Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 615 I'm Not Crazy

Before that, Sabri had only seen Ji Changsheng on surveillance videos and materials, and today was the first time he faced the strongest person in the world!
The powerful coercion almost made him breathless, and he even had an illusion.

What I am facing is not a human being, but a god!

"It's so strong, it deserves to be the strongest human being ever!"

Sabri couldn't help giving a thumbs up, expressing sincere admiration.

Ji Changsheng was not flattered by this kind of flattery, but said flatly.

"You haven't given an explanation yet, stop talking nonsense."

At this time, other people also came to the altar and surrounded Sabri.

Sabri glanced around the crowd, but he didn't panic.

"Mr. Ji, we don't want to be enemies with anyone."

"There is only one thing we want to do, build a new world!"

"Only those who hinder us will be regarded as enemies."

As he spoke, he stretched out a hand to Ji Changsheng.

"If you are willing to join us, not only will the previous misunderstanding be eliminated, but we will also become the gods of the new world together."

"How do you feel?"

Ji Changsheng sneered disdainfully.

"The gods of the new world? I think they are a bunch of irresponsible lunatics!"

"Do you know the consequences of opening the door of space?"

Sabri smiled and said.

"Of course I know, as early as more than 3000 years ago, the people of Moguo did it."

"Of course there will be some impact on the world, but overall it's moving in a good direction."

"In order to achieve a great vision, sacrifices are always inevitable. I hope you can understand."

Then, he described the grand blueprint of the new world in detail.

What he said was similar to Ji Changsheng's previous deduction.

Wang Zanghai's Millennium Plan is divided into two parts.

The first part is to screen out suitable human beings through the eternal life experiment and create the era of eternal life!
But the problem is that this kind of experiment has a high probability of failure, more than 90% of people will be eliminated, and less than 10% of people will survive.

In this regard, Sabley's explanation is.

"The vast majority of people in this world are mediocre and incompetent. They have been mediocre all their lives and have not made any contribution to human society. They came to this world to make up for it."

"Even if 90% of people are eliminated, it will have no impact on the progress of human civilization!"

After hearing this, Ji Changsheng couldn't help but snort.

This reason seems reasonable, but it is actually a complete anti-human lunatic!

Anyone, no matter whether he is a genius or a disabled person with low IQ, is a member of human beings.

The reason why human beings are different from other animals is that human society is a whole, and everyone is an indispensable member!
Without the hard work of farmers, scientists would not even have food to eat, so they would not be able to devote themselves to scientific research.

Without the hard work of the workers, even the most common basic necessities of life would be problematic, not to mention expensive cars, mansions and brand-name bags. I am afraid they would live in caves and drink their blood.

People cannot live and work in peace without soldiers guarding the frontiers and safeguarding the peace.

It is these tens of thousands of the most ordinary people who have jointly created a splendid and splendid human civilization!

If Wang Zanghai's immortality plan really succeeds, once 90% of the population is eliminated, the modern civilization system will collapse overnight, and human society will go back to the Stone Age!
After hearing these refutations, Sabri's expression was moved, and his heart seemed to be touched.

However, he said again immediately.

"That's just the order of the old age. When the age of immortality comes, these orders will be completely broken!"

When the old order is broken, someone has to create a new one.

The second part of Wang Zanghai's Millennium Plan is to open the door of space and gain powerful power, so as to control the order of the new world and become a god on earth!

"Mr. Ji, you have the power to overwhelm the entire world. If you are willing to join us, I am willing to give you the position of the Lord God!"

When Ji Changsheng heard this, he couldn't help laughing.

"I'm dying of laughter, what kind of main god, is he acting on the list of gods here?"

"A group of arrogant, anti-human neuropathy!"

"I haven't been kicked in the head by a donkey, how could I mess around with you!"

After being rejected with cynicism, Sabri couldn't help but sighed and said.

"What a pity, you have invincible power, but your heart is like an ordinary person. I overestimated you."

Ji Changsheng said indifferently.

"What's wrong with ordinary people? At least it's better than crazy."

A chill flashed across Sabri's eyes, and his expression became gloomy.

"Hey, if you don't want to join us, then you will only die!"

Ji Changsheng stretched out his hand as a gesture of invitation.


"I'd like to see what you can do to send me on my way!"

Sabri gave a strange laugh and waved his hands.

"I admit that I don't have the ability. It's not me who killed you, but someone else!"

When he said this, his eyes shifted to his little brother.

The little brother immediately understood what he meant, and looked at Ji Changsheng with a complicated expression.

According to the previous agreement between him and Ji Changsheng, if Ji Changsheng couldn't close the door of space, there was only one way left.

Let him personally kill Ji Changsheng!

But the little brother was very unwilling to do this in his heart, he only hoped that Ji Changsheng could find another way to close the passage.

Of course Ji Changsheng knew what the little brother was thinking, he nodded to the little brother and said.

"I'll give it a try first. If I fail, you can do it. Don't hesitate."

The little brother nodded with a heavy expression, but didn't speak.

Sabri on the side listened with confusion and surprise.

"Ji Changsheng, what are you doing?"

Ji Changsheng went straight to the pool in the center of the altar and looked down at the pool.

There is a pool of clear water in the pool, and the bottom cannot be seen at a glance.

"This should be the gate of space."

In ancient Chinese and foreign legends, water is the medium between Yin and Yang, and the channel connecting the two worlds.

The sacrificial ceremony of the Moguo people and Sabri was completed here.

Sabri knew at once what he was about to do.

"You want to close the door of space?"

"Hey, it's a pity you can't do it, unless..."

Before he finished speaking, Ji Changsheng took out two things from his pocket.

What she holds in her left hand is a red bead, Muchen Bead!

The right hand holds a pair of eyeballs, which are the magic eyes of the mother ghost crystal corpse!

Sabli couldn't help being shocked, and looked at Ji Changsheng with incredible eyes.

"how so!"

In the original book, Hu Bayi used this method to lift the curse of the ghost cave.

But in this world, things have changed, and Ji Changsheng is not fully sure.

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