Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 697 Why is he here

There was a hint of fear in Professor Sun's cry.

Everyone heard the sound and ran over quickly.

I saw a human skeleton on the ground, which had already turned white, and the clothes on his body were rotten, leaving only a few pieces of rags.

Wang Kaixuan was blunt and said immediately.

"Old Sun, is this Master Feng?"

After Professor Sun stabilized his emotions, he adjusted his glasses, bent down to check carefully, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

"Master Feng is tall and strong. The man who died was short with a thin frame. It wasn't him."

Immediately, another look of doubt appeared.

"Judging from the degree of rotten clothes, this person has been dead for less than 20 years, but this tunnel has been closed for hundreds of years. How did he get in?"

Wang Kaixuan said without thinking.

"Do you still need to ask, there must be other entrances."

Professor Sun was taken aback for a moment, and immediately looked around.

Except for this skeleton, there are only stones left on the ground.

At this time, Lin Shuangyue stretched out a finger and placed it in the air.

After a while, he turned his head to look at a wall at the end of the tunnel.

"The exit is here."

After finishing speaking, he walked forward and kicked the wall.

There was only a bang, and the wall collapsed, revealing a hole more than two meters high, and strong wind mixed with heavy rain blew in from the outside.

When everyone came to the exit and looked outside, they couldn't help being stunned.

It turned out to be a cliff outside, the height was unknown up and down, and the exit of the tunnel was halfway up the cliff.

After Hu Bayi thought about it, he suddenly came to his senses.

"I understand. Qingxi Town is located at a very high altitude. It is located on the top of Goddess Peak. This tunnel passes through the entire mountain. This is halfway up the mountain!"

Ji Changsheng asked immediately.

"Yaomei, where are we now?"

Yaomei is a map of the human body. Every mountain and every river in Wushan is deeply engraved in her mind.

After thinking about it, she replied.

"We are heading southeast. According to this distance, the southeast of Goddess Peak... should be Coffin Gorge!"

After speaking, he walked to the entrance of the cave and looked out.

At this time, a huge lightning flashed across the night sky, with the help of electric light.

People saw a towering mountain not far away, forming a long and narrow canyon with the mountain they were on.

The distance between the two mountains is less than 100 meters, and the narrowest part of the canyon is only 30 meters.

On the cliff of the opposite mountain, there are many small black dots, which are scattered and regularly distributed. I don't know what they are.

Wang Kaixuan quickly took out the night vision goggle binoculars and looked at it, and couldn't help shouting.

"It's a coffin. There are many coffins hanging on the cliff!"

Yaomei nodded.

"This is the famous Hanging Coffin Gorge in Wushan, commonly known as Coffin Gorge."

The coffin gorge is not actually a canyon, but is composed of more than a dozen canyons interlaced, more than ten kilometers long, like a witch character, so the coffin gorge is also called Xiaowu gorge.

Professor Sun hurriedly took out the binoculars, and after observing carefully for a while, his face couldn't help being overjoyed.

"Look, there is an ancient road on it!"

"The Immortal Village must be in this coffin gorge!"

Wang Kaixuan was puzzled and asked.

"How did you see it?"

Professor Sun quickly explained.

These ancient roads built on cliffs are completely different from plank roads.

The plank road is to dig some holes in the cliff, insert very thick wooden piles into them as beams, and lay wooden boards and stone slabs on the wooden piles to form an air bridge, which is called the plank road.

On the other hand, the ancient road on the coffin gorge is a road directly carved out of the cliff. The entire ancient road is embedded in the mountain wall, and the amount of work is even greater.

There is a hole every other section of the ancient road for resting. These holes are like bird's nests, so they are called bird paths.

Among the code words kept by Guan Shantai, there are two sentences that are exactly "the bird's path is vertical and horizontal, nine times in a hundred steps."!
Professor Sun said in a positive tone.

"The bird path in the secret language is this ancient path, and that Dixian Village must be in the coffin gorge!"

When everyone heard this, they were overjoyed.

If Professor Sun's judgment is correct, then the scope of the search will be greatly reduced, from a vast area of ​​tens of thousands of square kilometers to the coffin gorge more than ten kilometers long. They seem to have seen the dawn of victory!
But at this moment, Lin Shuangyue suddenly pointed to the opposite side and said in surprise.

"what is that!"

Everyone hurriedly picked up the binoculars to look, and an extremely strange scene appeared on the opposite mountain wall.

I saw a black shadow galloping on the mountain wall at an extremely fast speed, as light as a flying swallow, as if it was an intangible shadow!

Ji Changsheng has the best eyesight, and he can see the most clearly.

That's one person!

The speed of this person's movement is unimaginable, almost catching up with Ji Changsheng.

It's just that because the sky was too dark, I couldn't see what that person looked like. I could only see that he was a tall man, wearing a strange black suit, like an ancient night suit!
The distance between the two mountains is only [-] meters, and with Ji Changsheng's cultivation level, they can easily fly across.

Just when he was about to leap over the canyon, the man suddenly turned his head and grinned at him.

This smile made Ji Changsheng startled.

By the time he reacted, the man had disappeared from sight.

Others also saw this scene through binoculars, but they couldn't see the man's appearance clearly.

Hu Bayi said with a solemn expression.

"This person is so strong, I am far behind..."

After thinking for a while, Lin Shuangyue said.

"It has [-]% of my strength."

When she said this, she was not showing off her sky-defying cultivation, but was praising the other party.

Looking at the world, there are only a handful of people who can have [-]% of her strength, and she is definitely a rare top master in the world!

After wiping off his cold sweat, Wang Kaixuan said.

"This person is simply a monster! Fortunately, Mr. Ji and Sister Lin are here, otherwise it would be up to us to escape for our lives."

After hearing what they said, Yaomei and Professor Sun completely stayed on the spot.

Who are these people!
Hu Bayi looked at Ji Changsheng and said again.

"Mr. Ji, this person is probably related to that Immortal Village. Let's be careful."

Ji Changsheng nodded and said.

"Well, everyone is tired tonight, go back and rest."

"Wait until the rainstorm stops tomorrow before setting off."

Although the violent storm couldn't stop him and Lin Shuangyue, the others couldn't act in this kind of weather and could only wait for the rain to stop.

Everyone returned to the old house of the Feng family and fell asleep one by one.

Only Lin Shuangyue saw that Ji Changsheng had something on her mind, and only said in a low voice after everyone else had fallen asleep.

"Husband, do you know the identity of that person?"

Ji Changsheng said hastily.

"We haven't decided yet, so don't call me so affectionate, and let others misunderstand."

Then, a strange look appeared.

"How did he appear here? It's really strange."

The man smiling at him on the cliff was none other than him.

It was the dead Wang Zanghai!

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