Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 610 A new member of the dream world

After hearing Ji Changsheng's question, Satan immediately dug out a ledger to check.

"Please wait a moment, I have too many items here, sometimes I forget the price, let me check."

Ji Changsheng nodded and waited patiently.

He didn't know what conditions Satan would offer, so he could only have the mentality of giving it a try. If the price was too high, he could only find another way.

A moment passed.

Satan's face brightened, and he raised his head and said.

"found it."

"The price of this service is relatively expensive, and ordinary customers can't afford it at all, so there are very few such transactions."

Ji Changsheng asked calmly.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's quote a price."

Satan stretched out a finger with a strange expression, and said slowly.

"The price is a 300-year lifespan."

Hearing this, Ji Changsheng couldn't help being stunned.

300-year lifespan?

It's that simple? !

He has a lifespan of more than 27 years, this price is simply not worth mentioning!
Satan didn't know what he was thinking, and thought he was frightened by the price, so he said hastily.

"I know that this price is indeed too high for human beings. After all, human life is very short, so this kind of business is generally not open to human beings."

"However... if you feel embarrassed, we can offer you another acceptable price, what do you mean?"

Ji Changsheng sneered in his heart, what kind of extra service, and the face of a profiteer, must be a routine behind it!

A lifespan of 300 years is nothing to him.

But out of curiosity, he asked anyway.

"What's the other price?"

The corner of Satan's mouth slightly raised, and he looked Ji Changsheng up and down, his eyes suddenly lit up, as if he had found a treasure.

"As a human, your body is so perfect, I have never seen such a perfect human before..."

Ji Changsheng immediately understood that what Satan wanted was his body!
What an international joke, his body is close to the ultimate human form, how could he betray the devil?
Satan licked his lips, no longer trying to hide it, and said directly.

"The other price is your body, of course I mean a part, not all of it."

"According to the price list, I will charge a heart and a pair of hands. This is your first visit. I will give you a half discount. One heart is enough. What do you think?"

Ji Changsheng chuckled and asked.

"I gave you my heart, so how can I live?"

Satan quickly replied.

"I will replace you with a dragon's heart, which will not affect your life in any way, and even improve your body."

Dragon Heart?

Hmph, as soon as you hear it, you know it's a trick of a profiteer, maybe it's some kind of wolf-hearted thing!

Ji Changsheng pretended to hesitate and thought for a while, then waved his hands.

"Forget it, let's pay with life."

This time it was Satan's turn to be dumbfounded, and he looked at the other party suspiciously.

"Do you really have so much life to pay? We don't accept credit here."

Ji Changsheng said impatiently.

"Isn't it life expectancy, I have many."

"The question is, can you really answer my question?"

Only then did Satan's expression change, realizing that the guest he was waiting for was extraordinary!

After his face changed several times, he nodded.

"I can answer your question now, the price is 300 years of life, deal!"

Then, he took out a basketball-sized crystal ball from the drawer and placed it on the table.

"It's the magic ball that can see anyone's past and future."

"May I ask your name, age, and place of origin?"

A dignified demon king is actually acting like a fortune-telling witch on the street. Ji Changsheng can't help but doubt his professional ability.

"Ji Changsheng, age...not sure, I forgot."

"Native place, Blue Star, China Qilu, Seven Star Lu Palace."

Although he is currently living in the palace in the capital, when he travels to the world of tomb robbers, his birthplace is Qixing Lu Palace, which should be his hometown.

I don't know what the rules are here.

Satan entered the information into the crystal ball, put his hands on it, and muttered words.

"The heavens are spirited, the earth is spirited, the Supreme Lord will appear soon..."

When Ji Changsheng heard this, he immediately stretched out his hand.

"Wait a minute, aren't you the Demon King of the West? Why did you invite Laojun?"

Satan's face turned red, and he replied with some embarrassment.

"Recently, oriental mantras are popular. Everyone is learning them. I'm used to them."

"But don't worry, it doesn't matter what spell you recite, it's just a formality, and it won't affect the result."

While talking, I saw a burst of light from the crystal ball, and some dynamic pictures appeared inside.

In the picture, Ji Changsheng is as majestic as a god, holding a red short sword, and is fighting a black giant snake.

The battle between the two sides can be described as earth-shattering, and ghosts and gods are shocked!

When Ji Changsheng saw these images, his mind was struck by a bolt of lightning, and everything was instantly remembered!
He was in the midst of a fierce battle with the giant snake, and the third eye suddenly burst open on the giant snake's head, and a ray of light was released from that eye to swallow him up.

Then came to this world inexplicably!
After thinking of these, Ji Changsheng asked eagerly.

"What the hell is this place?"

Satan didn't answer him immediately, but looked at the crystal ball with surprise on his face, as if he had been greatly shocked.

After a while, he raised his head and looked at Ji Changsheng with an incredulous expression.

"You can actually hurt the slave of the snake god like this, are you really human!!"

The servant of the snake god he was talking about was the giant black snake, and it seemed that he knew this snake.

Ji Changsheng's expression changed, and he asked immediately.

"You know this thing? What is that snake god?"

After being shocked, Satan immediately realized that he had lost his composure in front of a human being, so he quickly sat upright, shaking his head with a serious face.

"That's another question. There is an extra charge. I can only answer the previous two questions."

"The first question, this is a dream world, which is different from the world you are in. This is an illusory world built by spiritual power!"

"In the real world, people call this the imaginary number space!"

Ji Changsheng had already guessed the answer, but he himself was not sure.

It wasn't until Satan said it himself that he let out a long breath, and there was a huge wave in his heart.

He actually came to the imaginary number space!

"Wait a minute, this is an illusory space constructed by spiritual power. Does that mean that I am now...a spiritual body?"

Satan nodded and replied.

"Yes, your spirit has left your body and become a member of our world."

Only then did Ji Changsheng suddenly realize that this is the ability of the giant black snake!

Strip the human spirit from the body and send it to the imaginary space!

Satan continued.

"The answer to the second question is..."

Ji Changsheng immediately interrupted him and waved his hands.

"I already know the answer, now I'm going to replace it with a new question."

"How can I go back to the real world?"

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