Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 583 I've Been Here Before

This crystal door doesn't look dangerous, but the real mechanism is hidden in the underwater passage.

A maze of death!
Fortunately, Ji Changsheng was the one who went down to find the way. If other people encountered the Dragon King Whale, it would be a big question mark whether they could come back alive.

What's more terrible is that it is unknown where the other passages will lead to and whether there will be greater danger hidden.

After the fatty reacted, he broke out in a cold sweat.

"Fortunately, I didn't act recklessly. If the people of the Demon Kingdom are more ruthless and set the other end of the passage in a place like a crater, they will die!"

These words caught Wu Xie's attention, he groped his chin and said in a thoughtful manner.

"If the Moguo people can set the location of the passage arbitrarily, then their space transfer ability is many times stronger than Heiye."

"That is to say, on this planet, they can go wherever they want!"

"But...is this possible?"

When everyone heard it, their eyes lit up.

If the people of the Demon Country really had such supernatural powers, they would come and go without a trace, then no one would be able to find them, and they would not have been wiped out by the King of Conquering Jewels and Master Padmasambhava back then!

Ji Changsheng couldn't help but smiled approvingly.

"Yes, you see the point."

"The Moguo people can't set the location of the passage at will, and they don't know where the other end of the passage will lead to!"

Everyone couldn't help looking at each other, although they reasoned to this conclusion, it was useless.

If the exit of the passage is random, God knows what the other end will be!

The fat man said with a bitter face.

"Then can't we just stare blankly?"

Just when everyone was at a loss, Ji Changsheng took out something from his arms.

It was found in the underground cell of Guge Silver Eye, a human skin map!
Ji Changsheng handed the map to Xueli Yang and said.

"It's all in foreign languages, please translate it for everyone."

Shirley Yang took the map, looked at it carefully, and couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"It's written in Portuguese, and it's a map to the Phoenix Palace!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was both happy and surprised.

Why did foreigners know the location of the Phoenix Palace hundreds of years ago?
Shirley Yang immediately translated the text on the map, and only then did she know the reason.

In the heyday of the Guge Dynasty hundreds of years ago, when the Age of Discovery began, some western missionaries followed the fleet to the far east, and while preaching, they were full of curiosity to explore the new world.

But what these missionaries did not expect was that the Guge Dynasty they came to believed in the Reincarnation Sect. The Reincarnation Sect was a remnant of the Demon Kingdom. Of course, the Reincarnation Sect did not allow foreign religions to invade, so they were thrown into the dungeon and fed to Sin Baru. .

There are many death row inmates in the dungeon, not only foreign invaders, but also some locals who have committed crimes. Among these locals, there are many members of the Reincarnation Sect.

It was these death row prisoners who saw through the evil of the Reincarnation Sect before they died, and told the western missionaries the secret of the Evil Luohai City.

The missionaries drew this secret on the human skin, hoping that newcomers can discover this map, find the evil Luohai City, and completely eradicate the remnants of the cult!

After everyone listened, they understood.

Xue Liyang couldn't help looking at Ji Changsheng curiously.

"Mr. Ji, did you know the contents of this map at that time?"

Ji Changsheng smiled pretentiously and replied.

"that's not important."

"The important thing is to find the real entrance. There should be clues on this human skin map."

He didn't admit it, nor denied it, and in the eyes of everyone, he acquiesced.

Lama Tiebang couldn't help admiringly cast his body on the ground. Only a living Bodhisattva has the supernatural power of prophets!

But what he didn't know was that Ji Changsheng, a living bodhisattva, had actually read the original book before he knew the secret of the human skin map.

No matter what, Ji Changsheng's image in everyone's hearts became even more unpredictable.

Shirley Yang quickly checked the map, and after a while, she found a clue.

"Have it!"

"The map says 'Passage to Devil's City, hidden among rhododendrons, tulips, windmills.'"

The fat man was confused and asked.

"what does this mean?"

Shirley Yang explained that this is a term in Western astrology. Rhododendrons, tulips, and windmills represent directions.

"The real entrance is hidden in three of the passages, and the missionary doesn't know which one it is. He just recorded the directions of the three passages."

"The biggest passage that Mr. Ji entered just now should be 'Windmill', and the entrance is in the remaining two."

In this way, it is much simpler.

Ji Changsheng immediately asked the specific directions of the remaining two passages, and immediately prepared to go into the water.

At this time, the little brother said suddenly.

"I'll go as well."

Ji Changsheng agreed to his request without thinking too much.

But the little brother doesn't have the ability to divert water, so he conjured up a set of professional diving equipment with his mind copying, and replaced it with the little brother.

After some preparations, the two jumped into the river together.

According to Shirley Yang's description, they quickly found the remaining two passages.

After looking at it, Ji Changsheng said.

"Just in case, let's go together and don't get separated."

He is not affected in any way underwater, and he can speak freely, but the little brother can't, so he can only nod his head.

Ji Changsheng picked one at random, and got into the passage.

The little brother quickly followed in. The diameter of this passage is more than one meter, and the depth is the same as the previous one, only tens of meters.

Soon, they came to the end of the passage.

This time there was no black hole, and there was deep green water outside the channel, without any fish activity, it looked like a pool of stagnant water.

The two looked at each other and immediately swam out of the passage.

Outside the channel is a large pool with a depth of about 30 to [-] meters. The water here is turbid and warmer than the underground river.

Looking back, the entrance of the cave is on a mountain wall.

It seemed that they had found the real entrance, and Ji Changsheng quickly swam towards the surface of the water.

After the two surfaced, they looked around and felt a little disappointed.

It was an empty subterranean cave with a large pool of water, and the scale of the cave did not hide a city.

It seems that this is not the real entrance.

Ji Changsheng was about to return from diving when the younger brother said suddenly.

"Mr. Ji, I've been to this place before."

Ji Changsheng couldn't help but be stunned.

"Have you been here? What is this place?"

The little brother replied slowly.

"This is the Snake River in Yunnan Insect Valley!"

When Ji Changsheng heard this, he suddenly remembered.

More than 70 years ago, my little brother went to Yunnan Chonggu and dug out Chen Yulou's eyes in a cave!
Could this be the cave back then?
This can't help but make him wonder for a while, this world is so big, why does the passage set up by the people of the Demon Country lead to this place?

Is there any connection here?

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