gates of hell, everyone had the same thought as Ji Changsheng.

Lie couldn't help frowning, and said impatiently.

"I thought there was something so powerful that I could fight it out, but it turned out to be a pile of bones. What's so good about it?"

Lin Shuangyue said immediately.

"Don't worry, there must be a chance for you to display it, so don't worry."

Ji Changsheng stepped forward to inspect the fossil, and said immediately.

"Whether it's dead or alive, you have to go and see it with your own eyes. These are important clues. Let's go."

So, everyone continued to go to the remaining gates of hell.

After coming to the fourth gate of hell, this time I finally made a different discovery.

Behind this door, there are no strange biological bones, but a human coffin!

This is a standard Yin Shang bronze coffin, about four meters long, which is larger than ordinary coffins.

Zhang Yingchuan couldn't help becoming nervous when he saw it.

"Usually only corpses that have undergone a corpse transformation will be suppressed with a bronze coffin. There may be a big rice dumpling inside!"

However, Ji Changsheng seemed very interested. He didn't pay attention to the zongzi at all.

The clues that this bronze coffin can provide are obviously more than those bone fossils.

He strode up to the bronze coffin, looked at it first, and immediately discovered something unusual.

The bronze coffin used to suppress evil is usually engraved with spell inscriptions, or there are magic tools for suppressing evil, such as bronze mirrors, bronze swords and the like.

But the surface of this coffin didn't have any inscriptions, not even ordinary patterns, not to mention the magic weapon for suppressing evil. Except for the shape of a coffin, it was simply a copper box.

Chen Yulou couldn't see, and after touching the coffin with his hands, he couldn't help being amazed.

"I have seen eight hundred coffins if not one thousand. This is the first time I have seen this kind of coffin."

After touching it again, he said with a surprised face.

"Mr. Ji, this thing... doesn't seem to be used for burying people!"

Ji Changsheng was slightly taken aback. The coffin is not used to bury people, so what is it used for?
"Grandpa, what do you think this is for?"

Chen Yulou didn't answer, but moved closer and sniffed with his nose, and groped carefully.

Then he nodded and said.

"It should be, this thing is actually used to suppress rivers!"

In ancient times, people believed that the flood of rivers was caused by water monsters, so they cast various magic tools to suppress them.

Archaeologists have also discovered many river-suppressing beasts such as copper bulls and iron tortoises.

The surface of this bronze coffin is very smooth, as if it had been polished. In fact, it was caused by being under the water for a long time and being impacted by the current.

More importantly, Chen Yulou could not smell a trace of strange smell.

Chen Yulou is very gifted, and his sense of smell is much more sensitive than that of ordinary people. When he was fighting before, he didn't need to open the coffin to smell whether the corpse in the coffin was rotten or not. It was very effective every time. accurate.

And there is no smell in this coffin, which means that there is no corpse in it, it is an empty coffin!
From the combination of various signs, conclusions can be inferred.

This is actually a magic weapon used to suppress the river!
Chen Yulou stroked his goatee and said again.

"In the past, coffins were indeed used to suppress rivers, but there were corpses in those coffins, and some even used living people."

"Empty coffins can be used to suppress rivers, but this is unheard of."

The meaning of suppressing the river with a coffin is actually offering sacrifices to the river god. If there is nothing in the coffin, wouldn't that mean cheating the river god?
Lie at the side had already grown impatient.

"Open it and see if it's fine."

After finishing speaking, he summoned up his might and lifted the heavy coffin lid.

Ji Changsheng immediately made preparations to take action to prevent the traps in the coffin from harming people.

But after the coffin was opened, no mechanism was triggered inside.

Just as Chen Yulou expected, the coffin was empty, there was no corpse, nothing.

Everyone looked at the empty coffin, puzzled and disappointed at the same time.

I thought I would find some useful clues, but there was nothing.

After Chen Yulou thought for a while, he pointed at the coffin.

"Turn it over, if it's Zhenhe's magic weapon, there must be an inscription engraved on the bottom of the coffin!"

The inscription engraved on the bottom is usually not a spell to suppress evil, but a product manual.

For example, who was the craftsman who made the coffin, when it was made, and what purpose it was used for.

Lie immediately slashed over with his palm, and under his strange force, the coffin, which weighed several tons, turned upside down like a plastic toy.

Everyone picked up their flashlights and shone them on the bottom of the coffin. After a look, there were indeed inscriptions engraved on it!

It's just that this inscription is an ancient oracle bone inscription!
In the Yin and Shang Dynasties, writing was actually a very noble thing. Not to mention ordinary people, nobles might not be able to read.

When writing was first created, it was used to record symbols of major sacrificial activities, and only respected wizards could understand it. Later, as human social activities became more and more complex, writing became more and more widely used, and writing became popular.

This bronze coffin dates from the Yin and Shang dynasties. Oracle bone inscriptions are usually carved on tortoise shells for divination and recording the results of sacrifices, hence the name.

Unexpectedly, there are inscriptions engraved on the bottom of the bronze coffin, which is obviously beyond common sense.

Zhang Yingchuan has a lot of research on ancient characters. After reading it, he couldn't help but wonder.

"Could it be that this thing is not only a magic weapon of Zhenhe, but also a sacrificial tool?"

This may be the only explanation.

Chen Yulou asked immediately.

"Mr. Zhang, can you understand?"

Zhang Yingchuan replied with some helplessness.

"I've only learned a little bit. There are hundreds of words on it. I can only understand a dozen of them, but I can't understand the whole text."

Not to mention him, even an authoritative expert like Professor Sun can only understand part of it, and no one can understand all the oracle bone inscriptions.

Ji Changsheng said immediately.

"Don't worry about how much, just translate the part you understand."

Zhang Yingchuan nodded, pointed to the coffin and said.

"The meaning of this line should be that there was a big river overflowing with water, but the latter sentence... means that a noble person died. It may be a king or a wizard, but these have nothing to do with the flood. "

"The last sentence is to say that the world is auspicious, and a major sacrifice ceremony will be held."

Everyone couldn't help but feel disappointed. These contents didn't seem to have any important clues, but were just ordinary records.

Chen Yulou changed his expression and said.

"Mr. Ji, we may have overlooked one thing. This coffin may not be from the Yin and Shang Dynasties, it may be even older!"

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