Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 801 Hou Yi Shoots the Sun

Facing the question of innocence, Jack thought for a while and said.

"Not necessarily."

In the mass extinction events that occurred in history, not all species were extinct, and some animals escaped.

The law of evolution in nature is not the survival of the strongest, but the survival of the fittest.

These surviving animals are not superior in combat effectiveness, but more adaptable to the environment.

The mysterious troll may have been unaffected for this reason.

Looking at the corpse on the sea, Ji Changsheng couldn't help frowning.

"Whatever caused it, we must stop this disaster and move on!"

Everyone immediately realized how heavy the responsibility was on their shoulders. If they failed this operation, let alone human society, the whole world would fall into dead silence!
The two large ships continued to move forward on the sea covered with corpses. Although they were not hindered too much, there was an aura of death permeating the corpses in the sea, and everyone's mood became heavy.

After sailing for more than two hours, the shadows of the archipelago finally appeared on the distant sea level.

The warship and the Neptune reduced their speed, and finally sailed into the Coral Islands at around two o'clock in the afternoon.

Only Neptune has entered this restricted area that no one has set foot in for more than 400 years.

Captain John became the guide of this operation. Under his guidance, the ship went around one island after another, and finally came to the center of the archipelago when it was dark.

Ji Changsheng led everyone to Neptune to make final preparations.

Captain John held the map and pointed to the distant sea.

"The location where we salvage the sunken ship is in that direction, about 10 nautical miles away."

"However, I don't recommend going at night. There are huge eddies under the sea surface. Only during the day can you see the flow of the sea water and avoid the eddies."

After thinking for a while, Ji Changsheng nodded.

"Then set off tomorrow morning, everyone get ready, we will go in a small boat, and the big boat will stay here and stand by."

Everyone received the order and was about to carry it out.

Suddenly, a group of fireworks lit up in the night sky, on a small island not far away.

Captain John was stunned when he saw it.

"This is a distress signal at sea, but how can there be people in such a place?"

After Ji Changsheng glanced at it, he smiled faintly.

"Of course there will be people, you all stay here, I'll go and see."

Lie and Lin Shuangyue immediately expressed that they would follow, they were worried about Ji Changsheng going alone.

Ji Changsheng didn't object, and the three of them took a small boat and sailed to the small island.

The small island was not far away, half an hour later, the boat docked on the shore.

As soon as he landed, he saw a strong man walking towards him.

Hong Beihai!
The former leader of the Wang family has now led the remnants of the Wang family and has become the ultimate subordinate.

Hong Beihai stepped forward, his face turned red, as if he was ashamed.

"Mr. Ji, long time no see."

From his attitude and what he said, it can be seen that Ultimate is not possessed by him.

Ji Changsheng didn't bother him, but asked directly.

"where is it?"

Hong Beihai quickly made a gesture of invitation.

"Please follow me, the master has been waiting for a long time."

The three of them followed him towards the island, and after crossing the beach, they entered a dense forest.

After walking through the woods for half an hour, my eyes suddenly opened up.

I saw a dilapidated ancient building in the center of the island, which looked like a temple.

There were dozens of people patrolling around the temple, they should be Hong Beihai's baptizers.

Hong Beihai brought the three of them to the gate of the temple and stopped.

"The master is inside, please stay for the two of you, the master wants to chat with Mr. Ji alone."

Lie couldn't help but pick Hong Beihai up.

"Who are you? I just want to go in. How dare you!"

Hong Beihai quickly looked at Ji Changsheng and said awkwardly.

"Mr. Ji, I'm just following orders, please understand."

Ji Changsheng didn't even look at him, and walked in without saying a word.

This kind of traitor is not worthy of Ji Changsheng's second look, it is a favor if he is not killed.

With a strong snort, he threw Hong Beihai far away, and followed him in with Lin Shuangyue.

Seeing this, the baptizers in the distance didn't step forward to stop them. Maybe they knew they couldn't stop these three people.

The temple is very dilapidated, but the interior is very spacious.

It was built thousands of years ago by people who hate heaven, and the structure is very simple.

Except for the central hall, there are exits in four directions, and there are no other branch halls.

In the center of the main hall is enshrined a tall statue of a god, more than ten meters high, which seems to be cast in bronze.

The image of the statue is a tall and strong man, wearing thorns on his head, holding a bow and half kneeling on the ground.

On the ceiling where the arrow points, there is a skylight through which a bright moon can be seen.

The three of them were looking at the statue when a man's voice came from behind the statue.

"This is the god who hates the people of heaven. Guess who he is?"

I saw a strange man walking out slowly, looking at the three of them with calm eyes.

Ji Changsheng could tell from his tone of voice that this person was possessed by the ultimate.

Lie said immediately.

"This is something thousands of years ago. We are not archaeologists, how do we know who he is?"

The man smiled lightly, ignored the barbarian, and looked at Lin Shuangyue instead.

"Suwen Jingjue Queen is knowledgeable and talented, have you ever seen it?"

Lin Shuangyue is such a smart person, she only thought for a moment before replying.

"If my guess is correct, the god enshrined in Hate Heaven should be Hou Yi who shoots the sun."

In ancient times, the sun was the lord of all things and a symbol of heaven.

Hou Yi is the god of shooting the sun, which is exactly the name of the country that hates heaven.

After Lin Shuangyue thought about it, she added.

"Hou Yi is not only a mythical hero, but also a tribal chief in ancient times. I guess that the kingdom of hate should be established by his tribal descendants."

When the man heard it, he couldn't help clapping his hands and laughing.

"You can see so much information at a glance, the Queen Jingjue really lives up to her reputation!"

Lin Shuangyue ignored the other party's flattery, and said again.

"This is just speculation, not necessarily true."

The man looked up at the statue and said slowly.

"You guessed right, because I was the witness back then."

As soon as these words came out, both Ji Changsheng and Lin Shuangyue's hearts moved.

They only knew that the Kingdom of Hatred hides the ultimate and most important secret, but they did not expect that in ancient times, Ultimate had dealt with the ancestors of the Kingdom of Hatred!
Could it be that the legend of Hou Yi shooting the sun is related to the ultimate?
If we make a bold guess, the nine suns shot down by Hou Yi in the myth may be the ultimate nine incarnations!
At this time, the man turned his head to look at the three of them, with an inscrutable smile on his face.

"You guessed it right, the first human being to defeat me in this world was not the Zhang family."

"It's the hero in mythology—Houyi!"

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