Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 883 The Reason of Immortality

Tie Nu's description is basically the same as the little brother's memory, even more detailed.

More than 3000 years ago, the Zhang family really came to the kingdom of hate.

Tie Nu just happened to go through this incident, so has he met the head of the Zhang family at that time?

Facing this question, the envoy of the shrine nodded.

"I've seen it. It was a man who didn't like to talk. He was about the same age as me at that time."

"But...he is ten times stronger than me!"

Ji Changsheng couldn't help being taken aback, the envoy of the shrine is formidable, on the same level as the younger brother with superhuman physique, even not much worse than Ji Changsheng.

Why did he say that the head of the Zhang family is ten times stronger than him?
Doesn't that mean his strength is still higher than that of Ji Changsheng!
Seeing Ji Changsheng's expression of disbelief, the envoy of the shrine immediately understood the doubt in his heart, and quickly explained.

"I said then."

It turned out that his strength was not so strong at the beginning, but reached the current state through continuous practice in the long years of more than 3000 years.

Only then did Ji Changsheng feel relieved. Sure enough, as long as he practiced long enough, his strength would have a qualitative leap.

Lin Shuangyue and Tie Nu are the best examples.

After thinking for a while, the envoy of the shrine said again.

"If it were me now, compared to him back then, he would definitely be inferior to me."

"But that person possesses not only powerful force, but also extraordinary wisdom!"

After the Zhang family came to Hate Heaven, it took only one day to resolve the domestic disputes.

The method they use is very simple, yet extremely effective.

Tie Nu clearly remembered the scene that day.

The head of the Zhang family, that mysterious young man came to the king's meeting hall with many gifts.

Among these gifts were precious gold and jewels, and novelties that no one had seen before.

But what really moved people was not these things, but a human head!
The leader of the Zhang family said that they just destroyed a country along the way, and took off the king's head belt as a gift of audience.

The country that was wiped out was the enemy country that the ruler wanted to conquer!

With only a few dozen followers, a country can be wiped out easily!
The strength of these people is outrageous.

In the ancient times when force was respected, this is the best persuasion!
Later, the exchanges between the two parties were carried out in a friendly and harmonious atmosphere, and everything went smoothly.

Hearing this, Ji Changsheng couldn't help asking.

"Are they trying to exchange your bronze smelting technology with longevity?"

The shrine envoy couldn't help but sneered and nodded.

"Yes, just as you imagined, they used the lie of immortality to convince all the nobles and kings!"

No matter in any era, immortality has an irresistible allure for anyone.

The dignitaries who hated the kingdom of heaven were easily persuaded to reach a deal with the Zhang family.

The content of the transaction was that the Zhang family helped Hate Heaven to build the tomb of the king and taught them the technique of longevity.

And Hate Heaven must sacrifice the treasure of the town, the Bronze Mother!

Ji Changsheng couldn't help being taken aback, it was the first time he had heard of such a thing, so he couldn't help asking.

"What is the Bronze Mother?"

The shrine envoy shook his head helplessly and replied.

"I don't know, this thing is a treasure of the Heantian clan. It has been kept in the hands of the great wizard and the king, and only they know about it."

Only a very small number of top dignitaries in the Kingdom of Hate Heaven know the secret of the Bronze Mother.

Others only know that the superb bronze technology of the Hentian Clan comes from this bronze mother, which is a god bestowed on them by the heavens!
But the king and the nobles were willing to donate the fetishes of the country, which shows how generous the conditions proposed by the Zhang family are.

At the same time, it was also because the Zhang family showed terrifying strength.

If Hentian doesn't agree, it is very likely that he will encounter a catastrophe!
In short, the two sides reached an agreement.

Since then, the Zhang family has been staying in Hetian Kingdom, helping them build mausoleums and learn bronze smelting techniques.

But things didn't go as smoothly as expected.

Less than two years later, Hate Heaven encountered various natural disasters, tsunamis, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions one after another.

Under the blow of a series of natural disasters, Hate Heaven Kingdom lost one-fifth of its population, and its vitality was seriously injured.

Disasters continued and corpses littered the fields, causing panic among the people.

Although the Hentian clan is a descendant of the hero Houyi, in that barbaric era when the people's wisdom was not yet developed, people would always associate disasters with superstitions.

Soon there was a saying among the people that God sent divine punishment and caused natural disasters because the ruler of the country offered the fetishes of the town and offended the heavens.

To appease God and quell the disaster, the only way is to expel the Zhang family and take back the Bronze Mother!

Tienu's family members all died in the disaster, and he had accumulated conflicts with the lord and nobles in the past. He was quickly influenced by this statement, contacted several young and passionate military generals, and plotted to start a civil war!
Speaking of this, the envoy of the shrine couldn't help but sighed, and a trace of resentment flashed in his eyes.

"It's a pity that we were too young and reckless at that time, and we didn't act carefully, and finally failed."

Playing tricks with those old and cunning nobles, they are still a little tender.

More importantly, the Zhang family is an existence they cannot fight against!
The rebellion lasted only one night, and the Zhang family only sent eight people. By the next morning, the rebellion had subsided.

In the end, one of the ten military generals who rebelled was executed in public to warn others.

The remaining nine people were all imprisoned in death row, and they were going to be used to worship the heavens when the mausoleum was completed!

When Ji Changsheng heard this, he seemed to understand.

"This is the origin of the nine shrine envoys, right?"

Tienu nodded, even after more than 3000 years, his eyes were still burning with anger.

"Thanks to them, I am today!"

Ji Changsheng sympathized with him for a second, and then said again.

"But you were not sacrificed to heaven, what happened afterward?"

After thinking for a while, Tie Nu replied.

"We have been imprisoned in death row for five years, and finally waited until the day when the mausoleum was completed."

When they walked out of the prison with the determination to die, the great wizard in charge of the ceremony told them that if they wanted to survive, they still had one more chance.

After being tortured by fear and despair for five years, their minds have already collapsed, as if they had grasped a life-saving straw, they agreed without even thinking about it.

The price of living is to be imprisoned in the mausoleum forever, guarding the shrine!
Ji Changsheng hastily interrupted.

"Wait a minute, how did the great wizard make you undead?"

Tie Nu gritted his teeth with a fierce look on his face and replied.

"It's the most vicious method. We have all been cursed by God and are no longer human beings!"

Ji Changsheng couldn't help being taken aback, the truth of the matter greatly exceeded his expectations.

Nine death row prisoners have changed from human beings to undead blood races.

This terrible evil technology should be obtained from the Zhang family!

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