Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 637 Wang Zanghai's Self-Salvation

Zhang Yingchuan had never met Wang Zanghai, and he didn't know what the 24 personalities were, so he was confused.

The younger brother and Wu Xie had seen it before, and they were completely shocked when they heard it.

After a long while, I was relieved.

With a startled look, Wu Xie said.

"You mean to say that the ultimate is possessed by Wang Zanghai, so haven't we...have seen it before!"

Ji Changsheng nodded, with a gleam of excitement in his eyes.

"I really didn't expect it to let it slip away in front of me!"

Inside the bronze gate of Medog, Wang Zanghai was still possessed at the end, but no one noticed.

Because no one ever thought that the ultimate could exist in this way!
Thinking back carefully, Wang Zanghai once used a mysterious method to remotely control other people. At that time, Ji Changsheng thought it was a trick like shujutsu, but now he understands it.

That's not a trick at all, but the ultimate!

On the bank of Banai Lake, Xiao Tieyue, who was possessed by the ultimate, once said such a sentence.

"Actually, we're all the same kind of people."

It turned out that the person who said this sentence was not Wang Zanghai, but Ultimate!

The true meaning of this sentence is that neither Ultimate nor Ji Changsheng exists in this world!

Wu Xie widened her eyes and exclaimed.

"Speaking of which, wouldn't the ultimate come and go without a trace, without a trace at all!"

Judging from the current situation, this is indeed the case.

The ultimate is like air, it can possess anyone at will, and can change the target at any time.

What's even more frightening is that this kind of possession ability has no distance limit, and it can travel thousands of miles away in an instant!

This can't help but remind people of Master Hei's ability, space transfer!
Most of Master Hei's abilities come from Ultimate, and it's not surprising that Ultimate itself has this ability.

From this point of view, the ultimate ability is far beyond people's imagination, almost omnipotent!

Even the younger brother, who was always calm, couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

"If that's the case, how can you catch it?"

Ji Changsheng smiled lightly and said.

"Your old Zhang family was able to catch it thousands of years ago, which shows that this thing is not invulnerable, and it must have weaknesses."

Wuxie asked quickly.

"Did Wang Zanghai leave any clues?"

Ji Changsheng glanced at him approvingly, nodded and said.

"You guessed it right, the most important message left by Wang Zanghai is about the ultimate weakness!"

It turns out that Wang Zanghai discovered that the ultimate can not only possess people, but also quietly manipulate others to become its puppets, and the people being manipulated don't know it.

This astonishing discovery made Wang Zanghai restless. He likes to play with others, how could he tolerate himself being reduced to the ultimate pawn!
But here comes the problem, the ultimate is possessed by him, and the ultimate knows everything he does, how can he hide it?
After many experiments, Wang Zanghai finally figured out some characteristics of the ultimate.

Although the ultimate can possess people, manipulate people's behavior, and influence people's thoughts.

But the ultimate cannot completely invade a person's sea of ​​consciousness, that is to say, the ultimate does not know what is going on in the mind of the possessed person.

This gave Wang Zanghai the hope of turning defeat into victory.

But relying on this alone is far from enough. After a long period of exploration, Wang Zanghai finally figured out the four ultimate weaknesses.

First, the Ultimate doesn't know what's going on in a person's mind.

Secondly, in the end, only when one is possessed by a human being can one have the ability to think and speak. If one possesses an animal, one is no different from an animal and can only act on instinct.

Third, only those who have seen the ultimate body with their own eyes will be possessed.

Although the ultimate is invisible, its body can be seen through a special method, and this method is the bronze vessel!
It was a tool made by the Zhang family thousands of years ago to capture and imprison the ultimate. This thing can make the ultimate reveal its original form.

Upon hearing this, Wu Xie immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"So, only those who have been baptized by the ultimate will be possessed, then we should be fine."

Those who were possessed before were all baptized, including Wang Zanghai.

It seems that there is a price to be paid for the baptized superpower, and the price is to become the ultimate puppet!
Ji Changsheng nodded and continued.

"The last weakness is also the ultimate and most feared nemesis."

"The holy blood of the Zhang family!"

Back then, the Zhang family relied on the power of the holy blood to capture the ultimate. No one else in this world could do it except the Zhang family!
The younger brother and Wu Xie suddenly realized that Sabri once said, "The Eucharist of the Zhang family is still of great use to us."

It turns out that this is what he meant by "great use".

The little brother who bears the holy blood of the Zhang family is the ultimate and most feared nemesis!

It's a pity that although Wang Zanghai saw through the four ultimate weaknesses, he was powerless.

Because he himself has received the baptism of the ultimate, so are his subordinates. They are all under the surveillance of the ultimate and cannot launch a counterattack against the ultimate.

Most importantly, he does not have the holy blood of the Zhang family.

But Wang Zanghai, as a generation of wizards, is proud and arrogant. How could he allow himself to be reduced to the ultimate puppet?
So he found a successor, handed over the grand blueprint of creating a new world to Sabri to complete, and he planned to stay in the bronze gate of Medog forever, using his own body to seal the ultimate there!
When Wu Xie heard it, she immediately understood.

"The bronze vessel made by the Zhang family to capture the ultimate is made of the same material as the bronze door, and only this material can trap the ultimate!"

It was Wang Zanghai who was able to break this secret that he came up with the method of using the bronze door to seal the ultimate.

The little brother also suddenly understood.

"I understand, why the Zhang family has to guard the bronze gate for generations, the purpose is to prevent the ultimate from running out!"

After working for a long time, it turns out that this is the mission of the head of the Zhang family for a thousand years!
Although they still don't know what the ultimate is, judging from the current situation, the ultimate is self-aware and extremely powerful.

After the ultimate personification, it is a complete psycho!

No one knows what it wants to do, what its purpose is, people only know one thing.

If the ultimate is allowed to act recklessly, the world will be messed up by it, and it will not end in the end.

Hundreds of years ago, Wang Zanghai didn't know this. He stole the ultimate for his own selfishness. In fact, he opened Pandora's box and released the most terrifying devil!

When Wang Zanghai figured this out, it was too late to regret.

In order to make up for his mistakes, while looking for a successor, he also invented a special text to record these secrets on the snake eyebrow copper fish and the murals of this underground palace.

It turns out that this special text is used to hide from the ultimate.

In Wang Zanghai's view, only a genius like him through the ages can unlock the message he left behind.

Only such a person has the ability to deal with the ultimate!

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