Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 612 What Happened Just Now

Satan's hand emitted a strange light, instantly engulfing Ji Changsheng.

At this time, Ji Changsheng suddenly remembered something.

"Hey, you haven't received the payment yet..."

In the next second, he had already left the imaginary space.

In a daze, an angry voice woke him up instantly.

"I fought with you!"

is fierce!

Ji Changsheng quickly opened his eyes and found himself lying on the ground.

Ah Ning and Miss Yin were busy beside him, doing artificial respiration and cardiopulmonary massage, weeping while doing it, and kept calling his name in their mouths.

"Mr. Ji, don't let anything happen to you, please...Huh?"

"Mr. Ji is awake! God bless, that's great!"

The two women hugged Ji Changsheng together, their tears couldn't stop streaming down, and they began to cry.

Ji Changsheng suddenly felt dizzy, and quickly comforted him.

"I'm fine, don't cry, I hate to see others cry."

After gently pushing the two of them away, he immediately got up from the ground, looked around, was shocked, and stayed on the spot.

I saw Hu Bayi and others lying on the ground covered in blood, A Xiang, Da Huang, and Xiao Wu were unconscious.

Only the fat man gritted his teeth and persisted, but he was also seriously injured.

In the distance, Ah Sheng was dressed in rags and bruises all over his body, but he held a sword and stood side by side with Lie, not retreating at all.

Lie's body was covered with wounds, and there was a big gap between his ribs, and the white ribs could even be seen!
"Even if I die here today, I will fight with you!"

Looking again, the giant black snake not far away was looking down at them with pride.

The scene was a mess, obviously after a tragic bloody battle!
Ji Changsheng couldn't help but suffocate his breath, this giant snake was on the same level as him, how could other people be its opponents!

He hurriedly looked around and found that there was one person missing.

"What about little brother?"

When everyone heard his voice, they hurriedly turned their heads to look over.

"Mr. Ji, you are fine!"

"Boss, you're not dead, that's great!"

But soon, their expressions dimmed, and they all turned their heads away, as if deliberately avoiding Ji Changsheng's question.

A bad premonition rose from my heart.

Ji Changsheng's heart skipped a beat, he rushed forward and asked loudly.

"Where's the little brother!"

In the end, Lie was still the most nervous. After he sighed, he stretched out his hand and pointed to a huge boulder in the distance.

"already dead."

When Ji Changsheng heard it, the hairs on his body stood on end, and a chill spread all over his body.

Brother is dead! ?
His mind went blank, as if struck by lightning.

After a moment, he came back to his senses and hurried to the back of the boulder.

Ji Changsheng couldn't bear to look at the tragic scene in front of him.

The little brother was lying on the ground covered in blood, his right hand and right leg were broken, half of his handsome face was ruined by the poisonous mist, and there was a foot-long gash in his stomach. .

Ji Changsheng didn't have time to think about it, so he rushed to the front and picked up the deformed little brother.

Fortunately, the little brother's heart was still beating weakly, and it was about to stop.

Skill: The Rejuvenation Technique is activated!
A violent energy poured into the little brother's body, repairing the damaged body at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Severed arms and legs grew back, and wounds and internal organs healed quickly.

In less than 2 minutes, the little brother's injury has recovered.

Only then did Ji Changsheng heave a sigh of relief, and hurriedly asked.

"Brother, are you okay? What happened just now?"

The little brother sat up from the ground, was about to speak, but suddenly opened his mouth and sprayed out a mouthful of black blood, rolled his eyes, and passed out again.

Ji Changsheng couldn't help but turn pale with shock, hasn't he already healed his injury? What's going on?

After a hasty inspection, he discovered a serious matter.

The little brother still has snake venom in his body!

This giant black snake comes from another dimension and is not a creature of this world, so its toxin is very unique, different from all types of toxins in the world.

And the Rejuvenation of Hands cannot cure this poison from another world!

The little brother's respiratory system failed rapidly, his heartbeat became weaker and weaker, and he was about to die.

Ji Changsheng was thinking quickly, besides the wonderful hand rejuvenation technique, is there any other way to save the little brother's life?

Since there is no way to detoxify, it seems that there is only one way!

Without hesitation, Ji Changsheng put his big hand on his little brother's heart.

Special skill: Live and die together!

A majestic vitality was injected into the little brother's body, bringing the most primitive and powerful energy in the universe!
"Ding, 50 vitality points have been injected successfully!"

"Ding, the receptor has been successfully upgraded to a human level!"

"Ding, the receptor activates the talent skill, the blood of the saint!"

Ji Changsheng couldn't help being taken aback, why is there such a thing?He has never heard of it...

No, it's the holy blood of the Zhang family!

He never expected that with the improvement of his physique, he could actually stimulate the holy blood!

A moment passed.

The little brother's breathing gradually became normal, his face was rosy, and his heartbeat was strong and powerful.

However, due to the serious damage to his body, he did not wake up for the time being, and fell into a deep sleep, snoring like thunder.

Ji Changsheng wiped the cold sweat off his forehead and couldn't help laughing.

"Thank you for being able to sleep."

"Take a good rest and leave it to me."

With that said, he stood up and walked towards the crowd.

Skill: Qiankun moves backwards!

The invisible magnetic barrier temporarily blocked the giant snake outside.

"You all come here."

Skill: The Rejuvenation Technique is activated!
After his treatment, everyone's injuries quickly recovered.

What he didn't expect was that, except for the little brother, no one else was poisoned.

"What happened just now?"

Fatty was refreshed, and quickly told what happened just now.

The time went back to 10 minutes ago. Under the cover of Ji Changsheng, they withdrew from the battlefield and came to a safe area several kilometers away.

Everyone was anxiously waiting for the result of the battle. They all knew that Ji Changsheng had encountered an unprecedentedly powerful enemy, and no one was sure who would win the battle.

After waiting anxiously for 10 minutes, Lie couldn't bear it anymore, and rushed back regardless of everyone's obstruction.

Seeing this, the others couldn't escape privately, so they had to follow.

When they returned to the scene, they saw a desperate scene.

Ji Changsheng was lying on the ground with unknown life and death. The giant snake was covered in scars and curled up in a ball, motionless, as if it had fallen into a dormant state. The two sides had obviously experienced a fierce battle.

Everyone immediately rescued Ji Changsheng, and after a careful inspection, Lama Tiebang said that he had been trapped in the Yin body, and his soul was separated from his body, and he needed a way to call back the three souls and seven souls.

So other people guarded the surroundings, Lama Tiebang took out the magic weapon, set up the altar, and prepared to summon Ji Changsheng's soul.

But at this moment, the giant snake woke up!

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