Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 673 The Enemy of the World

Since Ji Changsheng traveled to this world, he has experienced many unimaginable and bizarre things, and his original world view has long been overturned and shattered.

But the shock that all these events brought together before was far inferior to what it is now.

"I am the world!"

He is talking to the world!

Ji Changsheng suppressed the shock in his heart and remained silent for a long time.

What does this sentence mean?
Could it be that there really are so-called gods in this world!

The other party seemed to see his thoughts and said immediately.

"You are wrong. Gods are just things imagined by human beings. I am not."

"At least not the one you imagined."

Ji Changsheng asked involuntarily.

"Then what are you?"

The other party did not answer, but asked rhetorically.

"Tell me first, what is life?"

Ji Changsheng replied without hesitation.

"I'm not a biologist and I'm not interested in taking classes and answering my questions directly!"

The other party sighed lightly, then said.

"Okay, then you can see for yourself."

Ji Changsheng's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly looked around intently.

Is this thing going to show itself?

next second.

The scene in the void space suddenly changed drastically!

A strong light flashed, like a big explosion when the world first opened, it was countless times brighter than the sun!
After the strong light passed, Ji Changsheng saw an incredible scene.

He was in the vast expanse of space, and in front of him was a newly formed planet.

On this primitive planet, there are no mountains and rivers, no atmosphere, only surging magma and constantly moving geological plates, it is as terrifying as hell!
Ji Changsheng suddenly understood that this is what the earth looked like when it was born.

When this thought flashed through his mind, the scene in front of him began to change rapidly.

In virtual space, time is infinitely accelerated.

The long time of billions of years is only a short moment in his eyes.

The next moment, he had already arrived on this primitive planet from space.

At this time, the earth already had oceans.

At this time, the voice appeared again.


Ji Changsheng looked in the direction indicated by it. His superhuman vision turned into a super microscope, and he saw a very small thing in the sea water.

This is the first life born on earth.

All subsequent lives are inextricably linked with it.

Just when Ji Changsheng was amazed, the voice said.

"But that's just what you think."

"The first life born in this world is not it."

Ji Changsheng asked instinctively.

"what is that?"

The other party answered one word slowly.


Ji Changsheng was immediately stunned.


The other party claimed to be this world, that is, this planet.

Is the earth a living creature? !

The other party said again.

"The life you humans talk about is just one of countless life forms."

"There are many life forms in this universe that you cannot understand, and their history is even older than mine!"

"However, for the convenience of your understanding, you can treat me as alive."

The earth is alive!
Not only is it alive, but it also has spirit and consciousness, and can communicate with humans!
Ji Changsheng was completely dumbfounded.

After short-circuiting his brain for a few seconds, he quickly understood.

The "living" mentioned by the other party is not a concept in human biology, but a completely unknown life form!
Thousands of years ago, the ancients said that everything has a spirit!

He originally thought that this was just the earliest primitive god created by the ancients out of awe of nature, imagining it in their brains, and personifying various natural phenomena.

Divine mountains, holy lakes, violent storms, and even wind, cloud, thunder and lightning, in the eyes of the ancients, these are gods.

But he didn't know until today that the ancients were not wrong, and all things really have spirits!

It's just that the ancients couldn't understand this kind of alternative, or high-end life form, so they gave these unknown things the name of God!

"It turns out that Mount Shen is the world!"

Shenshan prison is the will of the earth!
I don't know how many years ago, the remains of the snake god came to this world. As a "living" life, the earth naturally knew what kind of disaster the snake god would bring, so it created the sacred mountain and imprisoned the snake god in the abyss In jail!
After listening to his deduction, the voice expressed its appreciation.

"Yes, it seems that you finally understand."

"I'm still worried that you won't understand."

Ji Changsheng couldn't help but feel a huge wave in his heart. He never thought that the earth, which has nurtured countless lives, is itself a life!
It took him a long time to digest this incredible fact.

"Well, if you are the world, why are you messing with my fate?"

The other party replied slowly.

"Actually, you should know the answer very well, because you are not the life conceived by me, you come from another world!"

It turned out that it was because of his status as a time traveler!

It seems that his little secret can be hidden from any human being, but it cannot be hidden from the world.

Since you can't hide it, you don't have to hide it.

"Yes, I do not belong to this world."

"But why does my fate have something to do with you?"

The other party smiled lightly like a human being.

"You're a smart man, and you'll understand if you think about it carefully."

Ji Changsheng thought for a while, and couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

"Could it be because my arrival broke the original storyline of this world?!"

If he hadn't traveled to this world, and didn't have a system, how would the storyline of this world develop?

Without Ji Changsheng's obstruction, Wang Zanghai's plan is likely to succeed, creating an unprecedented new world.

The snake god may also come to this world!
But just because of his arrival, all this has been changed!

Ji Changsheng was enlightened and suddenly realized.

"So it is!"

The tone of the other party became somewhat respectful and humble.

"You defeated the snake god and protected the world, for which I want to thank you."

Ji Changsheng waved his hands.

"It's just a casual thing, don't be polite to me."

"Although I am not from this world, since I am here, this is my home, and I will never allow others to mess around in my home!"

After the other party affirmed his achievements, the conversation suddenly changed again.

"However, the matter is not over yet, and you will face a bigger crisis next."

Ji Changsheng's heart moved, and he asked immediately.

"You mean the ultimate?"

Ultimate, like Zombie, both come from the imaginary space, and both guys are full of malice towards this world.

The other replied.

"Yes, it is more dangerous than the snake god, and the disaster it brings is even more terrifying!"

"Since it came, it has been the biggest enemy in this world!"

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