Ji Changsheng slowly opened his eyes, and what he saw was a completely strange world.

He couldn't use words to describe the scene in front of him, but his eyes widened and his face was full of surprise.

"This is where?"

In front of him is a blue sea, stretching as far as the eye can see.

The waves on the sea were churning, and the sky was thundering and lightning.

It seemed no different from an ordinary ocean, but what was strange was that Ji Changsheng was able to stand on the surface of the ocean, rising and falling with the waves, giving him the feeling that his feet were not a sea, but a blue desert.

What's even more incredible is that he couldn't see the horizon!

With his superhuman eyesight, he can see the craters on the moon with the naked eye, but his eyes pass through the endless sea, but he can't see the end!
"how can that be?"

This would not be the case unless the Earth was flat and roughly the size of the Sun.

Before he could figure out what was going on, something strange appeared in his vision.

I saw a float with an exaggerated appearance, driving on the sea in the distance.

This is a float transformed from a large bus. The body is decorated with colorful decorations, which is quite festive.

But how can the car drive on the sea?
Ji Changsheng frowned, and ran towards the float with lightness kung fu.

With his foot strength, it didn't take long to reach the float.

Upon closer inspection, the float turned out to be unmanned.

At this moment, the float slammed on the brakes and stopped in front of him.

The door opens automatically.

Ji Changsheng saw through the car door that there was no one in the car.

"Passengers please hurry up and get on the train, the next stop is Golden Island."

A cold voice came from inside the car. It sounded electronic and spoke standard Chinese.

Ji Changsheng hesitated for a moment, and got on the float.

After the doors are closed, continue driving forward.

"Passengers are requested to fasten their seat belts and take their seats quickly to avoid accidents."

Urged by the electronic voice, Ji Changsheng found a seat by the window and sat down, then put on his seat belt.

He turned his head and looked out the car window. The float was traveling much faster than he had imagined, almost catching up with the supersonic fighter jet.

"Driving on the surface of the sea, it is not affected by the resistance of the sea water. What is this place?"

Obviously, this is not the world he is familiar with!
At this time, the electronic sound began to play the local promotional video.

"This is the fifth floor of Dream World, No. 1 in the seventh district, Kuhai Community."

"The area of ​​this community is 3200 billion square kilometers. There are 15 billion residents in the community, and there are 738 races."

"At present, the green area of ​​the community has reached 15%, and various facilities are complete, prices are stable, and residents live and work in peace and contentment, and are thriving."

"Residents from other districts are welcome to immigrate here. There are preferential activities for immigrants in this century. For details, please consult the community management office."

The more Ji Changsheng listened, the more confused he became, what the hell is this!

"How did I get here?"

He immediately lowered his head to think, but his mind was muddled, as if he had just woken up after 1 years of deep sleep, and he couldn't think of any clues at all.

"Ding dong, Golden Island is about to arrive, please get ready to get off."

Ji Changsheng turned his head and looked at the empty carriage. He was the only passenger, and he seemed to be urging him to get off.

But why did he get off at this stop?
While thinking about it, the car has stopped.

Seeing that he didn't respond, the electronic voice urged again.

"Passengers are asked to get off the bus immediately, so as not to waste the precious time of other passengers."

other passengers?

Ji Changsheng was puzzled and looked back again.

This time he actually saw a completely different scene!
The carriage was full of passengers, but none of these passengers were human beings, all of them were strange-looking things!
It's like he's stepped into a Men in Black movie, the car is full of weird aliens.

The passengers, speaking in a language he didn't understand at all, seemed to resent him.

Ji Changsheng accidentally unbuttoned his seat belt and got out of the car.

After he got out of the car, the float roared away, leaving him in a place where there was no village or shop behind.

Ji Changsheng looked back and forth, left and right, and was surrounded by a vast sea, without seeing any islands at all.

"Damn, it's actually a black car!"

Just as he was complaining, the sea surface not far away suddenly parted to both sides, revealing a billboard and a seabed passage hundreds of kilometers long.

He didn't know the words on the billboard, but the picture was a magnificent island.

Ji Changsheng couldn't help being taken aback, there really is a Golden Island.

But this island is not on the surface of the sea, but on the bottom of the sea?
After thinking about it, this strange world is completely beyond his common sense, even if it is in the sky, there is nothing strange about it.

At this time, the billboard issued a soft electronic voice, speaking in Chinese.

"Welcome this guest to Golden Island, please embark on your dream journey!"

Ji Changsheng hardly thought about it, so he set foot on the undersea channel and walked towards the bottom of the sea.

Along the way, he saw the sea separated on both sides, like two movie curtains, on which the scene of the bottom of the sea was played in real time.

All kinds of weird creatures that have never been seen before, huge seaweeds as tall as skyscrapers, and colorful coral reefs.

After walking for a while, we came to the end of the passage.

A vibrant and feasting island appeared in front of him.

The island was so big that even with his eyesight he couldn't tell how big it was.

At this time, the separated sea water slowly closed, wrapping him in.

Ji Changsheng had full-level water protection skills, so he didn't care.

But what surprised him was that the seawater didn't have the pressure he imagined, and he didn't even feel it at all, no different from being on land.

Just as he looked around curiously, he saw a tall man walking in the distance.

This person is more than ten meters tall, extremely strong and burly, with a mighty appearance.Wearing a black suit with a tie around his neck, he has a friendly expression.

Although an odd giant, he is still human.

As Ji Changsheng thought about it, the giant had already walked up to him, bent down to him, and said in a respectful tone.

"Dear guest, my name is Haim, and I am the receptionist sent by the master to welcome you."

"Master is waiting in the VIP room, waiting for your visit, please follow me."

Ji Changsheng couldn't help being taken aback, and asked.

"Who is your master? Does he know me?"

The giant Heim replied with a slight smile.

"My master, of course, is the master of this golden island. Everyone calls him Satan."


The demon king in western legends?

Ji Changsheng suddenly felt like he was dreaming, and it was an extremely weird dream!

Haim reached out again and made a gesture of invitation.

"Please, honorable guest, don't keep the master waiting."

They come, the security.Come here, let's go and see what's going on.

Under the leadership of Haimu, Ji Changsheng walked towards the island.

But just as he took a step, he suddenly heard a voice in his mind.

"Mr. Ji, what's wrong with you!"

Hey, this voice is so familiar, who is it?

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