Hu Bayi and the others have personally seen the divine power of transmutation and Ji Changsheng's mind copying. These super powers are no different from myths and legends.

Perhaps this is the same with Ma Liang's magical brush, which has unknown superpowers and can turn the things drawn into reality!
After Shirley Yang's reminder, Hu Bayi and Wang Kaixuan looked at each other with shock and ecstasy in their eyes.

"Old Hu, our childhood wishes are about to come true!"

"Hurry up, draw a few ice creams to satisfy everyone's hunger, I want the old brand when we were young!"

Hu Bayi swallowed, but shook his head.

"Old Wang, we are doing serious business, drawing ice cream is too unreliable."

Wang Kaixuan grabbed the brush and said.

"This is to verify our guess. It's just an experiment. If you don't draw, I will draw!"

After speaking, he spit on the tip of the pen, and pretended to draw on the stone.

His drawing skills are really clumsy, the ice cream cone he drew looks like a lump of ice cream.

Hu Bayi quickly waved his hands.

"Please don't draw it. If it really turns into a pile of shit, it will be too unsightly and unappetizing."

Wang Kaixuan smiled naively, rubbed his head in embarrassment and said.

"I haven't learned how to draw, so let's just do it."

After finishing speaking, everyone took a step back, covered their noses and stared at that Tuo Xiang.

After waiting for a while.

The painting on the stone has not changed in any way.

Hu Bayi and Wang Kaixuan sighed together, their childhood dream had come to nothing.

"Commander Hu, this is a very ordinary writing brush. How do you use this thing?"

Hu Bayi shrugged, expressing that he did not know.

At this time, Ji Changsheng finally couldn't help it, and laughed out loud.

"You two are really interesting, hahaha!"

Wang Kaixuan asked quickly.

"Mr. Ji, do you know how to use this thing?"

Ji Changsheng smiled and pointed at the stone box, and replied.

"Isn't it all painted on it? You used the wrong place."

Everyone looked back at the landscape paintings engraved on the stone box, and suddenly realized.

Professor Sun immediately said happily.

"The mountain in the painting is the entrance to the underground palace, and the pen can only work there!"

Yaomei also nodded.

"Judging from the landscape situation in the painting, this mountain is nearby!"

Everyone hurriedly took out their binoculars and looked around.

Sure enough, as expected, they soon found the big mountain in the painting, which was very close to them, less than ten miles away.

Everyone cleaned up immediately, walked down the cliff to the bottom of the valley, and headed towards the mountain from the bottom of the valley.

The mountain road is rugged, but it takes only an hour to walk for ten miles.

It was already evening when we came to the foot of the mountain.

Looking up, the mountain is exactly the same as in the painting, majestic and majestic, with a rushing stream at the foot of the mountain.

Hu Bayi couldn't help but cheer up.

"The mountain is the base, the stream is the water, and the mountain hangs the water. It is indeed a treasure land of geomantic omen. The ancient tomb of the immortal is right here!"

Wang Kaixuan glanced around and asked.

"Then where are we going to draw the door?"

There is no indication in the painting of where the door opens, and Hu Bayi is not sure where to draw it.

Ji Changsheng smiled lightly and said.

"Since there is no prompt, then just find a place to draw."

"Old Hu, Yan Mo!"

Seeing that Mr. Ji wanted to do it himself, Hu Bayi quickly opened the ink cartridge, got some stream water in, crushed the ink sticks, and mixed them together.

Ji Changsheng picked up the brush, dipped it in ink, looked around, and walked up to the biggest stone.

After brewing for a while, he splashed ink and used his best painting skills in his life to draw a gate on the stone.

After finishing the painting, he threw the brush to Wang Kaixuan and waved his hand.

"Let's find a place to rest."

Wang Kaixuan was taken aback and asked.

"Don't wait for this door to open to enter the underground palace?"

Ji Changsheng shook his head and said with an inscrutable smile.

"Don't rush for a while, fill your stomach and replenish your strength, and it won't be too late to go down to the underground palace."

Although everyone was puzzled, seeing his confident appearance, they didn't continue to ask. They immediately found a dry place to camp, more than 100 meters away from the boulder.

While cooking, people kept their eyes on the distant stone, and everyone wanted to see if the painted door would become real.

But when the meal was ready, there was still no change in the painting.

Wang Kaixuan couldn't bear it anymore and asked.

"Mr. Ji, why hasn't the door changed? Is it the wrong place?"

Ji Changsheng smiled and closed his eyes, and replied.

"What are you in a hurry for? The door will open as soon as the time comes. Let's take a rest after eating."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, with big question marks in their hearts, but out of trust in Ji Changsheng, they didn't ask any more questions.

After eating, everyone took turns to rest. After working hard all day, they fell asleep one after another, and the camp snored like thunder.

It was not until midnight that Ji Changsheng woke everyone up.

"It's time, everyone pack up and prepare to go to the grave!"

Everyone quickly stood up and turned their heads to look at the stone.

I only heard a buzzing sound from a distance, which was similar to the movement of locust swarms, but smaller.

Wang Kaixuan's expression changed.

"There are still locusts!"

After Yaomei listened carefully, she shook her head and said.

"It's not a locust, it's a bee, it sounds like a wasp!"

While speaking, the buzzing sound got closer and closer.

The swarm of bees flew over the heads of the crowd, like a swarm of bombers passing by, with an astonishing momentum.

I saw a black mass in the sky, full of wasps the size of a thumb.

Ignoring the crowd, the swarm flew to the painted false door and gathered in a cluster.

After a while, the bee colony started to build a nest on a big tree next to the stone.

The number of bee colonies is astonishing, and all of them are experts at building nests, and the hives are formed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

All the people watching from a distance were dumbfounded. In less than an hour, a honeycomb with a diameter of one meter was actually built!

Wang Kaixuan couldn't help but wonder.

"What the hell are these bees doing? Why do they come here to build their nests?"

Hu Bayi thought for a while, and then he understood.

"It's the rosin ink mixed with some kind of medicine. After the medicine volatilizes, it will produce a special smell, which attracts the bee colony here!"

Wang Kaixuan asked with a vague understanding.

"But what does this have to do with the entrance to the underground palace?"

Hu Bayi shook his head, stared at the bee colony curiously, and replied.

"I don't know yet, but the ancients must have had a deep meaning in doing this. Let's wait and see."

After waiting for a while.

After the hive was built, the bee swarms returned to the hive one after another, and the buzzing sound gradually became smaller, but there was still no sign of the entrance of the underground palace.

Just when Wang Kaixuan was about to lose his patience, a strange scene appeared!

I saw the fake door painted on the stone, suddenly a burst of green phosphorous fire appeared, flickering and jumping like will-o'-the-wisps, and it was particularly infiltrating in the night sky!

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