Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 633 Underestimated the seriousness of the incident

Ji Changsheng understood a truth, there is no such thing as a free lunch in the world.

Zhang Yingchuan absolved their crimes casually, there must be conditions!
"If I'm right, your condition is to cooperate with us, right?"

Zhang Yingchuan nodded with a smile.

"Since you've guessed it, I might as well just say it."

"Although our department has great authority, it has too few staff and limited strength."

"When dealing with events beyond our capabilities, we can only rely on the power of outsiders."

As soon as these words came out, everyone realized that Zhang Yingchuan actually wanted something from them.

Zhang Yingchuan immediately said again.

"But please rest assured, you will not do it in vain. The terms I offer are very generous."

Ji Changsheng asked immediately.

"How generous is it? Let's hear it."

Zhang Yingchuan smiled lightly, took out a file bag from behind and put it on the table.

"It lists everything you have done in the past two years. There is detailed evidence and information on everything."

"If these things get into the hands of the Justice Department, you will be in a very bad position."

When Wu Xie heard this, his expression changed immediately.

The several large tombs they stole were all national treasures, and they were destroyed beyond recognition. This alone is enough to eat peanuts.

Not to mention that Ji Changsheng killed so many people and took countless lives!
If they got serious about it, even if they had a hundred heads, they probably wouldn't be enough to cut them off!

The little brother looked calm and composed. He is a god in the world, how could he be bound by secular laws, and he didn't take it seriously at all.

Ji Changsheng frowned slightly.

"Mr. Zhang, are you threatening me?"

Zhang Yingchuan quickly waved his hands.

"No, of course I don't mean that."

"These things are my conditions. As long as you agree to cooperate, I guarantee that no one will pursue these things, never."

Wu Xie breathed a sigh of relief and understood what he meant.

After all, Zhang Yingchuan used their crimes as a threat to make them cooperate obediently and atone for their crimes.

Ji Changsheng didn't care about this kind of threat at all. With his super strength, no one in this world can catch him. Even if he is caught, no prison can hold him.

Like the little brother, he is a special existence above the secular laws!

But as a time traveler, he still retains some of the family and country concepts from his previous life.

Even though this is another world, he is still from Huaxia, and the blood of the descendants of Yan and Huang is flowing in his body, so he is unwilling to be an enemy of Huaxia in his bones.

If it were an official from the United States who followed him and annoyed him, I'm afraid even the White House would be turned upside down!

As a Chinese citizen, I still have to give the court some face.

After thinking about it, Ji Changsheng nodded.

"Well, it is natural to contribute to the country, what do you need me for?"

Zhang Yingchuan said quickly.

"Actually, what we are going to do coincides with yours, or...we have been doing the same thing, but in different ways."

Ji Changsheng couldn't help but change his expression, and said.

"Have you noticed Wang Zanghai?"

Zhang Yingchuan nodded with a serious expression.


It turned out that the imperial court had already observed the actions of Wang Zanghai and his group, and sent people to lurk inside secretly to keep an eye on their movements.

When Zhang Yingchuan learned of Wang Zanghai's intentions, he immediately started to take action, preparing to destroy this cancer that had been hidden for centuries in one fell swoop.

But they didn't expect that Wang Zanghai was much more powerful than they thought, and there were countless capable men and strangers under him. The two sides fought several times, and the court suffered a big loss, not even a chicken feather was caught.

Just two years ago, Ji Changsheng was born, which caught Zhang Yingchuan's attention.

After confirming that Ji Changsheng is not a dangerous person, they decided to cooperate with Ji Changsheng to completely eradicate Wang Zanghai and his group.

When he said this, Ji Changsheng couldn't help interjecting.

"Wang Zanghai's power has been uprooted by me, what else do you have to worry about?"

Zhang Yingchuan shook his head solemnly.

"Although his power has been eradicated, he has left behind a huge disaster, which can be described as endless troubles!"

As soon as these words came out, Ji Changsheng suddenly remembered what Sabri had said before his death.

"The door to the new world has opened, and no one can stop it!"

Zhang Yingchuan's next words confirmed Sabri's words, and at the same time made Ji Changsheng realize that he completely underestimated the seriousness of the situation!
seven days ago.

Many people in the South China Sea have witnessed prehistoric creatures, such as Dragon King Whale, Leviathan Whale, and Megalodon!
More than a dozen fishing boats were killed and more than 50 fishermen were killed. The local maritime department immediately opened a sea ban, and all small-tonnage vessels were prohibited from going to sea.

The Huaxia Navy sent a fleet to search and hunt in the sea area where the incident occurred. So far, 22 megalodon sharks and [-] dragon king whales have been captured and killed. The total number should be more than a thousand!

This reminded Ji Changsheng immediately that he had seen the Dragon King Whale in the passage of the door of disaster, and the door of space must have been opened at that time.

six days ago.

In a mountainous area in a certain place in Sichuan, during the twelfth lunar month of winter, the temperature suddenly rose sharply, reaching [-] degrees overnight!

More than a dozen people died of heat stroke, tens of thousands of livestock died of illness, and the loss of crops is even more difficult to count.

After the high temperature lasted for three days, it entered an unprecedented low temperature and extremely cold. The temperature dropped to minus [-] degrees, causing serious losses again, and many people were frostbitten.

At present, the local authorities have urgently transferred hundreds of thousands of people and sent people to investigate.

five days ago.

On Dongying Island across the river, Mount Fuji, which had been sleeping for hundreds of years, suddenly erupted on a large scale, causing hundreds of deaths and affecting millions of people.

Someone witnessed that when the volcano erupted, a red thing stuck its head out of the crater, made a loud roar, and then hid in the crater again.

According to eyewitness descriptions, that thing looks a lot like the legendary western dragon!

Four days ago, the fourth day of the opening of the door of space.

In a maternity hospital in a South Asian country, hundreds of pregnant women died of abortion at the same time, and hundreds of strange babies were born.

After testing, these babies are not human, but a combination of some kind of animal and human.

This made Ji Changsheng immediately think of the baby in Xianwang's tomb!
three days ago.

On the other side of the ocean, in the capital of the United States, a terrible strange infectious disease suddenly broke out.

The infected are like zombies, bloodthirsty and violent, they bite everyone they see, blood flows in rivers on the street, and the dead cannot be counted.

At present, the US Army has intervened, and the formerly prosperous capital has become a bloody battlefield. The sound of guns and guns is endless, and the smoke of gunpowder is rising into the sky. The intensity of the battle can be felt dozens of kilometers away.

After 72 hours of firefights, the situation is still unclear and no one knows what happened there.

Ji Changsheng couldn't help being taken aback, isn't this his skill, Blood Rage?

The United States actually has blood corpses?

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