Speaking of Feng Shigu, Professor Sun's expression became very subtle.

For hundreds of years, the evaluation of this person within the Feng family has been very complicated. Some people say that he is an unborn genius with peerless talent. Few people can match him in the past and present. Some people think that he has gone astray. No matter how talented he is, it is in vain Wasted, if you can walk the right path, you can indeed become an indomitable hero.

Regardless of praise or criticism, in short, this person's talent is recognized.

If a person is too smart, his thoughts will often be incompatible with ordinary people, and he will be regarded as a lunatic.

Feng Shigu was born in a wealthy family and received a good education since he was a child. There are hundreds of schools of thought, heretics, and all of them are good at it.

After he became an adult, relying on his profound knowledge, he became the head of the Feng family without any accident, and married a noble lady.

All of a sudden, he was proud of himself, his life was complete, and he had everything that ordinary people pursued.

But within a few years, Feng Shigu suddenly became obsessed with cultivating immortals, wishing to become a god and live forever.

During the Ming Dynasty, Taoist immortal cultivation was very popular, from emperors to landlords and local tyrants, and everyone with conditions flocked to it.

What a smart person Feng Shigu was, he dismissed those "outsider experts" who bluffed and swindled in the Jianghu, but only wanted to find the true immortal.

For this reason, he neglected his housework and ignored his business. He spent more than ten years traveling all over the three mountains and five mountains, but found nothing.

When I went out, I was still a young man in the spring breeze, and when I returned home, I was already a middle-aged man.

He was devastated by wasting the most precious period of youth in his life, but his dream did not come true.

Just when he was about to give up cultivating immortals and return to normal people, he accidentally learned a clue from the elders of his family.

As early as the Song and Yuan dynasties, the ancestors of the Feng family came to Wushan to rob tombs. They found a large tomb from ancient times in the coffin gorge, and a corpse fairy was buried in it!
The corpse fairy is originally a zongzi transformed from a corpse, and it is a top-level evil thing.

But this corpse fairy is different, his corpse is the same as before, and still maintains the appearance and characteristics of a living person, it seems that he will never die!
The ancestors of the Feng family were very scared, so they sealed the corpse fairy in the ancient tomb and left a legacy.

Tell future generations not to look for this ancient tomb, and never let the corpse fairy reappear in the world!
After a long time, this incident was gradually forgotten by people, and only a few old people knew about it.

After Feng Shigu heard about this incident, his dying hope was rekindled. He knew that the corpse fairy was the key to immortality!

Then, disregarding the legacy of his ancestors, he led people deep into the coffin gorge. After spending several years, he finally found the ancient tomb.

Tomb of King Wuling!

Feng Shigu got the Dragon Bone Book of Heaven in the tomb, and comprehended the way of heaven. When he came out of the ancient tomb, he claimed to have cultivated into an earth immortal.

From then on, Feng Shigu changed from a genius to a lunatic in people's eyes. He preached the alchemy of immortality to people all day long, saying that as long as he followed him to practice in the ancient tomb, he could live as long as the sky and live forever. Enjoy the blessings of immortality.

Because he was a rich man and had a high reputation, many people who were obsessed with cultivating immortals became his followers.

The difference between him and those scammers in Jianghu is that the purpose of scammers is to cheat money, so the customer base is aimed at the rich and has no interest in the poor.

Feng Shigu is different, regardless of high or low, rich or poor, he treats all people equally in his eyes, as long as anyone who is willing to follow him will be accepted as his disciple.

As a result, many poor people who could not survive listened to his nonsense and poured in from all directions, all of them became believers of the earth immortal.

Later, the incident became more and more troublesome and alarmed the government.

Forming a party for private reasons is not a trivial matter. In the eyes of the court, no matter what your purpose is, it is no different from conspiracy.

In order to avoid being chased by the government, Feng Shigu led tens of thousands of followers into the deep mountains and built a village of earth immortals in the ancient tomb of King Wuling.

After he and a group of believers disappeared from the world, and the Feng family managed it up and down, the government did not pursue the matter any further.

Feng Shigu left a code word before leaving, saying that if future generations are willing to follow him, they can find Dixian Village by following the code word.

When Professor Sun said this, he paused.

"I didn't lie to you about these things, but I didn't tell you some secrets. For example, there was a strange person in the Feng family at that time, that is, my ancestor, Feng Shiqi."

Feng Shiqi and Feng Shigu are brothers of the same generation, about the same age, both of them are unborn geniuses, but their personalities are completely opposite.

Feng Shigu is a lunatic who does things in his own way, but Feng Shiqi is a conservative who strictly abides by the legacy of his ancestors and guards the family conscientiously. Feng Shigu often causes troubles outside, and it is he who cleans up the mess and wipes his ass. .

It's nothing more than Feng Shigu's obsession with cultivating immortals, he just spent some money to make alchemy at home, but later things became more and more troublesome, even alarming the court, this is extraordinary.

Feng Shiqi and Feng Shigu had a big quarrel and almost fought.

Later, under pressure, Feng Shigu led his disciples into the ancient tomb, disappeared from then on, and finally saved his family.

But the matter did not end there.

It turned out that Feng Shiqi had also been to that ancient tomb in order to find out, but he was deeply shocked by the result.

The corpse fairy that the ancestors said is real!

And this corpse fairy is the most evil thing in the world, it must never be allowed to see the light of day again, it must be sealed underground forever!

Feng Shiqi spent half his life in arranging numerous formations in the coffin gorge. Before he died, he left a last instruction, asking the descendants to guard it for generations, not allowing Shi Xian and Feng Shigu to step out of the coffin gorge!
Time flies and flies by.

Hundreds of years later, the land of Kyushu has changed dramatically, and the Feng family has long lost its former glory, but the descendants of the Feng family still remember Feng Shiqi's legacy.

More than 80 years ago, the Feng family produced another talent named Feng Sibei.

At that time, the land of Huaxia was in the era of changing the world, and Feng Sibei made some famous achievements with his own ability, but it was a pity that he cast a bright eye secretly and followed the wrong person.

In order not to affect the future of his descendants, he adopted his youngest son to others, changed his name and surname, sent his elder son to relatives to be raised, and returned to Wushan alone, and never heard from him again.

Speaking of this, Professor Sun couldn't help but shed tears and said in a sad tone.

"After I was adopted to someone else, I changed my name to Sun Yaozu. In fact, my real name is Feng Xuewu!"

Since then, he and his eldest brother Feng Xuewen have been separated, and the two brothers did not recognize each other until more than 40 years ago.

As he spoke, he wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes and let out a long sigh.

"Father left his last words back then. He observed that the sky had changed. He was afraid that something had happened in the ancient tomb of the Earth Immortal, so he went back to Wushan to check, but he never returned."

"At the entrance of the tunnel at the end of the bird path, the skeleton in front of the stele is his old man!"

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