The content of this "Guanshan Excavation Record" is roughly consistent with the stories handed down by the Feng family, but some details have been added, and these details are completely different from everyone's previous guesses.

The content of the book is divided into two parts. The first half is about the first half of Feng Shigu's life, mostly boasting and self-beautification.

The second half is the really useful information.

It is said that since Feng Shigu became obsessed with cultivating immortals, he learned from the old people of the family that there is an ancient tomb hidden in the coffin gorge - the tomb of King Wuling. A ancestral lesson was left behind.

The ancestors said that there is a corpse fairy buried in this tomb. This thing is extremely evil. The descendants of the Feng family must guard the ancient tomb for generations.
Feng Shi Gu Xiuxian was almost insane, he didn't care too much, and led a group of masters into the tomb of King Wuling.

In this ancient tomb, gold and silver treasures are piled up like a mountain, and the harvest is quite rich.

They scraped along the way and came to the main tomb, where they saw a huge coffin.

Feng Shigu ordered people to open the inner and outer coffins, but right after the coffin lid was opened, a puff of black air rose into the sky, and blood splattered everywhere.

When I looked again, the six masters who opened the coffin had already died on the spot!

The corpse of King Wuling was immortal for thousands of years, and he burst out of the coffin to hurt people. Feng Shigu thought at first that the corpse had changed, but when he looked carefully, he was shocked.

That Wuling King didn't look like a zongzi, his chest rose and fell slightly, but he still had a heart beating like a living person!
Before Feng Shigu had time to study it carefully, he swung his sword and fought against King Wuling.

Fortunately, his martial arts cultivation was extremely high. After dozens of rounds of fighting, with the help of his subordinates, he finally surrendered King Wuling, bound him with the bronze chains used to suppress corpses, and suppressed him in the stone coffin.

If other people had encountered this kind of thing, they would definitely have killed King Wuling with a single blow, but Fengshi Guyi is a bold man, so instead of being afraid, he stayed in the ancient tomb and started researching.

After half a year of research, Feng Shigu was finally able to break the secret of King Wuling.

It turns out that the Wuling King did not die, but lived in the stone coffin for thousands of years!
Immortality is the ultimate dream pursued by countless people.

But the strange thing is that although King Wuling is alive, he has no head!

His torso and limbs were preserved intact, and a gold mask was placed around his neck in place of his head.

The head is the head of the nine suns, how can one live without a head?
This secret is recorded in the mask of King Wuling!

There is an ancient map in that mask, and the map is the corpse mountain basin.

The corpse-shaped mountain is composed of two parts, a cave in the shape of a human head, and a mountain in the shape of a headless corpse.

Both are rare geomantic caves in the world, and the tomb of King Wuling is built in the Human Head Cave.

The corpse-shaped mountain is even more rare. There is a corpse spring in the mountain, and black water emerges like corpse blood. This is a phenomenon produced after the energy in the earth veins gathers.

This corpse-shaped mountain is a rare Pangu divine vein through the ages!

In the ancient times before King Wuling, the wizards buried a large number of bronze vessels and small coffins in the Pangu Divine Vein, which is the kind of sarcophagus in the Thousand Coffins Fascination Array.

Bronze vessels are sacrificial vessels dedicated to the gods, while sarcophagi have special purposes.

Various human organs were contained in the coffin. After absorbing the earth energy of the Pangu Divine Vein, these organs gradually shrank and petrified, appearing in the form of human faces and five sense organs, and some even grew torso and limbs, resembling babies.

This is the living pill in the legend of the fairy family!
Cultivating immortals and alchemy originated from the immortal family, and it took shape as early as the period of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors. There were various alchemy techniques in ancient times.

In other words, those sarcophagi are corpses used to refine living pills!
Before the slave owners and nobles were about to die, they would send people to dig up the sarcophagus to find the formed living pills, put the living pills in their mouths and bury them, and the corpses would turn into immortals.

King Wuling lost his head, so he could only put the living pill in his stomach. After a long time, the living pill and the corpse merged into one, thus obtaining an immortal body!

After breaking the secret of King Wuling, Feng Shigu was overjoyed. This was exactly what he had been looking for for many years.

It's a pity that the living pill in King Wuling's body is no longer usable, so he can only go to the Corpse Mountain to find it. After searching countless sarcophagi, he really found a lifelike living pill!

After getting the living pill, Feng Shigu took all his family wealth and bewitched tens of thousands of people to follow him into the Zhanxing Mountain Basin, built the Dixian Village, and thus reclusively cultivated immortality.

In order not to expose this secret, he set up the Mausoleum of Nine Deaths around Dixian Village. Without his permission, outsiders could not enter, and those inside could not exit. The tens of thousands of people could only be at his mercy.

Later, after Feng Shigu became an Earth Immortal, she held the living pill in her mouth and ordered people to seal it in the coffin and bury it deep in the ground.

Before putting into the coffin, he told his disciples: Thousands of years ago, in order to obtain living pills, wizards buried countless sarcophagi in the mountain of corpses. .

But he resorted to the means of reaching the sky, and built the Earth Immortal Village on the Pangu Divine Vein. This is an ancient Fengshui method, and it is a great means of mixing Yuan Yin and Yang, which can restore the earth energy of Pangu Divine Vein.

The "Guanshan Zanggu Building" was built on the spring of the corpse spring. One day, the blood of the corpse spring will seep again, which means that the divine veins will be revived and the dragon energy underground will reunite.

People buried in the divine veins can transform into immortals by absorbing dragon energy!
In addition, he also left a code word - Guanshan Zhimifu, which guides future generations to find Dixian Village.

The above is all the content of "Guanshan Excavation Record".

After reading it, Professor Sun was naturally ecstatic. As long as he can find the live pill, his life will be saved.

But Hu Bayi has a different opinion.

He said that although the witchcraft of hanging souls is well-known in the southwest, and the ancients did believe in superstitions, this paper man can only be used to scare ordinary people.

Those who can find Dixian Village are definitely not ordinary people, most of them are inverted fighters in the Jianghu. These people are all brave and daring outlaws.
So he suspects that the paper figure is used to scare people on the surface, but it is actually to lure people to find this booklet.

Most of the content in this booklet is fake. Feng Shigu used the fake booklet to confuse the people who are fighting, and divert people's attention to other places, thus hiding the real secret!

When Wang Kaixuan heard this, he immediately agreed.

"I think Commander Hu is right, he almost fell for this grandson's trick!"

After thinking for a while, Professor Sun shook his head and said.

"I don't think so. The content here is roughly the same as the saying passed down by the Feng family. Although it is a bit bizarre, I think it is true."

"Aside from other things, the blood of corpses is coming out of the tomb in front of the attic, isn't it just like the records in the book?"

Hu Bayi shook his head, just about to refute.

At this moment, there was a muffled rumbling sound outside.

Listen carefully, the sound seems to come from the ground!

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