Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 876 Immortal City

According to legend, when Qin Shihuang inspected the southeast, he found a dead man in the South China Sea that had not melted for a thousand years.

The magician in the palace told the first emperor that this is an ominous and fierce thing, and it needs to be suppressed with copper beasts and buried deep in the ground to keep the world peaceful.

So the first emperor mobilized tens of thousands of civilians to hollow out a mountain, cast a bronze coffin, and suppress it in the belly of the mountain.

More than 200 years later, during the time of Emperor Guangwu of the Eastern Han Dynasty, a major earthquake occurred, the mountain was shattered, and the bronze coffin was able to see the sun again.

Later, this object was tossed and turned several times, and fell into the hands of the British Navy in the late Qing Dynasty.

Colonel Hawke was going to give it to the Royal Museum, but when it was transported halfway to the Coral Islands, it encountered a big storm, and the bronze coffin sank to the bottom of the sea together with the warship.

It was not until more than 100 years later that the Neptune secretly came to the South China Sea to salvage the bronze coffin.

It's just that no one expected that the zombie of Qin Dynasty in the bronze coffin was missing, and Colonel Hawke, who was supposed to die, became an undead.

When Ji Changsheng finished telling the story, the envoy of the shrine couldn't help being surprised, and then fell into deep thought.

After half an hour.

The envoy of the shrine let out a long sigh and said.

"If what you said is true, then the zombie in the bronze coffin is most likely the messenger who escaped!"

The undead ability possessed by zombies coincides with the time of escape. The Neptune crashed in the Coral Islands, and after Hawk was bitten, he became an undead.

All these signs are enough to show that the zombie in the bronze coffin is the messenger of the shrine!
But here comes the question, it has been more than 100 years since the Zombie in the South China Sea escaped, where is he now?
The envoy of the shrine said immediately.

"It stands to reason that he won't come back here, and I haven't found any other intruders."

"Perhaps...you have already run to the ends of the earth."

Ji Changsheng shook his head and said.

"Not necessarily. More than 100 years ago, the Marysiano just happened to crash in the Coral Islands, and the Zombies were able to escape. This is definitely not a coincidence!"

The envoy of the shrine smiled wryly and said.

"Where he wants to go has nothing to do with us, we have more important things right now."

Immediately, his expression changed and his tone became serious.

"If you don't want to die here, help me complete the final mission, otherwise no one will be able to get out!"

Ji Changsheng asked immediately.

"What's going on? You have to let me understand what happened."

After the envoy of the shrine glanced at him, he did not explain, but said.

"If you are just here to rob the tomb, don't know so much. The more you know, the worse it will be for you!"

There was a hint of threat in these words, but it was a pity that the target was wrong.

Ji Changsheng smiled indifferently.

"Of course I'm here to fight, but I also want to know everything. If you don't tell me the truth, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to help you."

His character is to take the soft but not the hard, so why would he care about other people's threats.

The envoy of the shrine frowned and said displeasedly.

"I'm not scaring you, but reminding you that this is no ordinary mausoleum, but..."

Having said that, he quickly shut his mouth.

Ji Changsheng's expression changed, and he asked immediately.

"What exactly is this place?"

All the problems they have encountered so far revolve around a core mystery.

The Truth About Returning to the Ruins of the South China Sea!
As long as this mystery is solved, many problems can be easily solved.

The envoy of the shrine almost slipped the tongue just now, showing that he knew the answer!

Facing Ji Changsheng's questioning, the envoy of the Divine Palace flashed a trace of uneasiness in his eyes, and said immediately.

"You shouldn't know, don't ask, and I can't tell."

Ji Changsheng blinked curiously.

"No one is in charge of you, why can't you say it? What will be the consequences if you say it?"

Under his repeated questioning, the envoy of the shrine finally became angry.

"Enough, stop asking!"

"If you know, there is only one end, to die here!"

Ji Changsheng made an expression of indifference, and said confidently.

"So you want to fight me again?"

"That's fine, anyway, if you're idle, you're idle. It's good to exercise your muscles."

Seeing his rascal expression, the envoy of the shrine nearly twisted his nose, and said angrily.

"Since you are looking for death yourself, don't blame me!"

Ji Changsheng immediately stood up and made a gesture of invitation.

"Come on then."

The shrine envoy tried hard to suppress his anger and waved his hands.

"You are a very powerful master. I have more important things to do, and I won't waste my energy with you."

As soon as these words came out, Ji Changsheng was slightly taken aback, and then smiled again.

"So you're going to tell me the truth?"

The shrine envoy had a helpless expression on his face, and couldn't help but complain.

"I'm a dead person. I haven't been angry for more than 3000 years. I've convinced you today!"

"If you want to know the truth, then I will tell you, but at your own risk!"

Ji Changsheng said with a slightly smug smile.

"All ears, please speak."

The shrine envoy pondered for a while before speaking slowly.

"Outsiders only know that this is an ancient tomb, but no one would have guessed that there is a big secret hidden here!"

It is precisely because this secret is too shocking that the Hentian clan built this undead city back then!
Ji Changsheng couldn't help but be stunned.

"Undead city?"

The scale of this ancient tomb is comparable to a modern city, and it is indeed a magnificent city.

But what does it mean to be immortal?
Just when the envoy of the shrine was about to tell the secret of the undead city, at the same time.

The psychic tower at the other end of the ancient tomb, the highest [-]th floor entrance.

Everyone was fully armed, staring at the last door with solemn expressions.

According to my guess, behind this door, the last floor of the psychic tower, is connected to another world.


In ancient and modern times, almost all religions and mythological systems have one thing in common.


This is a very strange phenomenon. Different nations have created different civilizations. People believe in different gods, but they all believe in the existence of hell.

This may be due to cultural convergent evolution, or it may be caused by the general human concept of good and evil.

Until today, the little brother came up with an incredible idea.

"Hell may be real!"

In the ancient times who do not know how long ago, perhaps the ancestors of every nation had seen the real hell, so the legend of hell will be passed down to this day!
Reversing the order of the six realms of Buddhism, the last level is the realm of hell!

The most terrifying place in the universe, where the dead will suffer endless torture and punishment, symbolizing the prison of pain and terror!

The little brother said to everyone with a serious expression.

"If you are afraid, there is still time to escape now."

"are you ready?"

The fat man wiped the sweat from his forehead and said loudly.

"For Mr. Ji, I have to go through Shura Hell, let's do it!"

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