After Ji Changsheng looked at it for a while, he understood it in his heart.

"Old Hu, have you seen it?"

Hu Bayi is also a great expert in Fengshui. When he saw the dense bird trails, he quickly saw the way and couldn't help saying happily.

"I understand!"

"Xunlong Jue has a saying, 'The dragons wrap around the river to do nine tunes, and the nine tunes are all nine rounds; after nine rounds, repeat nine turns, nine turns and nine layers Raolonglou!'"

Ji Changsheng nodded and said.

"Ninety-nine circling ends up as one, twos and threes enter Lingshan!"

What they both talked about was the mysteries of Tianxing Fengshui, even Professor Sun didn't understand it, and the others were even more confused, as if they were listening to heavenly scriptures.

After discussing for a while, the two came to the same conclusion.

The essence of these two code words lies in the character nine, which means a long time in Feng Shui, and is a special number.

According to the dragon-seeking tactic in "Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Fengshui Secret Technique", in fact, only one of the bird's ways is true, and the rest are doubts!

Hu Bayi pointed to the bird path on the cliff and explained to everyone.

"Count from the bottom, go up from the tenth, turn every third fork, turn twice, and repeat again."

"Go down but not up, go left but not right, after repeating this nine times, you will be able to find the entrance to the ancient tomb of King Wuling!"

Professor Sun opened his eyes wide and listened carefully while taking notes with a pen, his expression becoming more and more surprised.

"You two are indeed experts in Feng Shui, and the experts from the Institute of Archeology may not be better than you!"

Others were at a loss and completely clueless, leaving only admiration on their faces.

Wang Kaixuan couldn't help laughing.

"Why don't you go left or right? The people who built this bird path actually obeyed the traffic rules."

Hu Bayi also laughed.

"There are no rules, and there is no way. Do you think these bird paths are built indiscriminately? There are many tricks in them, and you, an old man, will not be able to see them in a lifetime."

After chatting and laughing for a while, everyone followed the direction indicated by the dragon-seeking formula and meandered forward on the bird path.

With a clear goal, the team walked with wind under their feet, high morale, and a lot of speed.

After walking like this for more than three hours, at noon, I finally came to the end of the hundred steps and nine rounds.

However, on the mountain wall ahead, a tunnel entrance suddenly appeared!

The edge of the tunnel entrance is very neat, obviously it was excavated by hand, it is probably the entrance to the ancient tomb of the Earth Immortal!

What is even more exciting is that there is a tombstone standing at the entrance of the tunnel, which is equivalent to a guidepost.

Everyone cheered up and walked up to have a look.

But there was a mummy in front of the tombstone. To be precise, it was a skeleton. The flesh and internal organs had already rotted away, leaving only a pile of bones.

The skeleton was sitting cross-legged on the ground, with its back against the tombstone, as if it were in the posture of an eminent monk.

Professor Sun couldn't help being shocked, and hurried forward to check.

After watching for a while, he shook his head.

"This dead body is too old, and even the clothes are weathered. I can't judge the exact time of death, and I don't know if it's Master Feng, hey."

Hu Bayi hurried forward to comfort him.

"As long as you are not sure, there is still a glimmer of hope. The old ape raised by Master Feng is still alive, and he is probably still alive."

Professor Sun said with a bitter face.

"If he's still alive, why doesn't he come out to meet people and hides from us?"

After thinking about it, Hu Bayi said.

"Maybe he was insane after staying in the mountains for too long. In short, don't worry, as long as he is still alive, we can find him."

Only then did Professor Sun calm down, and shifted his gaze to the tombstone.

The tombstone was covered with moss and thick soil was piled up.

After Wang Kaixuan removed the soil and moss with an engineering shovel, a line of large characters appeared on the front of the tombstone.

"Guanshan refers to Fu."

Professor Sun couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw it.

"This is the code word reserved by Guan Shantai, the full version must be engraved on the back!"

Everyone hurriedly turned to the back of the tombstone to take a look, and he was right.

On the back of the tombstone, a complete code word is engraved.

The first few sentences of the code language have been deciphered, so just skip it.

The next few sentences are "In front of the Scary Soul Terrace, the Yin River is in the sky. The fairy bridge has no shadow, and it is hard to find with the naked eye. Falling off the cliff, one step to the sky. Iron walls and silver screens, the universe is counting. Black Mountain Cave Mansion, Divine Tower Wonderland. Copper Tower and Hundred Coffins , Lord Va is coming to the door. Kowtow eight hundred, and grant longevity."

With the experience of deciphering the previous code words, these obscure sentences are not so mysterious when I look at them again.

Wang Kaixuan pointed to the last sentence and laughed.

"What an immortal old man, you have to kowtow [-] times before you can grant immortality. This condition is really abnormal."

"After so many head-knockings, I'm afraid that even the forehead will be smashed, and you are talking about immortality, so you have to go to the emergency room for emergency treatment."

Hu Bayi shook his head.

"Do you think immortality is so easy? Just like offering incense and worshiping Buddha in a temple, just kowtow a few times, light a stick of incense and you're done?"

"If it were so easy, Immortality would have rotted on the street long ago."

When the two of them were joking around, Professor Sun was completely absorbed in the second half of the codeword, thinking hard about its meaning.

"I've only heard of Wangxiang Terrace and Hualong Terrace. What does this Frightening Soul Terrace refer to?"

Influenced by her father, Shirley Yang is also quite accomplished in archaeology, and like Professor Sun, she fell into deep thinking.

While muttering to herself, she looked up at the sky.

"The Yin River is in the sky, and the fairy bridge has no shadow... Is this ancient tomb in the sky?"

Yaomei didn't understand anything, she just looked around vigilantly.

Lin Shuangyue wasn't very interested in the tombstone. After casually looking at it, she turned her attention to the corpse.

"Mr. Ji, I'm afraid this corpse has something to do with it."

Ji Changsheng nodded slightly, he also had the same thought.

The bird path in this canyon is actually an extremely clever Jiugong Bagua formation, which can only be deciphered by experts in feng shui, and laymen will not be able to find it here for a lifetime.

It is certain that the owner of this corpse is a great expert in Feng Shui.

Among the two factions in the north and south, Captain Mojin and General Faqiu are the ones with the highest attainments in Fengshui. These two factions come from the same source, and they both know the secret art of Tianxing Fengshui.

Apart from these two factions, there is only Guanshan Taibao.

The person who died was able to find this place, most likely he was an expert among the three sects.

The question also arises, since he is an upside-down expert, why did he die here?

Lin Shuangyue raised her head and looked around, whispering.

"There may be powerful traps around here, we have to be careful."

Ji Changsheng was about to respond to her, but at this moment, a sharp howling sounded in the middle of the sky.

It sounded like that old ape's voice!
Everyone hurriedly raised their heads and looked towards the sky, only to see the old ape reappeared on the cliff not far away.

But what was surprising was that the old ape was waving at the crowd, his voice was very hasty and flustered.

When Yaomei saw it, her expression changed.

"It is warning us that there is danger here!"

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