When the two fat men heard about the Pearl of the South China Sea, they immediately got excited.

"Old man, tell me more about the Pearl of the South China Sea."

Just as Chen Yulou was about to say something, Wu Xie waved his hands.

"Don't worry about those pearls, I think the real important clue is the bronze!"

The fat man was taken aback for a moment, but he still didn't understand what was going on.

Others have figured out the point.

The bronze sacred tree, the hexagonal bell, and the bronze door, these ancient bronzes have extremely high casting technology, far exceeding the industrial level at that time, and have a sense of transcending the times.

The Hentian clan is good at smelting bronze, and its smelting techniques are world-famous, and there are many records in ancient books.

The ancient kingdom of Heantian also closely intersects with the royal family of the Western Zhou Dynasty. Perhaps the superb skill in making bronzes came from the ancient kingdom of Heantian!

At this time, the little brother gave another assist just right.

"Thousands of years ago, the Zhang family had a relationship with the Kingdom of Hentian."

An idea popped up in everyone's mind.

Could it be that the Zhang family's technology beyond the times came from this mysterious ancient country that disappeared? !

Ji Changsheng asked quickly.

"Brother, tell me about the Zhang family and the ancient kingdom of hate."

After thinking for a while, the little brother said slowly.

"About this vanished ancient country, the Zhang family left very little information. I only know that the first ancestor of the Zhang family once went to the Kingdom of Hatred, and after returning from there, they created a bronze container to hold the ultimate."

When everyone heard this, they all showed surprised expressions.

The Zhang family's bronze smelting technology actually came from the ancient kingdom of Heantian!

After thinking about it, Lin Shuangyue said.

"There are records about this ancient country in many ancient books, the most famous of which is "Buddhist Kingdom Records."

Buddhism was introduced to China in the Han Dynasty. During the Eastern Jin Dynasty, a master Faxian went to the west to learn scriptures. After obtaining the scriptures, he returned by sea. He wrote a book called "Faxian" on what he saw and heard along the way. "Xian Zhuan", also known as "Buddhist Kingdom Records".

This book records Master Fa Xian's visit to the ruins of the ancient country of Hentian when he was passing through the sea.

The ancient kingdom of hate is on an archipelago in the South China Sea. The archipelago is located near a coral forest. There is a bottomless sinkhole in the coral forest. It is so deep that ships can only go around far away. Vortex in.

Whenever thunder and lightning raged, blue flames would burst out of the pit that day, illuminating the sky as bright as day.

Hentian called this blue flame dragon fire, and used it to temper bronze.

Judging from these clues, the reason why those bronzes have magical functions is probably related to the dragon fire in the tiankeng!

When Wang Kaixuan heard it, he couldn't help shouting.

"Dragon fire is the fire spouted by dragons? There was really a dragon in the pit that day?!"

Lin Shuangyue smiled lightly, shook her head and said.

"No, dragon fire is just a saying in Feng Shui."

According to Feng Shui theory, everything in the world has Qi, which is invisible to the naked eye.

The place where spiritual energy gathers on the dragon vein is called the dragon's lair.

If buried in the dragon's lair, it can absorb the dragon's energy, turn the corpse into an immortal, and the descendants can enjoy the glory and wealth, and even aspire to the Ninth Five-Year King!
However, some dragon lairs have special locations, and sometimes flames will be emitted from the ground. This kind of fire is called dragon fire.

According to scientific theory, it is in fact that there is oil emerging from the ground, and after encountering a thunderstorm, it will be ignited by lightning to emit flames.

Hearing this, the fat man breathed a sigh of relief, patted his chest and said.

"That's okay, the dragon I met last time off the coast of Xisha, I'm still scared when I think about it today."

After Wang Kaixuan thought about it, he smiled.

"I see, there is an oil field in Hate Heaven. If we can find this oil field, we will also contribute to the country."

After hearing this, Chen Yulou quickly waved his hands.

"No, there are four kinds of fire in heaven and earth, human fire, ghost fire, sky fire, and dragon fire."

"The dragon fire is not oil. Wherever the dragon fire appears in the world, there must be supernatural things. You must not be careless!"

Upon hearing this, Wuxie hurriedly asked.

"Old man, what exactly is that dragon fire?"

Chen Yulou stroked his goatee, shook his head and said.

"Human fire dominates life, sky fire dominates extinction, ghost fire dominates yin, and dragon fire... naturally dominates yang."

"The birth and death of yin and yang is the ultimate principle of the operation of all things in the world. How can mortals fully appreciate the beauty of the way of heaven? In short, everyone should be careful."

Wu Xie couldn't help curling her lips.

"Don't you mean you didn't say anything..."

Chen Yulou chuckled.

"The old man has already said that whether you can comprehend or not depends on your understanding. You can't tell the truth, otherwise you will be punished by heaven."

The fat man rolled his eyes, took out a stack of banknotes and stuffed them into Chen Yulou's hands.

"Old man, can this thing make you open your mouth?"

Chen Yulou touched the banknote and couldn't help laughing.

"The fat man really misunderstood the old man. If this can unlock the secret, then I won't tell people's fortunes on the street."

"To understand the mystery of the way of heaven, unless you can find the complete picture of the heavenly hexagrams, mortals will not be able to see the secrets of heaven."

After finishing speaking, he returned the banknote to the fat man.

The fat man was taken aback, he never thought that banknotes would fail sometimes.

Ji Changsheng on the side already knew in his heart that no matter what the dragon fire was, it must be related to the Zhang family's bronze wares, and it was precisely this kind of bronze wares that the Zhang family could capture the ultimate.

In the ruins of the ancient country of Hentian, there must be hidden secrets about the ultimate!
Thinking of this, he got up and walked to Chen Yulou, gently holding his hand.

Special skill: Live and die together!

A surge of vitality injected into Chen Yulou's body.

Moments later.

"Ding, successfully injecting 1 points of vitality!"

"Ding, the receptor has been upgraded in physical fitness, and human beings have been upgraded from primary to intermediate!"

Chen Yulou's face was radiant and his spirit was refreshed.

"Huh? The old man suddenly felt light and healthy, as if he had eaten a elixir. What's going on?"

Ji Changsheng let go of his hand and smiled.

"The old man has great knowledge, this time he will go to the South China Sea with us and serve as our military advisor."

Chen Yulou was taken aback for a moment, then understood what was going on, and said happily.

"To be favored by Mr. Ji, the old man is lucky, how dare he not obey."

As he spoke, he sighed again.

"As the chief bandit in Xiling, this old man has retired from the Jianghu for 70 years. I never imagined that I could come back out of the Jianghu at the age of a hundred!"

"This time I go to the South China Sea, I will definitely give up all I have learned in my life, and I am willing to do the work of dogs and horses!"

Seeing this, the others petitioned Ji Changsheng one after another, even Mr. Chen went, how could they stay at home and watch the theater.

Ji Changsheng waved his hands.

"Needless to say, everyone will go this time!"

In this way, the team to go to the South China Sea has been confirmed.

Ji Changsheng is the commander in chief of the central army, the younger brother and Lin Shuangyue are the left and right deputies, and Chen Yulou is the military adviser.

The three Captain Mojin, A Sheng and Lie, acted as pioneers.

Naive Fatty, Aning Jack, and black glasses are in charge of Luenzhen.

Xiao Wu is the Queen's cheerleader, responsible for waving the flag and shouting.

The main force of the Longevity Society is out!

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