Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 880 One thing is missing

Wang Kaixuan stared at the sand table for a while, but couldn't see any problems, so he couldn't help feeling a little restless.

"Staff Yang, what is the secret to this thing?"

Shirley Yang picked up a figurine made of pottery and shook her head while observing it.

"I can't say why, but I always feel that something is wrong."

These villains are shaped so lifelike, with different expressions, that they can be called works of art.

Thousands of villains are distributed on the sand table, vividly reproducing the life scenes of the ancients thousands of years ago, like a magnificent picture scroll.

Wang Kaixuan was patient, and after looking at it for a while, he shook his head and said.

"I can't see it anyway. In my eyes, this is no different from a child's toy."

"Staff Yang, you study first, I'll go to the side to smoke a cigarette."

After finishing speaking, he walked to a far corner and swallowed a cloud.

Before finishing a cigarette, Xueli Yang exclaimed.

"I see!"

Wang Kaixuan immediately threw away the cigarette butt and ran over to ask.

"What did you see?"

Shirley Yang said excitedly.

"I finally know what's wrong. If you hadn't inspired me by smoking just now, I wouldn't have thought of it!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and pointed at the sand table.

"Look, are these buildings missing something?"

Wang Kaixuan quickly waved his hands.

"Don't ask me, I really can't see it, just tell me, what's missing?"

Shirley Yang said two words slowly.


Wang Kaixuan was taken aback for a moment, then quickly lowered his head to look at the sand table, and said in surprise.

"Really, these houses don't have chimneys!"

For modern young people, a chimney may be a relatively unfamiliar thing, but in ancient housing structures, it is an essential infrastructure.

But there are thousands of buildings on this sand table, but not a single chimney can be seen!
Shirley Yang hadn't noticed this detail before. When Wang Kaixuan was smoking beside her, the smoke that floated over reminded her of the chimney.

After Wang Kaixuan thought about it, he said again.

"Did you forget to design it? Ordinary people wouldn't pay attention to such details."

Shirley Yang immediately denied the claim.

The sand table is so exquisitely designed, and the villain is as exquisite as a work of art, obviously carefully designed.

What's more, in ancient times, chimneys were extremely common things, how could designers make such serious mistakes.

There must be a purpose to this design!

Wang Kaixuan frowned and nodded.

"What Staff Officer Yang said is very true, but what is the purpose of this?"

Xue Liyang stared at the sand table, the more she looked at it, the more frightened she became, and she said slowly.

"Without a chimney, it means that you can't cook with a fire. Do you still remember the pattern of avoiding fire in Dixian Village?"

Dixian Village is the same as this sand table. All the houses have no chimneys, not even stoves. The whole village is deserted and deserted.

In fact, there are indeed no living people in Dixian Village, only [-] dead bodies possessed by corpse moss!
Thinking of this, Wang Kaixuan couldn't help but turn pale with shock.

"Could it be that... this sand table is the same as Dixian Village, it is not a place for living people?!"

Shirley Yang was surprised and nodded uncomfortably.

"It should be like this, all the villains on this sand table are not alive!"

Wang Kaixuan was taken aback by this statement. After looking down at the sand table, he quickly waved his hands.

"Staff Yang, I think you are thinking too much."

"Apart from the absence of a chimney, there is nothing wrong with it, it's all normal."

Thousands of villains on the sand table are all doing some daily activities.

Pedestrians are in a hurry on the street, vendors gather, and there are restaurants and inns.

There are people getting married in the city, and there are people holding funerals outside the city.

No matter how you look at it, these are things that living people would do. How could dead people do these things?
Shirley Yang frowned slightly, shaking her head.

"No, this is just the surface. Things are by no means that simple. We may have missed some key clues."

The two fell into silence again, their eyes staring at the sand table together.

After a few minutes.

Shirley Yang's expression changed suddenly, and she said.

"Old Wang, I know something is wrong, look here!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and pointed at the sand table.

She was referring to a village outside the city where a family was having a funeral.

A few big men were carrying a coffin, there was a funeral procession of dozens of people behind it, and there were drummers blowing and beating in front. At first glance, there was nothing special about it.

But if you observe carefully, you will find a very strange place.

The direction of the funeral procession was not the cemetery, but a temple outside the village!
The dead are buried in peace, why not send them to the cemetery for burial, but to the temple?
After Wang Kaixuan thought about it, he said.

"Could it be that you want to invite monks and priests to do a ritual? But the ritual should be done at home. What does it mean to send it to the temple?"

Xue Liyang looked serious, pointed to the sand table and said.

"Look, this sand table is highly reductive. It has everything in reality, but one important thing is missing."


Wang Kaixuan heard the words and took a closer look.

It was exactly as Shirley Yang said!
There is a town and several villages on the sand table, all the buildings and infrastructure are available, and every detail is perfectly restored.

But there is no cemetery!
Wang Kaixuan's expression changed, and he said immediately.

"Maybe it's because the cemetery is too unlucky, so we didn't make it?"

Shirley Yang shook her head.

"There's even a funeral procession, why would you be taboo about this?"

When the two looked at the sand table again, they felt even weirder.

Why is there no cemetery in a town with a population of several thousand?
This is by no means an omission of the designer, nor is it a taboo against death, but another deeper reason!
Even if Wang Kaixuan is a rough guy, he still feels a little panicked.

Especially those lifelike villains, looking at them now, they are a little strange!

After watching for a while.

Wang Kaixuan said nervously.

"Staff Yang, it's very dark here, let's stop staying here and go to the next floor to have a look."

Shirley Yang couldn't think of the reason, so she had to give up.

"Let's go then."

The two turned around and were about to leave.

At this moment, a strange sound suddenly came from behind.

It sounds like the noise of the crowd, the neighing of cattle and horses, and the sound of rolling wheels.

But this place is obviously inside the closed psychic tower, why are there these voices?

The two looked at each other, and there was a flash of horror in their eyes.

Could it be sent by the villain on the sand table?

Wang Kaixuan took a deep breath, turned around slowly, boldly glanced at the sand table, and couldn't help screaming out of fear.

"Damn, these things are all alive!"

Shirley Yang immediately turned to look, and couldn't help being stunned by the scene in front of her.

I saw that thousands of villains on the sand table really moved!

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