This "Picture of Viewing the Mountain and Xiangzhai" is the authentic work of Feng Shigu, and there are probably clues about the corpse fairy in it.

Everyone hurriedly looked at the ancient painting. The scene depicted in the painting could be seen at a glance that it was the Zombie Mountain Basin located underground!
There is a village in the basin, the houses are well arranged, which coincides with the shape of the nine palaces and eight trigrams, it is obviously the Dixian village.

Wang Kaixuan said hurriedly.

"Look, even the rafters on the roof can be seen clearly. The drawing is so detailed, this must be the design drawing of Dixian Village!"

As he said, the details in this painting are so precise that it seems to be drawn by a computer. It should be a design drawing.

Looking at the second painting again, there is no signature or title.

In the painting is a large group of tombs connected together, roughly estimated to be as many as a thousand!

Judging from the layout of the tomb group, it should be the tomb of the living dead under Dixian Village.

Hu Bayi said with a face suddenly enlightened.

"These are two pictures of yin and yang. They are the yin house and the yang house respectively. They are indeed the design drawings of the Immortal Earth Village!"

These two paintings confirmed their previous speculation. Dixian Village is divided into upper and lower floors. The upper part is the yang house, and the lower part is the yin house.
Upon hearing this, Wang Kaixuan quickly rolled up the two paintings and put them away.

Professor Sun couldn't help being anxious when he saw it.

"Didn't you already take one? Why are you so greedy, you want to take them all away!"

Wang Kaixuan waved his hand and said seriously.

"You're wrong this time, I'm not selling it for money."

"These two paintings are detailed maps of Dixian Village. With a map, you won't get lost, and you can avoid traps. It's much more valuable than gold and silver treasures!"

Only then did Professor Sun heave a sigh of relief, this guy finally spoke human words once.

Everyone looked at the third painting, but saw that the content of this painting was a bit strange.

The painting shows a deep ravine with a steep and steep terrain, and some bronze sacrificial utensils seem to be buried in the exposed soil layer.

There is another group of people with torches, lined up in a neat team, walking from the steep cliff to the ground at the bottom of the ravine. The team is mighty and mighty.

Those people in the team, men, women, old and young, all had weird expressions, and the atmosphere was weird. I didn't know what they were doing.

In the lower right corner of this painting, there are five words "Picture of Walking at Night by Holding Candles", but it has not been signed.

After Yaomei looked at it, she suddenly pointed to the ancient painting and said.

"Look at the mountains around this gully, isn't it the corpse mountain!"

As she said, the mountains in the painting are the underground mountains of corpses.

The shape of Zombie Mountain is like a headless giant lying on his back in a coffin. The location of Dixian Village is in the heart of the giant.

And the gully in the painting is at the lower abdomen of the giant, as if a knife had been slashed on the stomach, creating a huge wound.

Wang Kaixuan nodded.

"It's true what you said, but why don't these people stay in the Earth Immortal Village, what are they doing in the giant's stomach?"

Logically speaking, these people in the painting should be immortal cultivators who followed Feng Shigu, but they should stay in Dixian Village, why would they go to that kind of place?

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, puzzled.

After Lin Shuangyue glanced at it, she said softly.

"The location of this wound is the dantian of the lower abdomen. The dantian is the place where the inner alchemy is formed. Maybe it has something to do with the inner alchemy of the corpse fairy."

Ji Changsheng nodded approvingly, without speaking, but turned his gaze to the last painting.

This last painting is titled "Viewing Mountains and Encountering Immortals".

Since ancient times, there have been innumerable ancient paintings with the picture of "so and so meeting an immortal", all of which are ancient people's longing for searching for real immortals.

And this "Viewing the Mountain and Encountering Immortals" not only does not have a trace of fairy spirit, but has a disturbing and weird feeling!

The scene in the painting is the main chamber of the ancient tomb of King Wuling. In the tomb passage outside, there are a group of people in costumes carrying various artifacts. It seems that they are a group of tomb robbers.

In the tomb, there are horrifying and weird scenes.

I saw six bloody corpses lying next to an opened stone coffin. The chests of these corpses were bloody and bloody, and a big hole had been opened, which was horrible.

Beside the stone coffin, stood a tall man with a sword in his hand, glaring into the coffin.

This person has a majestic figure, a majestic appearance, a cold light in his eyes, and the temperament of a peerless master.

This person should be Feng Shigu who took the lead in robbing the ancient tomb of King Wuling!
Inside the coffin, there was a big rice dumpling sitting up!

That Zongzi was unusually tall, half sitting in the coffin, he was actually taller than Feng Shigu who was standing up!

Zongzi's costume is gorgeous and elegant, but he wears a golden pig's head mask on his head. He should be the owner of the ancient tomb - King Wuling.

King Wuling's hands were covered with blood, the nails were half a foot long, and they shone with a piercing cold light.

Obviously, those people lying on the ground died under his sharp claws!
Wang Kaixuan couldn't help shouting after seeing it.

"What is Encountering Immortals, this is clearly a encounter with a big rice dumpling! So many people have died, and they still have the mind to move the torch, and they are more greedy than Lao Tzu!"

That's what's weird about this painting.

It's not surprising that King Wuling's corpse would turn into zongzi, because this corpse-shaped mountain was originally a place to raise corpses, and it would be strange to bury it in such a place without making zongzi.

But what the Feng family met in the painting was obviously a big rice dumpling, why the name of this painting is called Yuxiantu, which has nothing to do with the legendary elegant fairy.

Professor Sun explained solemnly.

"Wuling King should be the corpse fairy that Feng Shigu discovered, and the picture of encountering an immortal refers to encountering a corpse fairy!"

Wang Kaixuan couldn't help frowning and said.

"This weird thing is really a fairy? Are you sure it's not a monster?"

Professor Sun shrugged helplessly and said.

"In ancient times, there was a saying that corpses turned into immortals. The ancient people's views on corpses are completely different from those of modern people. It is difficult for us to understand."

Hu Bayi pointed to the four paintings and said.

"The first two are the design drawings of Dixian Village. I don't know what the third one means. The fourth one is explained according to what you said."

"But what is the meaning of connecting these four paintings together?"

There seems to be no connection between these four paintings. If there is a connection, there must be other paintings.

After discussing with everyone, they searched again on the second floor, but found nothing.

Ji Changsheng looked up and said slowly.

"To unlock these secrets, you have to go up and take a look."

After all, go straight to the top floor.

Everyone suddenly remembered the swaying figure under the light, and couldn't help getting nervous, and took out their loaded weapons one after another.

Ji Changsheng said that there are no living people here, so the figure on the top floor is most likely a big rice dumpling!

When people cautiously followed Ji Changsheng to the third floor and looked around, they couldn't help being stunned.

The scene on the third floor was even weirder than imagined!

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