Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 870 The Ability to Clarify the Future

Write all the characters of the hate Tian family, it is the real password!
The little brother nodded, agreeing to Wu Xie's statement.

Then he bit his finger and wrote on the door with blood.

The fat man was dumbfounded when he saw it, and said hastily.

"I'm afraid the area of ​​this door is not enough to write, right? Even if it is enough, your blood is not enough to shed!"

"Brother, wait a minute, let's think of a different way..."

As a result, before he finished speaking, the little brother had already stopped.

"It's finished."

Fatty and Wang Kaixuan stared, and ran over with horror on their faces, taking a closer look.

I saw a blood pattern on the door, the shape was very weird, it looked like an irregular polygon, and it looked like a work of art.

Anyway, it doesn't look like text.

The fat man blinked his eyes and asked in a daze.

"Is this all the words written by Hate Tian?"

The little brother nodded and didn't make a sound, just observing the changes in Yumen.

Fatty wanted to ask again, only to see that wonderful changes had taken place in Yumen.

The pattern on the door began to distort and deform, and it seemed to be alive!
Then, the Yumen slowly opened a crack and opened to both sides!
When Wang Kaixuan saw it, he couldn't help exclaiming.

"It actually opened!"

"Brother, you are amazing, what is going on?"

The little brother breathed a sigh of relief, but did not explain, just said.

"Let's go and have a look first."

Then he walked into the door, and the others quickly followed in after seeing this.

After everyone entered the No.17 floor, they turned on their flashlights and looked around.

When the flashlight illuminated the entire floor, what appeared in front of people was an extremely weird scene!
Wu Xie was the first to cry out in surprise.

"How could this be? This...how is it possible!"

I saw hundreds of dead bodies lying on the floor in disorder. These dead bodies were all human beings and turned into mummies.

There is nothing strange in itself that there are mummified corpses in ancient tombs.

Strangely, the clothes and accessories worn by these mummies simply shattered everyone's three views!

Among them were more than a dozen dead bodies, wearing tattered cassocks and Buddhist beads around their necks. They were clearly more than a dozen monks.

But Buddhism was born more than 600 years later than Hate Heaven!

How could there be monks here?
Except for these unexplainable monks, the other dead bodies are all the same, they do not belong to this era!
There are Christian priests in black robes with a cross on their chests, Muslims with turbans on their heads, and Taoist priests with ancient swords on their backs and dust whisks in their hands!
In addition to these priests, there are other professions.

Hundreds of soldiers wearing various armors, including ancient Roman generals in cloaks, knights in medieval Gothic plate armor, island warriors with exaggerated armor, and Song Dynasty heavy cavalry in infantry armor!

These various armors are the most eye-catching, it is simply an exhibition of ancient armors.

In addition, there are some nobles from various countries in gorgeous costumes, and some poorly dressed civilians.

There are hundreds of mummies in total, with various identities, from ancient Rome BC to Manchu Qing more than 200 years ago, ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign, everything!

The time span spans more than 3000 years!

Everyone was stunned by this scene, unable to utter a word for a long time.

After half an hour.

The fat man said in a daze.

"Am I not mistaken? Are we still in the tomb of Heantian?!"

Ninety percent of these dead bodies did not belong to the era of hating heaven. How did they come here? !

Wang Kaixuan couldn't help but think big, and said.

"Could it be that there is a gate of time and space in Guixu, which can go back to the past?"

The door to travel through time is one of the ultimate dreams of human beings, even more mysterious than immortality!
Wu Xie and Jack immediately stepped forward to check. After checking, they denied Wang Kaixuan's statement.

"These armor clothes, although they look like those from later generations, are quite different in details. They are obviously not genuine products, but knockoffs."

Not only are there errors in details, but the materials used are also different.

Those armors of all kinds are all made of bronze, and none of them are made of steel.

Clothes are the oldest textiles, completely different from later generations.

From this, it can be concluded that these armor clothes are imitated by people who hate heaven!

In addition, these corpses are extremely well preserved in a dry environment, and it can be clearly seen that their physical characteristics belong to the same ethnic group.

Jack compared them with Hou Yi's corpse, and he can be sure that these people are all haters of heaven!

Therefore, it can be concluded that these dead are not people who traveled through time and space!

The fat man couldn't help being taken aback, and said with a puzzled face.

"Isn't that a cos show? How can the hateful Tianshi imitate the costumes and armors of later generations?"

Not only the large-scale cosplay on this floor, but also the Guanyin statue downstairs and the six reincarnations of Buddhism, these do not belong to this era!

After Wu Xie lowered her head and thought for a while, she suddenly realized an incredible conclusion.

"Perhaps...Hen Tianshi can see the future!"

See the future!

If the Hentian clan had this ability, they would be able to imitate these costumes and armors, and they could also know the six paths of reincarnation in Buddhism!

This may be the only reasonable explanation!

Shirley Yang's eyes lit up, and she said immediately.

"That's right, Hate Tian's words are the best proof!"

Hentian's text is dynamic, and it is different from all other texts.

Words and ways of thinking are closely related, perhaps because they can see into the future, their way of thinking is different from others, and they invented unique words!
If this is the case, then many of the previous questions can be easily solved!
However, Aning immediately raised a question.

"But what about the Guanyin statue downstairs?"

The Avalokitesvara statue is exactly the same as I remember, and even the inscription matches my finger!

It seems to have traveled here from the Song Dynasty!

If it was imitated by Hentian, why can this statue of Avalokitesvara be imitated exactly like other clothes and armors with obvious mistakes?

Wu Xie lowered her head and thought for a while, before expressing her speculation.

"We might as well make a bold assumption. The ability to foresee the future is like a TV antenna, which can receive signals from the future. Sometimes the signal is weak and cannot be seen clearly, and errors in details will appear."

"When observing the statue of Guanyin, the signal happens to be very strong, so the observation is very careful, so that the imitation can be exactly the same."

As for why this phenomenon occurs, it may be because the Guanyin statue itself is very special!
Although this speculation is very bold, it has some truth.

Everyone couldn't help but looked at the little brother, wanting to know what he thought of the client.

After thinking for a while, the little brother nodded.

"Now that you said that, I remembered that this Guanyin statue really doesn't look like the one I remembered."

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