Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 625 I'm Sorry I'm Late

In the muddle, it is like the chaos before the universe first opened.

There is no reality, no void, nothing.

Is this the afterlife?It's not the same as imagined.

As soon as this idea popped up, Ji Changsheng felt something was wrong.

If he is dead, why is he still conscious!

This is where!

next second.

A mass of light appeared in front of my eyes, just like the big bang that created all things, countless halos spread rapidly in all directions.

In the light, Ji Changsheng vaguely saw a golden door.

I don't know how big this gate is, it looks higher than Mount Everest!
His consciousness has not yet fully recovered, and he can't remember what happened. Like a person who has lost three souls and seven souls, he is just attracted by the light instinctively and floats towards the gate.

When they came to the gate, the door seemed to sense his arrival and opened automatically.

Behind the door is a stairway with no end in sight, and no one knows where it leads.

Ji Changsheng went up the stairs in a daze. If he regained consciousness at this time, he would remember that he had been here in a dream.

I don't know how long it took, and finally came to the end of the ladder.

This is an extremely tall temple, the golden light is bright and dazzling.

At the end of the temple, there is a god seat as high as ten thousand feet.

There seems to be a god on the throne, his body is shining with gold, and his face cannot be seen clearly.

On the opposite side of the god, there is another tall shadow, but it is surrounded by black air, and its face cannot be seen clearly.

Ji Changsheng came to the throne curiously and looked up.

The two gods taller than the mountain were talking, and neither of them noticed his coming.

One of the golden gods said: "It seems that I lost, but you won."

But the black god waved his hand: "No, we all lost, but he won."

The golden god couldn't help being stunned and asked.

"What do you mean?"

The black god sighed and replied.

"Whether heaven or hell can't keep him, he doesn't belong to us."

At this time, the golden god lowered his head, saw Ji Changsheng at his feet, and pointed.

"Isn't he already dead, why can't he stay?"

When Ji Changsheng heard this, he suddenly came to his senses, and all his memories were instantly restored.

"Yeah, I'm dead!"

In order to prevent the resurrection of the snake god, he died in the hands of his younger brother.

At present he should be in another world, the world of the dead!

So it was him the two gods were talking about just now?

He seemed to have dreamed about heaven and hell before, but he couldn't remember exactly what it was.

At this moment, the golden god said regretfully.

"So that's the case, then there is no way."

As he spoke, he looked down at Ji Changsheng.

"Since you don't belong here, go back."

Just as Ji Changsheng was about to say something, the golden god slowly stretched out a big hand, covering the sky and covering him.

"Go back to your world!"

Before he could react, he was already swallowed by a ball of golden light.

At the last moment, Ji Changsheng finally remembered one thing.

"By the way, don't I have a passive skill!"

Full of blood and demons, revive in situ!
As soon as this idea came out, the familiar system prompt sound appeared!
[The passive skill Nirvana is activated, consuming 8000 million vitality points, and the host is resurrected! 】

At the same time, after hearing Ah Xiang's words, Sabri was startled at first, and then burst out laughing.

"I admit that Ji Changsheng is indeed capable of killing me, and he is the only person I fear, but it is a pity that he is already dead!"

"I thought you could come up with something famous, but you ended up pinning your hopes on a dead person. I laughed so hard!"

After laughing for a while, he said again.

"It looks like you've been frightened to the point of madness. If you expect Ji Changsheng to kill me, it's better to pray to Lord Shiva for divine punishment. Maybe it's more hopeful!"

The others couldn't help feeling a pain in their hearts. It seemed that Ah Xiang had been greatly stimulated, and his mind had gone out of his mind.

Ah Xiang smiled calmly and said softly.

"Let me make a bet with you, you will never kill me, believe it or not!"

Sabri sneered, his face suddenly hardened.

"Smelly girl, I was wasted a lot of time by you, I just listened to your nonsense!"

"I'm not interested in crazy women, and this will kill you!"

After finishing speaking, he raised his palm and was about to slash Axiang's celestial spirit cover with his palm.

The others saw it in their eyes and were anxious in their hearts. They were entangled by the big dark sky, and they couldn't get out to save them.

Seeing that Ah Xiang was about to die, at this moment.

A familiar voice passed through distant time and space, reaching everyone's ears.

"Ah Xiang is not talking nonsense, ghost, have you thought about how to die yet!"

Along with the sound came an overwhelming coercion.

A ray of red light, like a glimpse, went straight to the head of the dark sky.

Before the big dark sky could react, it had already been hit by the red light!

A loud bang!
Black crystals flew all over the sky, and the red light contained extremely terrifying destructive power, completely destroying a head of the statue!
Da Hei Tian lost a head, and his actions suddenly became much slower.

It also seemed to sense a huge threat, and immediately stopped attacking, took a few steps back, and assumed a defensive posture.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked in the same direction together.

In the misty dust and smoke, a tall and familiar figure slowly walked over, carrying the terrifying pressure of extermination!

Sabri was too familiar with this breath, it was the fear that penetrated into his soul, and he would never forget it for the rest of his life!

"how is this possible!"

The incredible scene in front of him completely shocked him, and two eyeballs almost popped out of their sockets.

Ji Changsheng stepped out of the dust with a familiar smile on his face.

"Everyone, I'm sorry, I'm late."

Everyone was shocked at first, and then ecstatic.

"Mr. Ji, you are not dead!"

"Great, Mr. Ji is fine!"

There were hot tears in the little brother's eyes, and while he was excited, he was extremely puzzled.

He obviously stabbed the heart, Ji Changsheng has lost his vital signs, but why is he still alive!

Ji Changsheng nodded slightly to everyone, then walked towards Sabri, his eyes gradually turned cold.

"Think about how you will die, your time is running out!"

Although Sabri couldn't understand what was going on, the huge crisis in front of him made him quickly recover and grabbed Axiang in his hands.

"Don't come here, if you take a step closer, I'll break her neck!"

Ji Changsheng stopped as expected, but his eyes were still cold.

"Do you want to die in pain? I can satisfy you too."

Cold sweat dripped down Sabri's forehead. Why is this kid not in a hurry? Could it be that this hostage is not important to him at all?
Axiang smiled lightly and said.

"Don't waste your time, I won't die here, I've seen it all!"

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