According to Ji Changsheng's speculation, the Moguo people opened the door of space back then. Although they were able to gain great power, some unexpected circumstances must have occurred, and they had to close the passage in the end.

What exactly happened is unknown.

"In short, no matter what power that Tianzhu man has gained, I will not let him succeed!"

After hearing what he said, everyone remembered that the matter had come to this point, and they had no way out.

Temporary retreat is impossible, no matter what the situation is, you must go on!

After dinner, everyone came to the backyard and found a well, the water in the well was very clear.

Since I came to Kalamir, I haven't had a chance to take a shower for so many days, and my body is already smelly.

After taking a hot bath happily, they went back to their rooms to rest.

Sleeping until midnight, a sudden loud noise woke everyone up.

People rushed to the yard to check and listened carefully. The sound seemed to be coming from a very close place, but they couldn't tell the direction.

After listening for a while with black glasses, he said with a face full of surprise.

"It's the voice of many people talking!"

Shirley Yang also nodded hurriedly.

"I heard it too, it's an ancient language."

Everyone only heard his voice, but couldn't see half of the figure, and immediately thought of a possibility, could it be the ghosts of the people from the Demon Kingdom?

The fat man hurriedly said to Ah Xiang.

"Sister, it's time for you to go out and see where those dirty things are?"

Axiang was trembling with fright, and looked around with her eyes wide open in horror. After looking for a while, her eyes gradually shifted to the ground.


Everyone couldn't help being surprised, it was actually underground!

Wang Kaixuan shivered in fright, and hurriedly said.

"There is only the underground palace under the ground. The ghosts in the underground palace must be protesting that we have disturbed them!"

Instead of being afraid, the fat man said with a joyful smile.

"Commander Wang, although this city is an illusion, it is exactly the same as the real one. I guess there must be many treasures in the underground palace!"

Wang Kaixuan's eyes lit up now, and he gave a thumbs up in praise.

"Good idea, fat man! Let's dig him up and down!"

"Sister Axiang, listen carefully, where is the underground palace?"

Ah Xiang shook her head in horror.

"It's not the underground palace, it's a more terrifying place, you can't go there!"

The two fat men couldn't help being taken aback. Apart from the underground palace of the mausoleum, what place is more terrifying?
Could it be hell?

Wu Xie said with a serious face.

"It's a temple."

The Demon Kingdom is not a country, but a huge cult. The temple of the cult is used to worship evil gods. It is not a holy place, but a place full of evil.

The two fat guys looked at each other, and felt a little nervous. If it was Zongzi and the evil ghost, they would not be afraid, but the evil god is not just kidding around!

Ji Changsheng smiled lightly and said.

"With me here, what's there to be afraid of? Ah Xiang, Lao Hu, start working."

With his words, Ah Xiang calmed down a lot, and began to search carefully.

Hu Bayi took out the compass to locate, and with the joint efforts of the two, he quickly found the location of the underground temple.

The temple was located in the very center of the city, a few streets away from them.

Everyone immediately made preparations and set off for the center of the ancient city.

The scale of this ancient city is very large, and the layout of houses and streets is intricate, like a maze.

Fortunately, Ji Changsheng had a human skin map left by a Portuguese priest. Under the guidance of the map, he arrived at the center of the city smoothly.

There is a four-story ancient building in the center of the city. This building is much larger than ordinary houses, but in the eyes of modern people like them, it is just a very ordinary four-story building.

Ji Changsheng pushed open the door and walked in.

The interior of the building is very simple, even inferior to ordinary houses, and there is nothing special about it.

However, according to the habits of the people of the Demon Kingdom, the real temple is underground, and the ground buildings are simpler to understand.

Hu Bayi took out the dragon-finding ruler, searched the whole room, and quickly found the entrance of the underground temple.

The entrance is on the floor, and after opening it is a deep passage.

Under the leadership of Ji Changsheng, everyone walked down the passage for several hundred meters.

The front of the passage suddenly opened up, and some light appeared.

Follow the light to the end of the passage, and the voices of people are already close at hand.

Coming out of the passage, what appeared in front of everyone was a magnificent underground temple.

To be precise, it is an underground square.

The area is about the size of four or five football fields, the inner space is more than 30 meters high, and hundreds of oil lamps are hung from the ceiling, brightly lit.

What makes people feel unbelievable is that there are tens of thousands of people gathered in the center of the square in the distance!
Those people lined up in a neat square, kneeling respectfully on the ground, forming a semicircle.

In the center of the semicircle, there is a high platform made of bluestone, about two meters high and fifty or sixty square meters in size.

There is a veiled woman on the high platform, wearing an ancient costume with the style of the Western Regions, with a graceful figure and no face to be seen.

Under the leadership of the woman, tens of thousands of people recited some scripture together.

Lama Tiebang listened carefully, and his expression changed immediately.

"It's an ancient Tibetan language that has long been lost. These must be people from the Demon Kingdom!"

The fat man quickly took out his automatic rifle and loaded the bullets.

After wiping off his cold sweat, he asked puzzledly.

"Mr. Ji, didn't you say that this city is imagined? Why are there so many living people?"

Those people in the distance are living people of flesh and blood, not ghosts, nor hallucinations.

Could it be said that the power of imaginary space can transform imaginary human beings? !

Ji Changsheng frowned slightly. In the original book, there was only an empty city, and there were no people from these ancient demon kingdoms.

But what is going on in this scene?

After a little thought, he thought of the reason.

"It seems that we are still one step late after all."

When everyone heard what he said, they suddenly came to their senses.

That Tianzhu man may have opened the door of space!
Only by obtaining the divine power of the imaginary space, can the people of the Demon Kingdom more than 3000 years ago reappear in the world!
In this way, those who kneel down should be believers in the Demon Kingdom, and the woman on the high platform is the ghost mother!

While speaking, the ghost mother on the high platform also noticed this group of intruders.

She suddenly stretched out her hand and pointed to this side, yelling loudly.

Although everyone couldn't understand her words, they could guess that she must be very angry.

Then, all the people who were kneeling on the ground stood up, turned around, looked at them with vicious eyes, and drew their scimitars from behind.

When Lie saw it, he couldn't help laughing, and squeezed his fist.

"Finally, we can have a good fight!"

"Boss, I'm waiting for your order!"

His credo in life is: never ask who the enemy is, and no matter how many enemies there are, he just wants to know where the enemy is!

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