Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 595 The Real Evil Luohai City

After seeing it, Lie couldn't help but blurted out.

"Boss, this woman has no eyes, she is a monster!"

The others also ran over, watching the ghost mother curiously and pointing.

The fat man said with a regretful face.

"It's a pity that such a beautiful face is a freak without eyes. Hey, God is jealous of her beauty."

After looking at it innocently, she asked Lama Tiebang.

"Master, is every ghost mother the same as her? A freak without eyes?"

Lama Tiebang frowned and replied with a puzzled expression.

"No, all ghost mothers have eyes. What's going on, the poor monk doesn't know."

Ji Changsheng smiled lightly and said.

"The reason is very simple. She is just a counterfeit product transformed by the magic eye, not the real ghost mother."

As soon as these words came out, everyone suddenly realized.

If the ghost mother transformed by the magic eye also has a pair of magic eyes, wouldn't it be a bug?
In the final analysis, these illusioned things, whether it is the entire Eluohai City, or the people of the Demon Kingdom and the ghost mother, look exactly the same as the real ones, but they are actually just knockoffs, which are very different from the original ones.

After Wu Xie understood, she immediately thought of a question.

"This Evil Luohai City is a counterfeit product created by illusion, and the real Phoenix Palace is not here!"

Everyone couldn't help but looked at Ji Changsheng together.

If this is the case, wouldn't they have been busy for nothing?
Ji Changsheng smiled lightly and said.

"It's true that I'm not here, but this trip is not in vain, at least the beef is delicious."

Wang Kaixuan couldn't help but smiled wryly.

"Mr. Ji, it's such a time, you are still in the mood to joke."

"Half our lives are in the ledger of Lord Hades. If we can't find the real Evil Luo Haicheng, we're going to the underworld to report!"

Hu Bayi couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

"I don't know when the ghost hole curse will strike, Mr. Ji, our time is running out."

"If the real Evil Luohai City is not here, where is it?"

All the clues they had showed that Eluohai City was at the Kashmir Pass, but what they found in the end was a fake city, which really made people very desperate.

Just as Ji Changsheng was about to answer, Wu Xie said immediately.

"Don't worry, everyone, I think the real Eluohai City is nearby, and it must not be far from here!"

When everyone heard this, a glimmer of hope was ignited again, and they looked at Wuxie together.

"How did you deduce that?"

Wuxie replied immediately.

"It's very simple to be willing. Think about it, why is this fake Eluohai city here?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone couldn't help but suddenly woke up.

The place where they are is the source of the Kunlun Dragon Vein - Longding!

Looking at the world, there is only this one, and there are no other branches.

No matter from the point of view of Fengshui or metaphysics, Longding in Shenluogou is the most precious place in the world.

The fake Luohai City, which was transformed by the last generation of ghost mothers in the Demon Kingdom, is located under the dragon roof. It is definitely not a random place, but a purposeful place!

Hu Bayi suddenly realized, and said with joy.

"The real evil Luohai city is here!"

"It's just that the city has been turned into ruins, and the ghost mother transformed into this fake Eluohai city on the ruins!"

Wu Xie looked at Ji Changsheng.

"Mr. Ji, what do you think?"

Ji Changsheng nodded and smiled.

"Your boy is indeed very smart, that's right, the real Evil Luohai City is here."

When the fat man heard this, he was taken aback for a moment, then frowned.

"Naively, Mr. Ji, are you saying that the real Eluohai City has been turned into ruins and buried underground?"

"But to dig a city out of the ground, the amount of work is a bit too big!"

Eluohai City is a large city with a population of hundreds of thousands, and there are only a dozen of them. Even if Ji Changsheng used his mind to clone and conjure up a dozen excavators, and kept working day and night, it would probably take three to five years to dig. It's all cold.

Ji Changsheng shook his head with a smile and said.

"Dragon Peak is very big, not just this palm-sized area. The real city is nearby, but it's not under the fake city."

The fat man hurriedly asked.

"Where is that?"

Before Ji Changsheng answered, Lama Tiebang clapped his hands immediately.

"The poor monk remembered a legend. It is said that the Demon Kingdom committed too many crimes in life. After death, they were punished and could not be reincarnated as human beings. They turned into a kind of fish without eyes, and could only live in darkness for the rest of their lives."

"Isn't that the fish in the lake outside!"

The white blind fish in the lake, due to living in the underground river without sunlight for a long time, their eyes gradually degenerated, and there are a large number of them, just in line with this legend!
"According to this legend, the real Eluohai city is at the bottom of the lake!"

Upon hearing this, Wu Xie couldn't help saying with a look of surprise.

"The master is right!"

He majored in geology, and whenever he went to a place, he would observe the surrounding geological conditions out of professional instinct.

When he came to the lake through the door of disaster, he noticed that the bottom of the lake was made of wind-eroded rock.

The wind-eroded rock is soft and easy to dig. The people of the Mo Kingdom must have built Eluohai City on the wind-eroded rock.

And this cottage city is located on a huge wind-eroded rock!

Wuxie continued to reason excitedly.

"Because the people of the Demon Kingdom worshiped the abyss, the temple was built in the deep ground. Over time, the deeper and deeper the digging, the bigger the digging, dug a big hole under the city, changed the stratum structure, and finally caused Eluohai City to sink into the ground! "

"And the big hole they dug out back then has become the lake it is today!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone remembered the record in the ancient scriptures, "Eluohai City is hidden behind the door of disaster."

Behind the door of disaster is that lake!

As the saying goes, three cobblers are as good as Zhuge Liang. With the collective efforts of the crowd, they finally deduced the true location of Eluohai City, and their morale was greatly boosted.

After Wu Xie calmed down her excitement, she thought of another question and turned around to ask.

"Mr. Ji, did you already know?"

Ji Changsheng nodded. He has read the original work, so of course he knows.

asked innocently.

"Since you know the real location, why did you bring us here?"

Ji Changsheng explained with a smile.

The real Eluohai City sank at the bottom of the lake, if you search for it underwater, it will definitely be more troublesome than on land.

Although this fake city is a counterfeit, its layout and structure are the same as the real city. After practicing here, knowing the exact location of the temple will save a lot of effort.

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help being amazed, it turned out that everything had already been calculated by Mr. Ji!
The fat man looked back, pointed at the ghost mother on the high platform and said.

"Mr. Ji, what about this counterfeit product?"

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