Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 829 Confronting Tianwei

Ji Changsheng said calmly.

"No matter what conspiracy or purpose you have, I don't care."

"I just want to remind you, don't stand in front of me, or you will bear the consequences!"

After being silent for a while, Lao Zhou nodded and said.

"Okay, after the things here are over, I'll show you something, and you may understand by then."

Ji Changsheng asked casually.

"What? Is it a small report about the Zhang family?"

Old Zhou smiled.

"Am I the kind of person who makes small reports behind my back? You underestimate me."

"In short, the most important thing now is the matter in front of me, let's talk about the rest later."

Hearing this, Ji Changsheng couldn't help thinking to himself.

Is there really a future?
The ultimate and greatest secret is hidden in Guixu. Once this secret is obtained, the ultimate day will come to an end.

Ultimately, the South China Sea is its final destination, and there is nothing left!

Lao Zhou stared at the sea in the distance, wondering what he was thinking.

Unknowingly, a red light rose from the sky.

The first ray of sunlight brings hope and vitality to all things.

But in the next second, it was an unexpected scene.

I saw the sea suddenly exploded, and the water sprayed into the sky.

In the water curtain all over the sky, a group of red and black things rushed to a height of several hundred meters and sprayed in all directions.

The temperature of the sea surface rose suddenly, and a large amount of water vapor rose up, covering the sky and the sun.

What followed was a deafening bang.


The entire Coral Islands shook accordingly, as if the sky had collapsed!
Lao Zhou's expression tightened, and he blurted out.

"It's a submarine volcano erupting!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a cloud of thick smoke rose from the mist on the sea surface, with a pungent sulfur smell.

The thick smoke, mixed with volcanic ash, rushed to an altitude of thousands of meters.

The huge airflow broke through the sea surface, rolled up huge waves tens of meters high, and swept towards the surrounding small islands.

The people resting in the temple were awakened by the explosion, rushed out of the temple and ran over.

Ji Changsheng stood on the hillside, facing the surging waves, with a serious expression on his face.

Skill: Vacuum cannon launch!
"Go away!"

The sound waves up to 210 decibels hit the huge waves.

The energy contained in the sound waves is equivalent to a small nuclear bomb with an equivalent of several thousand tons!

The huge waves were immediately dispersed by the sound waves, turning into sprays all over the sky, scattered around the island, like a torrential rain.

After the first round of impact.

The surface of the sea suddenly boiled, and a large amount of water vapor came out.

Looking at the old Zhou Zhou, his face suddenly changed.

"No, it's a large-scale eruption!"

The area where sea water boils has reached hundreds of square kilometers.

This corresponds to the area of ​​the crater under the sea!
Although it is not the largest super volcano, the energy it contains is amazing.

Once it erupts, the entire Coral Islands will be covered in magma and volcanic ash!
When Hong Beihai saw it, he couldn't help being frightened.

"No, let's run away!"

Ji Changsheng frowned. With his strength, it is not difficult to lead everyone away, but they cannot leave yet.

"Do you want to compete with nature? Then come!"

He made up his mind, took a deep breath, and was about to launch his skills.

At this moment, a loud roar came from the bottom of the sea.

A ball of spray exploded on the sea surface, and a huge figure soared into the sky.

Dragons sing for nine days!

The ancient dragon showed its majestic figure for the first time, its kilometer-long body rushing out of the sea, covering the sky and the sun.

Longwei swept across the sea, rolling up thousands of waves.

The giant dragon flew up to a thousand meters high, opened its mouth, and let out a mouthful of breath.

Green flames covered the sky and headed towards the boiling sea.

At this moment, everyone was deeply shocked by this scene.

Between the sky and the sea, a giant dragon is fighting against the wrath of nature.

The dragon's breath broke through the sea and headed for the crater on the bottom of the sea.

Lin Shuangyue couldn't help being surprised when she saw it.

"It is suppressing the eruption of the volcano with the breath of the dragon!"

Although the dragon is a god, but the volcanic eruption is a natural disaster.

The energy of a volcanic eruption of this scale is equivalent to thousands of large nuclear bombs!

Can flesh and blood really resist the destructive Tianwei?
The angry dragon chant resounded across the sky, and the dragon seemed to have exhausted all its strength!

next second.

There were thousands of layers of huge waves on the sea surface, and the spray pushed in all directions.


A dull bang exploded on the bottom of the sea.

People clearly felt that the island under their feet was trembling violently.

Thousands of cracks opened on the ground, running through the entire island!
The volcanic eruption triggered a major earthquake above magnitude [-]!
Looking at Old Zhou, his face sank to the bottom.

"Not good, the dragon seems to have lost!"

Ji Changsheng's expression was awe-inspiring, and he was ready to make a move.

As long as the momentum is wrong, he will immediately use his skills and lead everyone out of this sea area.

At this moment, a dazzling green light suddenly appeared under the sea.

The green light spread rapidly, covering hundreds of square kilometers of sea area!

The sea turned emerald green!

Then, people suddenly discovered that there was no huge amount of volcanic ash and lava ejected from the seabed.

The volcanic eruption seems to be suppressed by the dragon!

However, the green light under the sea gradually faded, the earthquake also weakened, and the boiling sea water finally returned to normal.

While everyone was delighted, they were also shocked.

The giant dragon actually suppressed Tianwei!

This power from ancient times is unimaginable to human beings!
The giant dragon hovered and landed on the small island, looking down at everyone from a high position, and the invisible dragon's power struck like Mount Tai pressing down on the top.

Only Ji Changsheng didn't change his face, looking up at the dragon with admiration on his face.

"Big guy, you're amazing."

If there are no other people to drag him down, he can also prevent the eruption of the volcano with his strength, but the movement will be much bigger than that of the dragon, and if it is not done well, the entire coral islands will be destroyed.

The giant dragon readily accepted the praise, lowered his head, and opened his mouth to everyone.

Seeing this, everyone was scared out of their wits.

Ji Changsheng hurriedly said.

"Don't be afraid, it is going to take us to Guixu."

As soon as the words fell, the giant dragon spewed out a green breath.

Compared with just now, the dragon's breath is much softer this time.

The green light surrounded everyone, and they hardly felt anything.

Ji Changsheng's heart skipped a beat, and only then did he understand.

The dragon's breath has the ability to transfer matter. The dragon should have transferred the magma in the crater to other places, which prevented the volcanic eruption.

It is unimaginable how much energy is required to transfer millions of tons of magma!
Just as he was thinking, a strange scene suddenly appeared in front of him.

I saw that the whole world was blurred and turned into countless pixels, like a TV screen with no signal.

next second.

When everyone opened their eyes, the surrounding scenery had completely changed, and they came to a strange and strange place.

"Hey, what is this place?"

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